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Joined 10 months ago

Someone is going to find stuff like this in the future and think we're dumb as fuck. They'd be right, but not because of this.

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They trying to expand that in my state now. How about we just put that money into public education? There are certainly some people that need special schools but most people don't.

^Enjoy ^your ^echo ^chamber

Fart bombs are no laughing matter.

He Mastered in it.

They know Robocop isn't a training manual, right?

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If you have someone making life choices for you does it not make sense that you shouldn't be allowed to vote? Someone has successfully made an argument you aren't fit to run your own life. Not sure why they should be allowed to affect the lives of others. I'm not sure what the difference is, at least in some cases, between people with a guardian and children <18 y/o. And IDK of many clamoring to lower the voting age.

If you want to argue that guardian and/or conservatorships are misused far too often then I'm with you on that.

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Why are undercover cops pulling over a guy for not wearing a seat belt to begin with? Unfortunately, we're still waiting for an answer to that.

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A place that prioritizes profit over care has worse care service? Never would have guessed the outcome.

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This is the saddest attempt to thwart a practice you don't like. None of it makes any sense. As far as I can tell, having used the service many times though never actually skiplagging, it doesn't do anything different than any other travel site. Pretty often I'm just redirected to the airline website with the specific flight selected for me. Skiplagged ends up just being an aggregator at that point.

Their reasoning for disliking skiplagging is stupid too. If the person didn't skip a leg of the flight the seat would be taken and it would cost them fuel. More expenses for them. If they are arguing that they could have gotten more money by having someone actually use the seat for that leg of the flight then perhaps they should change their pricing so skiplagging doesn't make financial sense for the passenger.

I've heard reasons for why things are priced like that but that sounds like a them problem, not ours.

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Not related to ADHD but similar none the less. I'm eating some leftovers (literally fork in mouth) and my mom asks me if I want to heat it up. I said if I wanted it heated up I'd have put it in the microwave. I'm 37.

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Why pay $200k when you can pay $20k and then refuse to repay the other $180k?

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Why would I spend any effort on keeping tabs on people who made my life miserable?

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Rather than try to explain it, I think it's easier to say this. Imagine something you cherish dearly. Now imagine it slowly eroding away into nothing. Would you not be angry and want to prevent that at all costs?

Seeing something so useful go the way of the dodo just because the people in charge of the company want to be rich is infuriating. This could really be said about far too many companies. But IMO, Reddit's situation is more sad because the users are what made the site. The owners/creators just made the platform.

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Could be a bug but the more likely explanation is that the field doesn't update until you try to leave it. So you put in a wrong date first, try to leave the field, get error message, then type in valid date and save a pic before leaving the field.

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The human race will get what it deserves. You think everyone will accept climate change after it kills a billion+ people?

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People have different tastes.

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My friend's kid used to take ~1 shit a week. What happened is, he got constipated one time and had a very painful shit. Naturally, he didn't like it, who would, but was too young to understand the situation was abnormal. So, logically, in order to avoid pain while shitty he decided to avoid shitting as long as possible, which resulted in painful shits because it's a week's worth coming out at once.

Ended up being self-fulfilling. This went on for at least several months if not longer than a year.

So, to answer how not to shit for 3 days; apparently willpower is enough.

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Akira Toriyama kicks the bucket but this asshole is not only still kicking, but remarried at 92? Cruel fucking world.

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These stall tactics are a damn joke.

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Bit of a useless article. Other than some basics it doesn't even include what her children died of or what evidence they used to convict her. Kinda important since the whole point is the wrongful conviction and how it's now overturned.

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I hesitate to think what Canadians will do once the step runs dry. They might stop saying sorry altogether.

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Good to know kidnapping is still against the law. What a waste of time.

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Didn't know hell froze over.

What shitty article. No explanation of anything. Get this shit out of here.

There are 4x the pixels so.....

I don't disagree with the change either. Having a large number makes it more difficult to compare. After 2160 it's 4320. 2k, 4k, and 8k are far easier to remember and figure out the differences.

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The trust is already gone.

I still get all that and I have Spectrum. It's also common for the envelope to say it's "important." No, ads are not important.

Or, you know, make both illegal.

This is not going to be utilized for surveillance – in no purposes whatsoever. This is not to surveillance individuals. This is a response to door alarms that occur at the airport

I don't buy it. Why not a camera on the doors then? The thing moves 3mph. If it's got to travel to the door I doubt the person who opened the door is still going to be there.

What is Twitter?

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A law didn't stop the school in Texas from doing it.... more than once.... to the same kid.

That a random worker at Google would not only see this, but also make changes based on it. That kind of stuff only happens with indie devs and open source projects. Plenty of companies take things like this into consideration but workers aren't going solo.

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This is on brand.

I forgot this game exists.

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I love parking as close as I can to these people. My car is already scratched and dinged up from random shit over the years.

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Just for you

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Cause only cops can say they are cops, right?

Or any Bible verse that contradicts their actions.