
4 Post – 139 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


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I can hear this image.

I was trying to book a trip through a travel website, after the 3rd tedious captcha I ended up using another site. I get it, the bot vs captcha war is getting crazy but if your website is unusable then i'm not going to use it.

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Was already going to cancel when my renewal was up, now i'll cancel even harder.

TIL chitin is not just a made up Morrowind word and actually makes sense as armor padding.

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Back in 2015 or so Lenovo was pre-installing superfish spyware on some systems. Whether this was an accident or intentional is up for interpretation. Whether 8 years is enough to earn back trust is up to you. Personally I re-image anything that's mine because I don't need the vendor's bloat that just does the same things windows already does. I don't really use windows much anyway these days for my personal machines but I'm probably not going to buy anything from Lenovo any time soon.

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ugh, I'm glad i've moved on from IT but I've had many arguments with 'security managers' about some bogus qualys findings. If the CVE is that a user could do a thing in an unexpected way, but they have permission to do the thing that is a bug not a vulnerability. IMO It's only a vulnerability if someone that is not allowed to do something can do the forbidden thing.

I think the idea is to filter it out (which is also not easy) but then this gives you a way to destroy the concentrated pfas left behind. Because otherwise what are you supposed to do with the material you have filtered out? It'd be cool if regulations required the cost of destroying pfas be added to the sale of pfas which might help manufacturers decide that they don't need to add pfas to disposable things like paper plates after all.

every few years i make a donut, it gets easier every time. Someday i'll do something creative with it. Donut tutorial guy, if you're out there, gday mate.

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"acknowledge all" used to behave a bit different in Cisco UCS manager. Well at least the notifications of pending actions all went away... because they were no longer pending.

I put the data in excel and make colorful charts to show management that their ideas are possible but expensive. Then do the same to show the cost of not purchasing maintenance equipment is in fact more costly than the necessary equipment.

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Electrical engineer here, can confirm I look at this all day.

Reading limit reached, please drink a verification can to continue.

PFAS is everywhere at this point. Unfortunately they're reeeeeally good at what they're designed for and they're cheap. We'll need viable alternatives so they can be phased out. I think they should be banned from products that don't really need them like dental floss and hopefully we come up with an enzyme or something that can cheaply break it down in the environment.

Side note, there has been at least one study that shows that donating blood regularly can reduce the amount of PFAS in your blood. This doesn't solve the problem of the stuff being everywhere but it's good to know you can remove it from your body over time.

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Search history? nah, who cares.
Calculator history? plz don't look, i promise i'm good at math.

I'll be black this time.

Best sleep I've ever had after buying my pillow servers. I use arch btw.

There's a couple studies showing that even though your body can't process and remove PFAS and it just keeps accumulating, if you donate blood regularly you reduce the amount in your body by a bit each time. There are other slight health benefits to donating blood and lots of places will pay you for it. So if you can reduce your PFAS intake and donate blood you can slowly get rid of it. I use arch linux btw.


i can't believe they could fit that many donuts in a person.

SteamOS is making huge strides for adoption, i look forward to more people being freed from corporate lock in.

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I'll do the opposite and make this long and bitter.

There is hope, look at restorative agriculture which sequesteres CO2 into the ground. It's a bit more work than modern farming but the tradeoffs may outweigh the effort and it's starting to get more popular.

I don't have much faith in carbon capture technologies that are not placed at the concentrated outputs of emitting sources, but i want to be wrong. The worst part about them is oil companies will say 'see, nothing to worry about'.

I think that RNG is going to be a huge factor.
First: because commercially it has a way to make money so anti environmentalists may bite off on it. B: gas stove snobs can keep their damn gas which should reduce political resistance.
III: even though you're burning methane, at the end of the cycle you've pulled CO2 out of the air, created fuel, and have carbonaceous remains that can be put in the ground as fertilizer, overall carbon negative.
4 - As long as there are humans that eat food then there will be farms that grow crops, most crops have parts that we don't eat like stalks and leaves n such, those remains can get dumped into an RNG reactor instead of decomposing into the atmosphere as methane, so even more reduction in GGs because methane is a greenhouse gas.

I really think RNG can have a huge effect as long as the reactors aren't fueled by biomass that is made by chopping down trees and milling them up. I need to find out how much biomass farm waste has...

SMR nuclear is happening, if you ignore the big oil funded green peace clowns you'll see that nuclear is an essential base load source that is reliable and safe.

Electrification is happening, more makers are making electric vehicles, more municipalities are electrifying mass transportation, even shipping is making slow progress. Heatpumps are getting viable even in cold climates.

The grids can take it. There's multiple parts to this story but 4 main parts and the gist is that the growth in demand is not giant leaps but in small steps for now. It is likely that some of these technologies will take on S curve uptake but even then there is plenty of room for growth. If you want i can talk your ear off about this one (I'm an electrical engineer at an electric utility).

