Call me Lenny/Leni

@Call me Lenny/
57 Post – 3327 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's nice to meet all you. I am she/her, can speak Toki Pona and English (non-natively), and locatable on Reddit as MozartWasARed. The links at and are pertinent to me.

Gosh dang it, I was fooled by another death rumor.

My blue screen of death t-shirt, I have it on right now underneath my denim jacket. Was lucky to find it in woman's medium, usually it's sold as man's XL.

As in a CD/record or an actual band member?

Is he laughing or crying?

Do they have a license to stop dogs from being trained on the scent of certain materials?

What about other materials? I should've been broader than wood, but what if for example it's a gemstone? Not everything is going to be metal I assume.

Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker. The movie was already getting a bad rep pre-release, and in response to potentially sales-damaging claims that Palpatine was coming back, Disney had Ian McDiarmid explicitly claim he wasn't. A bad movie where there was nobody to point a finger to became a bad movie where there was someone to do it to. Then he passed away shortly after. I witnessed this mess all go down in theaters.

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MMORPG's. Do you have a favorite?

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Thanks hugs you too

Then I'd have the high ground.

I don't know, ears underwater sound like torture. Anything with water does if I'm not drinking it.

I often hear questions worded as "how to deal with anxiety" a lot, and it feels like someone asking how to survive a fall when it's the sudden stop that kills you. More on point, my last anxiety attack was after my mum's funeral where it was discovered my siblings planned on ghosting me. It is unclear if this was repressed emotion or something new inspired this sentiment. I went home, and, after thinking about it, just cried. No bandage can do more than keep the wound closed.

If it means anything, I am a thinker at heart. Let me think my worries over and maybe I'll find peace.

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Have you ever played Eve Online?

What are gunnery wings supposed to do? Are they like a badge, a decoration, something that goes on a car, or something else?

Me and my BF have had a similar experience, I had my recording equipment and he had his metal detector, and I guess both of these things are semitic stereotypes because we were both hated upon for these two things. Neither of us were Jewish, I'm a Christian (more or less if one wants to argue the semantics) and he being an unspecific mix of things.

They might as well just require a license for people to go searching for things. And what if the artifact is made of wood?

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That honestly sounds like the kind of revolver someone could sell.

I think drugs are mutually exclusive from coolness or mental issues. Heck, animals sometimes consume drugs for recreation.

What they mentioned is unusual. I'm sure some people somewhere pay, but it's against the norm and even against the rules. Some of us have to fight for even just the anonymity to be dropped.

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No and I probably couldn't if I wanted to, with the caregivers gone and everyone else shunning me.

It depends on the state.

Conscription, at least if you ask me, is acceptable if you benefit from the nation. If you live in a nation with a legal/healthcare system you cannot rely on, a social system that's not equal opportunity, etc. then you could argue it's wrong for them to draft you, but to those people who have their public sector serve them with high accommodations, yeah, go return the favor.

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I was going to say 42.

Name checks out. But I don't know what I am. I'm not outside of saying I have a lot of flaws, but ironically most of the things about me people complain about are the non-issues, which complicates things. Be the best person you can be, what more can we ask for?

TV Tropes has a rule against "believing in conspiracy theories".

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Love means feeling like the characteristics of someone or something inspire ease.

when movie trailers for bad movies either only show you the good reviews or stop showing up on TV once the movie is released.

It's the one made by M. Night Shyamalan.

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All of them.

Not really, money probably doesn't exist in Heaven.

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Either the water benders or earth benders. Water bender because of the environment but earth benders because it fits my personality and because being among the water benders would probably require me to be able to do watery stuff.

That would be one short party if going by what one would call my denomination, Hell just being a temporary holding place if anything until purity has been achieved. In the context of any tradition, it sounds weird to think of Heaven as a place that for some reason needs a system of exchange when every demand is taken care of.

I would still fight injustice but make it clear through my expression of doing so that I don't support the current regime anymore than I otherwise would. Countries should consider themselves gratefully lucky the world accepts their existence and I'm not joining a collective just to be in a one-way relationship.


That explains it.

Metal detectors, just in general. My BF has one and the metal detectors just don't like me for some reason, I could never achieve success with it, like everything was a needle in a haystack. He was always "the detector" and me "the photographer" and I guess stuff just doesn't transfer over well.

Considering the majority of them also take place in California, I'm not surprised.

I hate how in Disney family sitcoms as well as some cartoons, there's always the stock dumb kid that gives the majority of the humor, and it's humor that gets old.

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Every time someone tried to make "a weapon so powerful it would make people not want to wage war".

Several weapons are on this list, from the cannon to the machine gun to, most famously, the atomic bomb.

The fact that this happened once would've been understandable. The fact this escalated to nuclear weapons because people just tried pushing this idea is nuts though.

This is not toward so much the technology, with all tech being no less inevitable, but more to do with the intentions/hindsight/foresight of the people making something that can only be produced by an assembly in a seemingly dire setting, as opposed to something like AI, which does not stem from that and which would've come around at some time.

By extension, this extends to populism in general, a mindset that from experience I refuse to compliment. I'm surrounded by people every day who come off as thinking with their feet and not with the methodological part of them, and my experiences with this have never allowed me to be fully at peace.

Silence, it was usually my pose rather than the background noise that affected sleep. When I sleep, I often look like I was carried out of the chamber of secrets.