"Women of Distinction" award named for Ruth Bader Ginsberg goes to Elon Musk, Rupert Murdoch, Sly Stallone

Optional@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 290 points –
'Women Of Distinction' Award Named For Ruth Bader Ginsburg Going To Very Terrible Men

What in the name of all the Earth and its domains and the heavens above is this asshattery?

The family of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is very much up in arms at something called the Dwight D. Opperman Foundation over its decision to give a leadership award named after the former Supreme Court justice to **drumroll* … *Elon Musk.

. . . Oh yeah, Rupert Murdoch is also getting this year’s Leadership Award, along with Martha Stewart (weird but whatever), Michael Milken (what?), and Sylvester Stallone (no, seriously, fucking what?).

. . . The award is all of four years old, and has previously gone to “individual women of prominence.” Did we run out of those or something?


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In Australia, one of our previous PMs appointed himself Minister for Women.

He also claimed his greatest achievement for women was repealing a carbon tax as it helped women better budget the family income.

He also chomped into a whole raw onion on live tv.

Man, the Abbott days were pretty funny when following political commentary.

Funny but dangerous. I'm glad the christo-fash shit didn't take off and he just looked like an idiot.

Minister for woman. He also pointed out women bore the cost of rising energy prices because they did the ironing.