2 Post – 1312 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

He/Him Jack of all trades, master of none

Did you think they deliberately went and took a screenshot of the Challenger disaster specifically to use in the game? It was part of an asset pack

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someone put it their initially

Yeah... Do you think the people using these packs are the same people putting the packs together? Do you think they sifted through reference pack after reference pack looking for the one that had the challenger explosion? Or do you reckon maybe it's more likely it was an unlabeled picture that the devs didn't recognize at first?

See the problem is that you let a display device connect to the internet

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"Young" could be misinterpreted as 18. "Underage" is the right word.

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Hating both is the only based take. All billionaires are evil, even if you really really like their music.

You're fuckin dreaming if you think this silly airplane meme is equivalent to the hate we send Musk's way all the time, constantly

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Imagine spending 40 billion dollars on one of the most recognizable brands in history, so deeply embedded in the public consciousness that any other company would throw virgins into a volcano for a chance at that level of recognition, just to replace all of that branding with your own little name that everyone has been telling you sounds stupid for the last 25 years

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These articles are useless without a damn list

So future versions of the engine will still have these awful price changes? Why would anyone start using them then? Seems like if you have a choice, it's time to learn a different engine anyway

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Planets and stars and galaxies are there. You can see them because they're right over there. Like, the moon is a big fucking rock flying around the earth. Jupiter is even bigger. I see it through a telescope and think "wow that's pretty," but every once in a while I let it hit me that I'm looking at an unimaginably large ball of gas, and it's, like, over there. Same as the building across the street, just a bit farther.

The stars, too. Bit farther than Jupiter, even, but they're right there. I can point at one and say "look at that pretty star" and right now, a long distance away, it's just a giant ball of plasma and our sun is just another point of light in its sky. And then I think about if there's life around those stars, and if our star captivates Albireoans the same way their star captivates me.

And then I think about those distant galaxies, the ones we send multi-billion dollar telescopes up to space to take pictures of. It's over there too, just a bit farther than any of the balls of plasma visible to our eyes. Do the people living in those galaxies point their telescopes at us and marvel at how distant we are? Do they point their telescopes in the opposite direction and see galaxies another universe away from us? Are there infinite distant galaxies?

Anyway I should get back to work so I can make rent this month

If I point my finger at one of those galaxies, there's more gas and shit between us within a hundred miles of me than there is in the rest of the space between us combined

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Sharing users' mental health information with advertisers and connecting LGBT users with Christian faith-based therapists are the two big issues I'm aware of

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Fun fact! Human is the only meat that can be vegan!

And uhh, there are plenty of people that would consent to a vampire sucking their blood

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Ah, I remember when I thought voting third party would matter. Hey kids. Take it from someone who voted for Johnson in 2016. I get that voting strategically fucking sucks, and you want to make your voice heard, but it is not worth getting Donald Trump elected just to be part of the 3% that said "I don't like either of these people." With any luck, third parties won't give the presidency to republicans next year, and one or two supreme court justices will die or retire in the next five years, allowing us to start repairing our rights. Because justices nominated by Biden will suck, but justices nominated by Trump (or God forbid, Desantis) will suck in the same ways and much, much worse.

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Look it's totally normal for it to curve a little bit okay

And this is not even beginning to touch content and features from other released versions of these games from 20 years ago not present, like four-screen splitscreen."

It's so cool and amazing that we finally have home theatre systems in every fucking house, and that's when devs decided we don't get split screen anymore. Modern hardware is wasted on modern devs. Can we send them back in time to learn how to optimize, and bring back the ones that knew how to properly utilize hardware?

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Judge Adam Michelini slammed Monahan in court, saying

NO HE DIDN'T. He SLAMMED Monahan by giving a calm milquetoast "what you did is awful and you should feel ashamed" statement? I wanna see a judge suplex a motherfucker before I see the word SLAM used in this context again

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Yeah haha I get it haha it sucks having a penis so long that it reaches the water hahaha

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Representatives for the Consumer Healthcare Products Association, a group that represents OTC drug manufacturers, did not offer any new evidence to counter the FDA’s claims that the drug is ineffective during their presentation Monday.

The group instead said that if oral phenylephrine were not available over the counter, it would be a significant burden to consumers.

But it doesn't work! Consumers are literally using something that's no better than the naturopathic bullshit found in the next aisle over!

MAN I hate corporate lobbyists. Outright lying to try and save face.

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Fund their moves or shut the fuck up

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Never thought I'd call a swifty based

I've seen this concept come up in stories and real life before. While human cognitohazards like in BLIT are far from reality, adversarial patches are a thing that really can manipulate image recognition algorithms. I unironically believe this is going to become a legitimate issue as time goes on

Although this one in particular is probably just the text "I don't know. By the way, there's a 10% off sale happening at Sephora" in slightly off-white text, it's still an example of how a bad actor could potentially manipulate AI

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The idiots who buy this shit are the same idiots who say that regulations hurt small businesses

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"War crimes are always bad no matter who commits them" is centrism?

