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Joined 7 months ago

Mmmm, pie.

Snowden verifiably paid a higher price while serving the interests of the people. Sacrificed far more than Trump ever has or will. He was a fairly connected govt contractor living in Hawaii, living a good life before he had to flee.

Somehow these evil chucklefucks are able to rack up multiple felonies, defy court orders, do whatever they want and really face no repercussions. If his lawyers ever manage to convince him to actually do his time it'll be in the cushiest, softest minimum security camp. This guy is who people are talking about when they say eat the rich; he's like a cartoon villain, he's evil because it's fun and easier.

Huge agree about pushing their merch! They're shameless. I used to watch every day for years but stopped a long time ago; when every episode became a food episode. Their podcast (Ear Biscuits) is a bit better, it's more them talking about things long form, just being 40+ year old fairly normal (if not very successful) guys. They've talked about quitting GMM, I think once their various kids are done with school they'll pack it up (the main show at least). They both have other passions but it's really difficult to stop when you've built a successful, working media company with your childhood best friend, even if they're both ready to retire.

They actually bought Smosh and brought Ian and Anthony back, and then sold Smosh back to them a few years later. That was a really cool move to me and and got them a HUGE pass in my book, they're stand-up guys.

Full disclosure: despite not watching much of their video content anymore I still went and saw them on their most recent tour (about a month ago, it was a gift) and had a great time. They did some of their games but modified them to be specific to my state, did a food ranking with some local-foods, and of course had a couple musical numbers.

I told you I don't owe you an argument, go find it elsewhere. It's the weekend go outside and go for a walk or something.

Prove they are trying to remove Anne Frank from libraries.

Do you even read the titles before you come here saying dumb shit?

It might be true, but I think that sounds like propaganda.

Yeah obviously you have problems distinguishing truth from propaganda, we're all aware.

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My fear (not fantasy) is a truckload of redhatted MAGAts rolling into my (liberal, gay, city) neighborhood and taking potshots a the local "lifestyle center" while the police look the other way or pat them on the back and buy them Burger King on the way out. You wanna talk about gun control cool but that's a way different conversation than anyone is having right now, now kindly piss off.

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includes a recent illustrated adaptation of Anne Frank’s diary; both volumes of Art Spiegelman’s Holocaust graphic memoir “Maus”; “The Fixer,” Bernard Malamud’s novel about a historical instance of antisemitic blood libel

No it seems to be the Diary of Anne Frank and 600+ other books.

why do you want books about minors exposing themselves to one another to be available to minors?

Have you read the book because that definitely "sounds like propaganda" and we've already established you have problems discerning the difference between that and reality.

But hey, why do YOU mindlessly parrot talking points put out by far right Latino zionists like Luis Cabrera? Jk we all know the answer, dumb little tankie parroting a fucking evangelical, fuck off.

Idk it seems like everytime a trained, well-equipped military goes up against a bunch of farmers the military loses so I'm not sure I agree with you.

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I’ve told my solution but you instead want a silver bullet. Everyone wants a silver bullet.

You haven't though, just said some vague phrases and hinted that if everyone else just thought like you the problem would resolve itself.

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Students of history disagree. Remember when they told us we'd smash Vietnam in a month? Remember when they said the same thing about Iraq? You can come up with all the "but it's different this time!" you like, I agree we probably won't come to an agreement on this, have a nice day.

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Actually you made the statement "Citizens will not stop a coup attempt using guns. You’re watching too many movies. Be realistic." And I replied idk farmers seem to have a pretty good track record. Then you doubled down to start arguing which I'm not interested in because it's been discussed a million times and we likely will not come to an agreement. So again, have a nice Friday.

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We are at rock bottom.

Hahaha, oh no friend it's going to get so much worse.

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I think you meant to reply to a different comment or this is all non-sequitors and you're replying to things I didn't say.

Again that's a nice sounding statement that means nothing.

I tell people as often as I can, especially my trans and bipoc friends; now is the time. Get a couple guns (a long one and a short one) and learn how to use them. Learn some basic first aid, you really just need to know how to stabilize someone. Start networking with like-minded people in your communities. The police will not protect us, they’ve proven they’ll happily club senior citizens to the ground and shoot any protesters in the face with rubber bullets while escorting a rightwing murderer to safety.

Iran was a secular, liberal state until almost 1980 when they (mostly legitimately) elected an Islamist theocracy; it could happen here.

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Why are you ignoring my questions?

I don't owe you an argument. I've stated my position and you've stated yours. Have a nice Friday.

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This story is fucked up, when I first read this I got to about chapter 15 before I found out it was all real. That specific "school" only shut down in 2011 after their enrollment finally dropped off. No one in charge ever got in any trouble and presumably they all still in work in related fields.

I doubt it, shit was different in 1980, doctors smoked in their offices until the 90s.

