
4 Post – 717 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Because, as I've already stated above: Heaven's existence is inherently predicated on the knowledge of "sin", and therefore a soul-themed credit score. Rhymes with "karma", maybe. Who knows? Any way you spice it, credit makes heaven — that is, if innumerable denominations, et al, are any proof of. 🤷🏽‍♂️

You know it does. Where do you think "virginity" was invented? Hell is where the parties're at and there's no inherent need for a currency system in that dynamic. Heaven, on the other hand, is founded on an imaginary and largely arbitrary credit system. Ergo, money exists there.

1 more...

Please, don't call it that. It was, yes, technically "the president" at the time, but we don't have to call it that anymore, or ever again — even when referring to that (not brief enough) period in history.

because I refuse to subscribe to the world that needs them.

Can't see that biting you in the ass, down the way.

3 more... fixed coveting to close loophole inv. neighbors' wives, daughters, and all other livestock

(for clarity: "holy" books are largely penned by bigoted pedos. full stop.)

"We" don't get it at all, if we don't want to.

Yep, that tracks.

Something something Panama Papers...

27 more...

"Film studios" can eat a bag of rotting dicks. Hollywood was literally founded on the specific plot of land that was not only cheap AF, but also as far away from the European filmmakers (they were stealing from) as they could afford.

Fuck. Off.

1 more...

For now... 🖕🏽 They worded that so weasely, they're just waiting for the storm to pass and for Legal to come up with some compelling reason why they're totally "obligated" to make it happen, "hands tied" "so sorry" and all that.

Fuck Sony. They made this SOP way back when, and there's no way they let this stop them forever. It's all about profit, not what "we" want.

18 more...

Frankly, the further one grows past the school age, the more (I've found) one finds that all that was only practice for the actual schooling. Keep getting smarter, and never stop learning! 🤘🏼

Utah was founded on bogus reports.

2 more...

Something something Panama Papers... 🤬🖕🏼

7 more...

🎼🎶*"Do you hear what I hear? A baby cries. Where we find baby there are milk nearby. If we look in baby bag and there could be. Plenty milk for you and also some for me."*🎵

Both Koch bros. get to fight over the xbox controller on live stream.

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Saved you a click: is because they started with cops. 🖕🏽

So, you all meet in the inn deep in the vast desert... Let's go around the table and describe your characters...

DLed for posterity, so once it's down I can still share it with those interested in actually enjoying it, rather than letting Nintendo continue to ruin shit like the whiny babies they are.

edit: ahem.

10 more...

For now... 🖕🏽 They worded that so weasely, they're just waiting for the storm to pass and for Legal to come up with some compelling reason why they're totally "obligated" to make it happen, "hands tied" "so sorry" and all that.

Fuck Sony. They made this SOP way back when, and there's no way they let this stop them forever. It's all about profit, not what "we" want.

5 more...

More or less, yep. Privatizing the legal slavery of targeted populations has worked wonders for the Justice™ system here in the US. 🤦🏾‍♂️

Meal Team Hicks

3 more...

Ironic that, as OP, you miss the fucking point. 🤌🏼

Wait. Texas hasn't lynched his ass yet? Damn. I just assumed those cowboys'd getterdun already. Hunh. Must be more talk than walk, I guess.

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Who is this Lenny?

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Of course it's Texas.

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Apparently, as a nation, we're supposed to be surprised that they're trying to pass laws that "let" them do what they've already been doing for decades...

Oooh, look! The translation's coming through!!

Thanks... for... all... the...


For what? Thanks for all the what?!

6 more...

Meanwhile, I'm over here, keeping my money and watching whatever TF I want in higher def and no ads — for free. Fuck you, Amazon.

3 more...

For now... 🖕🏽 They worded that so weasely, they're just waiting for the storm to pass and for Legal to come up with some compelling reason why they're totally "obligated" to make it happen, "hands tied" "so sorry" and all that.

Fuck Sony. They made this SOP way back when, and there's no way they let this stop them forever. It's all about profit, not what "we" want.

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Every time I see a picture of this creature, I feel I have a better understanding of how multiple goblins in a trench coat could pull off passing for a human adult.

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What. Public restrooms no longer a safe place for homophobes to suck cock by proxy? I thought that was classic Republican 101 stuff right there. What has the world come to‽

Says the idiot clearly unfamiliar with the details of their cited reference. 🤦🏼‍♂️

"Life is pain, Princess."

Your argument's logical fallacies are as transparent as the author's... That's uncanny.

2 more...

Plot twist! OP is actually the "author", Corbin Davenport. 😱🤫

(Judging by their replies here, you're 100% spot on.)

It's projection.

Hollywood was founded on IP theft of European filmmakers' work and funded by various mobs, which then went on to lobby (bribe) politicians into changing certain regulations on gambling in AZ, et al, to pave the way for Vegas and the like.

Fuck Hollywood with a rusty pineapple sideways.

I'm sorry, what? 😶

4 more...

Oh, FFS. Here we go. "I did my research" == "I plunked letters into a box until the computer used words I don't know. Science, bitch!"

We're so fucked.

16 more...

Don't worry. They investigated each other and found no wrongdoing, so that's all taken care of. Move along.

"Trump will delay paying indefinitely, aka not at all, as he has been notorious for doing over the last five decades or more"