1 Post – 398 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Sleep is NOTHING like death. You're still experiencing lots of stuff, you still very much have a sense of self, you're still thinking things, your brain is still processing lots of information.

General anesthesia - now THAT is a real close period to what being dead is.

54 more...

Why would you try to sneak a gun into any medical test area? Even if you didn't know an mri will fuck with a gun, what is the motivation to try to sneak a gun into a medical test room?

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Exactly. If there was a Spotify-like service for video where i could get 99.9% of all tv and movies of all time in one place without ads, then I'd be willing to pay like 40 bucks a month, maybe even 50. But since no video service is even remotely close to that, then i just pirate instead, which provides exactly that type of service, and costs zero dollars a month.

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The evidence shows the opposite of what you think. All polling at all times showed bernie beating trump by a much bigger margin than hillary.

And the country was itching for someone who would shake up the status quo. Hillary was the epitome of status quo, while trump and bernie were very much the opposite.

All evidence shows bernie would've done very well against trump.

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Yeah my sympathy to her and her loved ones, but we shouldn't give a single thing in exchange to get her back. Every western country has their absolutely highest DO-NOT-TRAVEL-TO warning for russia. She had to actively work to get around every roadblock just to get there. Sorry, but we can't save you from yourself

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There are organizations that provide free assistance to help people navigate through applying for disability programs. Google around to find one in your area

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Yeah this has Bigger Problems written all over it. While it is useful to have a technical answer to this immediate problem, a method to barricading the door would at best be a delaying tactic. The actual problem will still exist, and there very likely will be retaliation like the mom completely removing the door.

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PWA = progressive web app = a webpage-based app, as opposed to a native app for whatever OS you're using.

for those like me who didn't know what it meant

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Yeah that's the part that jumps out of this scenario. 57 and 63 is generally way too young to be seeing significant age related cognitive decline. Both of them having worsening cognition + worsening mood problems sure sounds like an environmental toxin. Lead poisoning is a likely culprit. I would get them to a doctor to test them for heavy metals and other common harmful environmental materials.

I don't understand this post. Google drive is still working fine for me. The site isn't dead.

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Almond is the worst of the nut milks, but it's STILL way better for the environment than dairy.

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True but also let's be honest, sometimes it works great, but sometimes it doesn't work at all, and sometimes it works but took 100 times as much time and effort.

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You might have better luck getting a good answer if you post in an India community, because it sounds like her situation is very tied to how things operate where she is.

Committing a crime while you're in a government-given position of power should be a mandatory minimum of whatever the median sentence is for that crime, plus a 20% addition.

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Tons of the Russians who are abroad are FOR the war, they just don't want to be the ones physically fighting in it. Lots of Russians abroad are harassing and beating up Ukrainians they come across.

This is a misleading headline. It's not talking about the existing Alexa products suddenly requiring a subscription for them to work, no the rumor is talking about a subscription for their upcoming higher tier Alexa Plus service with more advanced capabilities that's based on generative AI.

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Its flavor is pretty indestructible, you can add it any time you like. If you add it early to any dish with solid materials (meat, veggies, etc) then its flavor will get more into the pieces you're cooking. Oh and yeah if you're adding soy sauce then DEFINITELY add less/no salt in addition

I've been off of all social media for about a decade, but just yesterday i got a dm from someone from my past so i went and checked it out and then I checked a bunch of other stuff there too and my mental state instantly spiraled into a terrible place. Man that shit is toxic like nuclear waste.

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This is the correct answer. It's a complete lack of experiencing anything. Not black, not darkness, but simply nothing. Before the general anesthesia you'll feel high, and when you're coming out of the general anesthesia you'll be groggier than you've ever been in your life, but the time during general anesthesia simply won't exist for you.

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There's nothing in the laws of physics that precludes it. Skateboards can be extremely light and have ball bearings with extremely little friction. It's not all that unusual for a strong breeze to make a board start rolling all by itself

Sell the iPhone and get an android

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My friend doesn't get it. How would you explain it to him?

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One thing to check when using a phone meant for a different region is to see if the phone has antennas for the spectrum that's used in your country. Like if the cell service in your area uses frequency band A, B, and C, but the phone only has antennas for bands X, Y, and Z, then that phone won't work in your country. The phone doesn't have to have all the bands that your cell service provider uses, but the more bands match then the better your connection and coverage area will be.

Yes, thank you. Whether you drop it from 200 feet or 20,000 feet it's still gonna hit the ground at the exact same speed.

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Seriously, having a defected US soldier in North Korea is a huge PR and propaganda win, he must've been the dumbest pain in the ass to be not worth keeping.

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The inaccurate part of this comic is that the executioner is embarrassed about asking for a tip.

This is called civil disobedience, it's a well established method of protest. When law-abiding protests fail to stop people from being murdered, then the next natural step is civil disobedience. Unfortunately the powers-that-be have learned that the most effective status-quo response to any protest is for them to do nothing, neither interfering with the protest itself nor actually responding to the protesters' points.

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Dude why are you sharing the link to it?!

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To quote King Missile, "there are no points"

There is no point to life
There is no point to death
There is no point in continuing our meetings
There is no point in not continuing our meetings

There is no point in going out
There is no point in staying in
No point in gaining weight
And no point in staying trim

There is no point in answering the phone or opening the mail
There is no point in getting drunk or doing drugs
And there is no point in staying sober

There is no point in needing someone
And no point in being alone
There is no point in doing nothing
And no point in not doing nothing

These are all good points, yet none of them lead anywhere
None of them are points at all
There are no points
There is no point

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We're all in agreement, but as OP said, this
particular person isn't the time to make your stand on. We've all been vocally against the death penalty for a long time, but this specific person is not the one to make an especially strong "this is the line, no further" kind of stand for. I'm against him being killed like I'm against all cases of the government killing prisoners, but I'm also not doing any extra standing up for this particular person.

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As a non-programmer, why does it do this? Sorting by leftmost digit seems super dumb.

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Yup, always CYA - Cover Your Ass.

Personally i would've also gotten him on audio recording saying it, and then emailed that audio recording to myself through gmail to prove the time stamp of it was before you did the action. Also it would be good to take a picture of the work log and gmail it to yourself too. When records like work logs and corporate emails are in the hands of the company, they sometimes "disappear" when it would prove them wrong and you right.

It's the computer code for an ampersand (&). For some reason some servers write out the code instead of rendering an ampersand.

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Depends on which country you're in. I would bet if you do it in Russia there will be zero consequences.

You're fixating on the word "wealthy" (indeed a bad word choice) and missing the point. - The only people who can afford to spend months in an unpaid internship are people who come from a family that's well-off enough that the person doesn't need a paycheck to feed and house themself. Poor people literally can't afford to not have a paycheck coming in.

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So edit your post title, otherwise you're spreading misinformation.

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Not only is it horrible that the administration did this, but it's also stupid that they did this. If they didn't make a fuss over the protest then it would've come and gone with minimal disruption and without almost anyone even being aware of it, but by doing what they did it made the protest become huge news and led to a massive amount of pressure hitting on the admins who did it.

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At what time of day is the actual deadline?

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It's not meth. At all. The methyl group on the molecule makes it have massively different pharmacokinetics.

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I'm not an expert in this topic at all, but there's a few reasons i can see. One major reason is that you'd have to get a big portion of the country to admit that they were totally wrong and got badly scammed, which people (especially that particular portion of people) won't allow themselves to admit.