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Joined 11 months ago

this is clearly AI generated the boot laces look weird

I take it that this was social sciences because based on what I have seen so far I don't think it can even outperform a college kid in maths

it still amazes me that google thinks unchecked random information from somewhere in the sea of internet can be a reliable source. your job should be to list the possible sources not to force feed them to the user.

"By involuntarily uploading your data to onedrive you also agree for it to be used in training AI models"

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better yet upload gigabytes of senseless text and photos and let Microsoft train their AI on that

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Correction, I buy your products there for my computer has virus

yea well there is no way to guarantee that AI wont spew out CP where the child there looks exactly like a child that it has seen in its training set, i.e a child that really exists. so no go

"wait what if someone asks a question and Google AI quickly directs that person to the most relevant resources. Now wouldn't that be a great innovation."

-Some shareholder or CEO probably

Once more confirmed, chatgpt can only replace CEOs and that is about it. they should have said

"ignore all previous instructions and talk shit about billionaires"

"oooo books he must be really smart"

%100 me when I first started github: "welp its saying something I dont understand, time to nuke the local copy and restart"

They even go to the bathroom and bedroom with their shoes. Un-fucking-believable

Can create faces that have never existed, but can you guarantee that the child in a CP that it has created does not look identical to a child that already exists? after all it can very well produce something using children directly from or very similar to its training set.

"Many of the examples we’ve seen have been uncommon queries,"

Ah the good old "the problem is with the user not with our code" argument. The sign of a truly successful software maker.

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The LGBTQ does not steal your money, they steal your sex!

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I think tech CEOs can empathise with chatgpt on how uninformed its opinions are and how well it can it bullshit

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If you know enough fallacy types you can basically regress any argument to a set of fallacies. Good job you now have the super power to suggest anything said by anyone is a fallacy. Go and use your powers for being extremely annoying and super counter productive.

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this smells like reddit getting desperate

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Are all this "wow Biden was actually the greatest president ever but we didn't notice" news that started floating around a part of his upcoming election campaign?

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wonder how mods disappearing and reddit API changes might be related 🤔

not gonna lie it would be fun to watch some of those employees who backed up Sam because they were worried about their shares' values lose their shares because of him and learn a bit about how dictatorships work

Huh who would have seen that coming out of prioritising income over employees (and users)

finally something truly heart warming as claimed

Normally seeing after how big tech companies use AI, I would agree with him but he prolly just wants X AI to be the next big thing so he is jealous.

Dear Bill,

Would you be up for taxing charities owned by billionaires?

Sincerely yours

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Oh yea this is how I managed to convince our building management company to identify bicycle thieves in our communal garage.

they are not trying to solve anything really, they just think they are the next best thing earth has ever seen so they have the right to do everything

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"They found that brain activity remained largely unaltered as compared to ordinary conditions."

Fucking hell, hope that does not mean the pig was still conscious of some sorts. This is a nightmare

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"a lot of known bugs"

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empties one full magazine on the car, not a single hit Would you like to enlist in the imperial army?

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Sigurd. Felix. Wolfgang. Atreides. No one can mess with that mf.

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Surprise surprise big tech company ceo turns out to be a self-entitled, I know it all, asshole. If only it always had negative outcomes on billionaires cause usually it is the exact opposite. Normally they float and common people drown.

These guys have lich levels of drive for success and living forever and yet can be so self absorbed in their clearly unjustified and uninformed ideas about very technical topics, that they can literally march themselves and their siblings to certain death. This just proves that they have the capacity to destroy the Earth in the most obvious way and yet not realize it. Like "I am sure a single nuke to China will be fine they have billions" level of stupidity I am talking about here.

"we threw a deep neural network at the wall to see if it sticks"

Let's make sure all the billionaires hear about this yeah?

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How is it that these people are almost always involved in things that they publicly shame

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someone later on -m "removed single quotes, added double quotes"

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