You can make a difference, join the citizens climate lobby, they are working on legislation to tax carbon production which shoul help slow the bleeding. This will be hard to pass in the US, but squeaky wheel and all that. Help them get loud. Force politicians to either say out loud that they are against it or are for it and vote out the clowns.

There's also the idea of spraying reflective chemicals in the upper atmosphere to reduce the amount of heat that gets in. I hope we don't do this unless we have to because it just kicks the can down the road and corpos will say 'see, we can stop worrying now'. BUT, it absolutely can buy us more time to save ourselves, and we have the technology to do this right now.

It may seem hopeless with all of the headlines of crossing the point of no return and spiraling out of control and what not. The 'point of no return' is pretty vague and each headline is talking about a different problem. Most of them are talking about the 1.5 or 2 degree temp rise. Some even talk about run away effects like thawing permafrost and undersea stuff that gets released. While that is all fucking terrible I implore you to look at the absolute worst case of run away effect. It's bad, but it's not Venus 2.0 bad and we can buy more time if we have to.

Last, i want to talk about defeatism. It's not too late to stop the absolute worst. Yes, there is permanent damage and we are losing species and people are fucking dieing BUT it's not fucking over. Republicans want you to feel defeated, they want you to think there's nothing you can do and there is no point in trying and at the same time say climate change isn't real. Don't be a part of the republican message. We absolutely can make a difference, we have to make a difference, and we fucking will make a difference.

Your caretaker offers you cake so you kill her. Twice.

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Friendly reminder to donate blood or plasma regularly. We do need to deal with PFAS, but at least you can reduce the accumulation in your body.

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Please drink a verification can to continue.

to piggyback off this, 12V components are also everywhere else, so you can use off the shelf components like lights, wiper motors, etc without having a limited production run for high voltage components, which keeps costs down. Doing it this way made it possible to add hybrid systems to traditional vehicles like a camery or an escape. This also enables you to jumpstart a hybrid with another 12V system.

TLDR: money, compatibility, safety

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yeah, it's frustrating when they're smug about it but I'd argue that suggesting an alternative where this issue doesn't happen is helpful advice even if you don't agree with it. I do agree that 'just switch to linux' is a gross oversimplification as there will be some growing pains and there are a few hurdles that may at present be unsurmountable. I also find it amusing that you present digging up registry hacks and fighting for control over your system for the rest of time to be easier than a modern linux installer that takes about 5 minutes to click through the gui with no command line knowledge needed. I guess the point is that you should use whatever you're comfortable with, but if you haven't tried linux in a while you might find it to be less of a fight than windows is becoming.

He was so good in this movie. When he dies inside taking two tries to say 'what a savings' i can feel the pain.

I wish I could forget oblivion so I could experience it the first time again. Emerging from prison after that long tutorial. Spending hours in complicated oblivion gates.
::: spoiler spoiler Realizing that Martin is the protagonist and you're a side character ::: And the shivering fucking isles. The butterflies.

edit: idk how to spoiler tag

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My new favorite is the minimum time between password changes. My last 2 jobs set it to 24 hours, so IT guy gives you the temp password and you can't change it for 24 hours. But wait, when you try to change it the error you get is "doesn't meet your organization's minimum complexity requirements" which does not help AT ALL and the IT guy thinks you're an idiot because you can't figure out the complexity requirements. What a great feature!

NG units are usually paid from federal dollars, if NGB says knock it off the top brass at their state JFHQ will comply because most of them don't want to lose federal recognition. There may be a handful of extremists in the ranks but the vast majority of NG members aren't going to be insurrectionists, they just want to get their drill check, if the checks stop coming they will too. Most states are extremely reluctant to pay for state active duty so I bet this goes away once NGB pulls funds.

you're already calling us lemmy users, if you want you can shorten it to lusers.

can you launch it from the command line and see if it spits out any useful info before the crash?

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By grabthar's hammer...

what a savings.

Change your user agent string to chrome or edge, some of the 'unsupported features' will start working too.

from wikipedia: DuckDuckGo's results are a compilation of "over 400" sources according to itself, including Bing, Yahoo! Search BOSS, Wolfram Alpha, Yandex, and its own web crawler (the DuckDuckBot); but none from Google.[62][3][63][64][53] It also uses data from crowdsourced sites such as Wikipedia, to populate knowledge panel boxes to the right of the search results.[64][65]

Morrowind, there are some great multi player communities.

Mindustry, sometimes i just listen to the machines.

pretty much any console game on emulators, recently playing ffvii again while i wait for rebirth pc port.

shattered pixel dungeon.

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What a legend. We lost a great one.

minimal: alpine
general purpose: debian or CentOS, i'll still use it for now.