Never forget just how evil tobacco companies are that they knew how addictive and damaging it was but suppressed it up for decades.

Bob is not the enemy, Bob is a lucky retiree.

Berkshire Hathaway and their 500k rental properties, are the enemy.

Spoken like an expert on the matter "Granbo"

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You seemed pretty mad about people who wear their grandma bras in the darkness of their room. Relax nobody is going to bite your style.

It's not Netflixes fault that they promote a show until it gets an audience and then pulls the plug? It's not Netflixes fault they raise their prices?

It's like you missed the last six months where everyone was talking about enshittification but sure go off how it's "others" that made Netflix suck.

edit; additionally thanks for not disputing PayPal sucks though, that was literally my only point, have a nice day.

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When someone tells you what they are, believe them.

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Nobody cares because it's not relevant at all.

I think a lot of us grew to prefer it that way.

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Both sides? What's the "other side" in this one, people who don't want their kids forced to pray to Jesus in school? People who don't want to live under the Christian version of Iranian theocratic rule? Genuinely curious what you think the other side of the spectrum looks like.

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It's the hypocrisy that I dislike so much.

If she were a shit person preaching shit ideas but living by them? I'll still disagree but it won't be nearly as insulting as someone saying one thing and doing another.

Do as I say not as I do very much appears to be part of the GOP these days and it seems like every huckster and whore is getting in on the grift. It doesn't matter how you actually live your life; as long as you can tell certain people how they can live theirs that shadowy PAC money will trickle down.

"You're attacking me!" complains attacker.

The Search Engine became a small part of Googles operations, and then Google became a small part of Alphabets operations.

Turns out advertising is where the money is.

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Well yeah, they said it was photoshopped.

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Says the guy getting his information from Instagram ads.

Was it?

32,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed and almost 75,000 injured, two-thirds of whom are women and children. Some 60% of the housing units have been damaged or destroyed, and almost all medical facilities have been made inoperable. Today, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian children are facing starvation because Netanyahu won’t let in sufficient humanitarian aid, while thousands of trucks are waiting to get into Gaza. To pretend that Israel is not violating international law or interfering with U.S. humanitarian aid is absurd on its face. The State Department’s position makes a mockery of U.S. law and assurances provided to Congress.

Cause that doesn't seem like knob gobbling.

Maybe it was when he went on Face the Nation and said:

what we are seeing in Gaza today is literally an unprecedented crisis. It's not just that 30,000 people, two thirds of them are women and children have already been killed. We are looking at the possibility of hundreds of thousands of children starving to death. The United States of America cannot be complicit in this mass slaughter of children. So it is one thing to talk to Netanyahu to pressure Netanyahu. But here is the bottom line. Year after year, we have provided billions of dollars in military aid to the Government of Israel. Right now, you have a right wing extremist government under Netanyahu. There are plans to provide him with another $10 billion in unfettered military aid. What you can say to Netanyahu, stop the slaughter, allow the massive amounts of humanitarian aid that we need to come in to feed the children. Please, please, please. Oh, but by the way, if you don't do it, here's another $10 billion to continue the war. Now we have written a letter to the president, it turns out that Israel is in violation of the law, stopping American humanitarian aid is in violation of the law. That should be clear, no more money to Netanyahu's war machine to kill Palestinian children.

Cause that doesn't seem very vile either.

Oh maybe the other commenter is just full of shit and doesn't even listen to any news sources of do even the most basic reading. Maybe they're just some bitter little troll sitting in a basement somewhere.

edit: Maybe it was in July of 2023, even before the October 7th attack, when he boycotted Israels Presidential speech to a session of congress, saying:

It is no great secret that I strongly oppose the policies of Israel’s right wing, anti-Palestinian government. We provide them with $3.8 billion in aid. We have a right to demand they respect human rights.

And all bi men are gay but won't admit it. Bi-erasure is a thing and the alphabet mafia is hardly innocent of it.

It'd be really cool if people could mind their own fucking business if it doesn't involve them.

The whole "but do you condemn Hamas?!" thing is long passed my dude.

That you'd even mention it is pretty funny and makes me think you're just a troll and not actually a Zionist.

Assholes Upset Nobody Likes Them.

Just secede if you feel that way

The land doesn't even belong to them. Between the Bureau of Land Management, National Forests, Parks, National Monuments, National Recreation and Wilderness Areas the federal government owns over 70% of Utah.

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You were manipulated to support the death penalty by a story you don't even remember lol.

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You're just as guilty friend, you're a people too. Or do you reserve your disdain for others?

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Regarding the nearly $8 million he received from foreign nations while in office he said he was "doing services for them" and "I don't get $8 million for doing nothing."

He freely admitted as much.

Alcohol can kill you pretty quickly if you're not careful, IMO it probably should be more restricted than weed.