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Joined 12 months ago

It’s still funny, but parent licenses are step one of eugenics, and licenses protect fish populations, environment, parks, lots of good. If anyone’s really agreeing with the subtext, learn more about the dangers of both.

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I had a neighbor who was terrible about staying in their lines. My dad taught me how to park real good though. So, anytime they made their depth perception my problem I’d take the extra five minutes just to make sure I was atomically close to their driver side door. One morning I was lucky enough to see them climb in through their passenger side and abuse their transmission to get out of our parking spot without hitting me. I was late to work that day but the satisfaction was worth the infraction.

Oooooh who lives in tepid water floating in dirty sinks?

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Stuff like this makes me think we’re witnessing so many crimes that we don’t have a names for yet.

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So they’re collecting photos of minors who are most likely naked to protect those minors from the dangers of porn? Flawless work; the children are now safe.

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Cop, Heffer, Sniffers

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Whiskered for her pleasure.

Edit: I’m so sorry

White wins on a patriarchal technicality, though black still has advantage

I don’t care how many times I see this posted today I’m upvoting every single one of them

News is supposed to tell you what happened not how to feel about it. When you notice an article is using a lot of emotionally charged language, that’s a good sign to check the facts (if there are any)

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His base already denies the holocaust, might as well just deny the entire war ever happened so he doesn’t get accused of plagiarism, too.

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Abhorrently grey and uncertain it’s beef

Edit: you kids weren’t ready, I forgot to ask, that’s on me.

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That plague was like 600 years ago and rats still can’t get food service jobs in France?

Hippos are super aggressive, territorial, and will bite a crocodiles in half. It’s amazing that’s supposed to be a cute, disarming nickname for a breed notorious for the same traits.

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Robinhood and Littlejohn are fucking up their fortress. Oo-de-Lally.

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Poison is sinister. How about microdosing reality?

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Well we can make it Cana’s Garage’s problem.

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Venn diagram gynecologists and mechanics, “a’right let’s take a look under the hoodie”.jpeg

He was killed once he started advocating for socialism. Just makes it more obscene.

I’ve never heard of child stealing is this different than kidnapping or an Oklahoma name thing? Like Counties are called Parishes in Louisiana

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I like to believe it’s Rick Santorum, with a growing paranoia that everything is becoming a synonym for scary lights on sex stuff.

How many weeks before an executive at Netflix gives OP a series and movie?

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I don’t but it made me laugh. What cultural blind spot am I missing?

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You know what else died in combat? Every bee that’s ever stung anybody throughout all time.

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Cliffhanger right after take off. I love that movie, but I’ve never seen a movie split that didn’t make both worse for it.

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Photos alway look 5% compared seeing glasswork. Could be valued for the techniques, materials, the art’s story, or even someone’s favorite kind of ugly.

If I paid $50 at a flea market for it I’d eventually feel like i got ripped off, so I see what you mean.

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I hear about bad faith charities and foundations all of the time. It’s insane that this is just accepted and unchallenged.

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This might be the first time in history that name calling in an argument descalated things.

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My favorite part of this was X “(formerly Twitter)” even when a bot is most efficiently paraphrasing it’s still necessary to waste two words to clarify that stupid apps name.

I think Reddit’s biggest mistake wasn’t the API moves, but image and video hosting. I can’t even guess how much more it costs them to have all of those unnecessary features to be what? Anon Facebook?

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The fucking nine month shuffle. Like giving an authority abusing monster the better part of a year to drink about it and a shiny new badge will fix a god damn thing. Fuck this microwaved Seinfeld looking shithead.

Yes, we can tell people they can’t do things. Welcome to society we’ve all been talking and decided on a bunch of things people can’t do in a free country. It’s public roads, it’s entirely reasonable to have restrictions on self driving cars, just like you can’t ride a tandem bicycle in the HOV lane.

I too am an America 🇺🇸 Edit: I think I’ll start leaving these little mistakes to do my part in making ai worse.

“He’s dressed like a hotdog!”

Keep it down what if they start organizing?

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In his Lego collection: Batmobile with doors that don’t close right. Bionicles with free spinning gears. And a dead bird.

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Seems like he was starting to get black listed from Korean studios and sentencing for drug use/distribution is between 6 months and 14 years.

NY Post article I found about this and the Korean War on Drugs.

Wait so could I hire some suckers to do my hours so I could keep my salary and hours?

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Idk I’ve had a relationship where climax scores were kept. The opposite of casual sex might be a relationship between petty people.

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