Do your parents help you financially? to Ask – 64 points –

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Not really, money probably doesn't exist in Heaven.

You know it does. Where do you think "virginity" was invented? Hell is where the parties're at and there's no inherent need for a currency system in that dynamic. Heaven, on the other hand, is founded on an imaginary and largely arbitrary credit system. Ergo, money exists there.

That would be one short party if going by what one would call my denomination, Hell just being a temporary holding place if anything until purity has been achieved. In the context of any tradition, it sounds weird to think of Heaven as a place that for some reason needs a system of exchange when every demand is taken care of.

Because, as I've already stated above: Heaven's existence is inherently predicated on the knowledge of "sin", and therefore a soul-themed credit score. Rhymes with "karma", maybe. Who knows? Any way you spice it, credit makes heaven — that is, if innumerable denominations, et al, are any proof of. 🤷🏽‍♂️