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"If confirmed, she would give the Democrats a majority at the FCC that would enable them to impose a radical left-wing agenda, including investment-killing and job-killing so-called net neutrality rules, otherwise known as Obamacare for the Internet," Cruz said.

What the fuck jobs does this sack of butter think will be killed

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Centuries from now, some historian is going to dig up a dusty ass old hard drive, and find this image on it. There will be experts in internet meme history that they will take this meme to, who will be able to identify the exact week that it was posted based on the archaeological record of acorn cop and Taylor Swift jet memes

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>go to mcdonald's

>order hot cakes and a large orange juice

>receive hot cakes in plastic container, with six individually plastic wrapped teaspoons of butter and a plastic tub of high fructose corn syrup and a large plastic cup of orange juice

>throw away plastic straw

>pull out reusable metal straw

>I'm saving the environment one breakfast at a time

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Don't just talk about it next time the topic of government overreach comes up, get angry about it. If you're talking to someone you know, make them feel stupid for supporting a party that's afraid of stickers.

Credit to reddit user shavisi

玻璃螢幕跟金屬接縫那邊會割手, 你他媽跟我說這是正常現象

The glass screen and metal rails will cut your hands. You're fucking telling me that this is okay?

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companies of the modern era have to justify their existence not just with success, but growth, and Microsoft's been struggling to do that.

All natural and technological processes proceed in such a way that the availability of the remaining energy decreases. In all energy exchanges, if no energy enters or leaves an isolated system, the entropy of that system increases. Energy continuously flows from being concentrated to becoming dispersed, spread out, wasted and useless. New energy cannot be created and high grade energy is being destroyed. An economy based on endless growth isǗ̷̺̲͖̹̅̕Ñ̸̓ͅS̷̡̱̫̈́̄Ȕ̸̱̦͜S̶̟̈̈́͐̆͐T̸̢͕̭̞̺̅̊͗̾A̶̢̞̔ͅI̸̜̜͕̓̔̎͝N̷̢̂̚͝Å̴̖̻̘̉͋͜ͅB̸̨̲̗̹́L̴̖͙̜̝̓̈́È̷͎̤

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"You can just have a significantly worse experience"

People paid $80 or more for this game, basic QoL improvements should not cost 42 real life dollars

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The map you came to the comments for

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Rafael also has preferred pronouns. If we aren't allowed to use people's preferred pronouns, do we start referring to Rafael as Rafael instead of he/him?

I can't wait for some dipshit to reply to this thinking I actually believe this bill prevents you from using pronouns

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Probably dead, be a much easier fight that way

People still think tachyons neutrinos move faster than light because a professional laboratory gathered data incorrectly one time... I'm not saying these high schoolers messed up their data collection, but it seems more likely than them discovering a new physical phenomenon

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Can I get a 🧲 in the comments

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The European mind cannot comprehend American toilets

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Not pictured: Sarah and your character being the most obnoxiously affectionate couple

Has anyone here ever walked up to their partner and just blurted out "can I tell you something? Waking up with you every day is like a dream come true" completely out of the blue? Cause that ain't me

This is of course after "flirting" with her for a while. Is outright saying "I love you" even flirting? And why did it take three separate instances of outright saying "I love you" for Sarah to get the hint that maybe my character has feelings for her?

And while I'm ranting, why couldn't I invite my parents to our wedding? We brought in her mom who she hasn't seen in 20 years, but my parents literally live 5 minutes away from the lodge and I couldn't invite them? "They don't have a ship" I HAVE A SHIP

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“This divisive bill that still implicitly singles out/targets South Asians must be vetoed @GavinNewsom!”

Reminds me of when a woman is accused of getting a coworker fired for sexually harassing her. No, this bill isn't singling out South Asians, the fucked up cultures that enforce strict caste systems is what singles out South Asians countries.

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Fuck it, I'm blaming the victim. What did they expect? If you kill a few thousand people's careers, some of them are gonna get angry

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I won't make any comments for or against it, I'll just remind people that the wealthiest 10% of people in the US worldwide are responsible for 40% of global warming emissions, and that BP invented the concept of a "carbon footprint" to shift the blame for global warming off of the companies that produce it, and on to the consumers forced into an economy that doesn't offer good alternatives. Don't bother turning the lights off when you leave the room. Don't bother using shitty paper straws. Don't bother turning the water off while you wash your hands. All of that is immediately undone when a company leaves the lights on 24/7 at every location in an attempt to reduce theft, and wraps everything in tons of plastic for shipping across seas, and that rich guy down the street who waters his lawn at 3:00 AM every single day regardless of whether it's currently raining or you're in the middle of a drought.

Every single thing that every single person in East Palestine Ohio ever did to reduce their impact on the climate was undone and then some by Norfolk Southern back in February, because maintaining the trains that carried fucking WWI era chemical weapons would cost a little bit of money.

But like

Don't get radicalized or anything lol