
1 Post – 565 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Ya, I tried it. Not great. I also tried the Synology Chat which is basically slack.

I wish the climbing wasn't so clunky.

In Taiwan, nobody uses iMessage. It's an app called Line and it's basically the WeChat of Taiwan.

So we can basically hop from Apple to Android without issues with our messages. So that's why the % of Apple users are not inflated because of the dark patterns they are doing in the US.

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I'm super conflicted about this. I want cheap EVs, but at the same time, China is intentionally dumping their prices to kill competition so they can later jack it up.

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I mean, EVs are not going to save the earth. Investments/innovations into our infrastructures will.

Nuclear power is the only thing currently that can save us. Unfortunately, we have ill-informed people not understanding what nuclear is.

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I dropped my phone while it was connected to my laptop charging. My laptop was taken down with it.

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From a person who does zero coding. It's a godsend.

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Unfortunately, I don't trust Apple either. I think Telegram or Signal might be a good option, but then again. They are just a CEO away from it being shitty.

I wish there was a better solution that is OSS but it won't catch on.

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Well, having an app that isn't tried down by an OS would be great. You could install Google meet on an iphone. Apple is just trying to take more market share.

Unfortunately it lacks things like video chat. :(

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Damn that URL didn't link, but I think I can imagine what could be worse.

Nuclear can power hydrogen generators that power a hydrogen car.

Don't even need to make any nasty batteries from cobalt. Or mine for lithium.

That's the problem. Storage. Current battery tech just doesn't scale. Nuclear fills those gaps for night time and cloudy days.

We literally can just run 100% electric right now with zero emissions today if the world went nuclear. We already have the tech today. It's scalable today.

No need to wait to develop new battery tech. Our future is in our hands right now.

I think they sell the perception of privacy. They might not sell your data, but they certainly use that data to sell to you. They only care about profits and any privacy that you think you might have is just a byproduct of that greed.

Apple is an optics company and damn good at it too.

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KIA is also dumping. Those prices are not sustainable. Doesn't make it right if others are doing it.

Please leave us alone. We are doing nothing to you. We just want to exist with your torment.

Kids should never experience this stuff.

I know zero coding and trying to query something in snowflake or big query is basically not accessible to me. This is basically a cheat code for me.

I remember there was a virus that had a tiny cat on the screen and it would chase your mouse cursor. Once it catches your mouse cursor, the computer would crash. It was freaking awesome.

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Honestly, if another CEO steps in and Elon retires, the company might actually recover. Right now the image of Tesla is tied too closely to Elon who we know is an asshat.

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I blame the gop for radicalizing the shooter.

Audiophiles don't listen to music. They use music to listen to their equipment.

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This is DISGUSTING. Someone please post her handle or website so I can avoid it.

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That or nobody uses cash anymorr

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As the only Asian person in my elementary and middle Long Island school, I was subjected to pranks all the time. I found that the less I react to their pranks, the less they would continue the prank. It didn't stop the prank. Just less of it.

I know those school shootings are awful and I would never wish this horror to anyone. But as someone who was constantly bullied, I have a slight hint of understanding why they would have done it. Again, I don't think what they did was right, but I certainly understand why they would.

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Ffffuuuccccckkkk China the government. Get your fucking jets out of Taiwan airspace. Each time you do(5am), our jets have to scramble and it wakes everyone up. Fucking stop. We trying to sleep.

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I'm not giving this lady excuses but I also almost killed my baby on the 3rd day. All the books say never sleep with a newborn because you could accidentally lay and suffocate your baby. So I avoided the bed but instead I was holding my son in my arms while on the couch and passed out from exhaustion and I found him stuck between me and the couch. I'm so lucky that he could breath and I wasn't completely crushing him.

Since that day he has never slept in the same bed with me and always slept in a crib or his own bed.

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She might be pregnant. She could lose a baby if she fell.

GenX/millennial here, you ain't missing much. It's loud and impossible to meet anyone unless you're already good looking.

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I paid 1200 USD a month for a family of 3 for my health insurance to have the privilege of paying more a hospital bill.

I had to go to the ER because I slit my pinky on some glass and waited in the ER for 5 hours. They had to rip then dried blood and paper towel that was stuck on my finger because it took so long.

After all that, I had to pay 3000usd of my own money which didn't cover my minimum. Why DA FUCK DO I EVEN NEED INSURANCE!?!?!?

The fucking nurse on staff that came to help me for a few minutes was not within my network. Ya fuck that hospital too.

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We saw that shit here in Taiwan. Fake AI content that was circulating Line messenger and TikTok.

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My family used to export cherries from WA state cherries into China. We have met farmers who literally hate Mexicans but hire them each season. One of his many stupid reasons was because they are taking jobs away from the locals. When I asked him point blank why doesn't he just hire non-mexicans he said no locals want to work picking cherries regardless how much he pays.

I said to him if there is no demand for these jobs, who are the people that are taking the jobs from? His answer was... "Um... I guess I never looked at it that way."

I also added that these migrant works are quite literally keeping food on your table. Without them he would have to drop the cherries each year(drop means they claim insurance and just let the fruit rot). He didn't say anything after this. I think I struct a nerve.

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I remembered this scene and saw the saw and immediately said that that specific saw is made to cut metal.

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Good. Fuck them and all social media controlled by any big mega corp. But fuck the CCP especially.

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Trump already said she would never pick Nancy Pelosi to be his VP.

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I feel like I voted for Bernie instead of Biden. Wtf is going on. This is amazing.

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You know, they are not sleepwalking. Its pretty intentional. Hitler's had a large following....in the United States. They even had a convention once.

You don't understand. The right WANT to be ruled by a dictator.

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"Lol, no." -Tim Cook, probably.

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I mean, he isn't wrong. I'm currently in Taiwan and nobody talks about TS, but talks about how much Trump is an idiot. So I guess he is more popular, but for the wrong reasons.

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i sit down because I'm an adult and clean my own toilet. Standing is gross.