
9 Post – 516 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

No assessment method is perfectly suited to every student.

Coursework can be similarly adapted.

Yeah I know. It still annoys me though, I don't want this place to turn into Reddit.

I understand your frustration, I'm an introvert and I work in education which is about 75% women, so I have run across groups like what you describe.

The easiest fix is to find a better work place, but in the meantime the only thing I've found that works is to become boring to them; listen politely but give short, non-committal answers. Shrug and say "I don't know" as much as you can. Don't say anything that they can use to ask a follow up question. If you get a hardcore talker, excuse yourself to go to the bathroom.

Absolutely, one of the first and best examples.

I have to admit though, I do actually love that show haha

Your entire post is a series of straw man arguments that are completely fabricated.

All this moral panic is garbage.

Easily solved by using essays with an unseen question written in exam conditions as assessment instruments.

Literally a pencil and paper solves this problem.

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Anything with fucking Bluetooth. Even in 2024 getting it to connect consistently requires some kind of arcane magic

You're past your teenage years; Australia and New Zealand are younger. America is more like someone in their 20s fucking up their life with party drugs. You might make it, you might not. Either way it seems right now you need a hard reset.

What I've never been able to wrap my head around is how did they use their tiny arms, and for what?

Only thing I can think of is that they might have used them to brace themselves on the ground while leaning down past their balance point to eat. Doesn't seem like a very useful thing to have arms just for that though

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This bothers me too. In movies, when women cheat, it always turns out that the guy they were with is somehow bad for them or also cheating after the woman has already cheated, but that apparently doesn't matter, and completely absolves them of any guilt or responsibility

I think this is a pretty good definition. Heard it on an episode of This American Life. Note that it's not just about romantic love, but other kinds as well.

The visionary feminist writer Bell Hooks says love is made up of seven parts. Wherever someone is practicing care, affection, recognition, respect, commitment, trust, and open, honest communication, there is love.

There are fewer lifeforms in the universe lower than Reddit mods.

Knowing what the army is like, that could have been in 2010 lol

All sitcom dads being fat, slobbish and painfully stupid and unaware of anything to do with housework, children, or common sense but somehow they all have long-suffering yet weirdly hot wives who just roll their eyes and somehow don't file for divorce.

The Simpsons

King of Queens

George Lopez's show

According to Jim (Belushi)

Last man standing (Tim Allen)

Home improvement (Again Tim Allen)

Everybody loves Raymond

The entire premise of every one of these shows is HAHAHA DADS ARE IDIOTS HA HAHA

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I want to fall in love one last time before I die. (Terminal cancer, age 41)

All that other shit is meaningless

...and they called it, "The aristocrats"

The United States of America

The commenter I replied to wants to force OP to interact above and beyond what he wants to.

That's how 5 year olds navigate life. Adults understand that everyone is allowed to make their own choices.

You're stronger than you think. God speed, friend.

What about mister Snrub?

Some people need socialising

Great, so find some people who want to socialise. Having that need does not give them the right to force OP to socialise if he doesn't want to. He's not stopping them from doing it, he just doesn't want to partake in it himself, and he has every right not to.

OP owes exactly nothing to his co-workers other than doing his job and being polite. If you think he does, then you're the problem.

Why do you think it's OK to force someone else into interacting with the world the same way you do, just to please you? That's not what OP is doing.

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Plus you get a whistle!

OP proposed many ways to let his co-workers know he doesn't like chatting and none of them are what you quoted. In fact, he expressly created this thread to figure out how not to be rude to them

People are allowed to keep to themselves. Why does it bother you so much? Why are you so personally offended by this? I've never understood why extroverts feel as if the world owes them attention.

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I look at things like this, on our own planet, and my mind boggles at the thought of what alien species might look like

You're doing God's work, OP

If you are engaging with housing as an investment vehicle, you are part of the reason why there is a global housing crisis.

Housing is a human right and should be legislated as such.

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Why the Nazis are back, and in America of all places

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Whelp, I've got cancer. It's the second time I've had it. About 9 months ago I was told the docs would treat me but I probably wouldn't make it.

Its been a hell of a time.

It's a blood cancer so at the moment I look normal from the outside. I've changed a lot though, in the sense that I've become more me.

I don't give a shit about anything except for spending time with people I like. I especially don't care about money or work.

It (death) is taking a lot longer to happen than I thought it would.

The real trip has been seeing other people's reactions; I accepted it early on but other people have had very different reactions. Mostly I think they just don't know how to react, or they don't think it will actually happen, or both.

I don't think the human mind is capable of understanding the concepts of "eternity" or "oblivion" very well.

I do believe in God but it's still scary.

Its the everyday things that catch you off guard; the other day I was wondering when the next soccer world cup would be, then I realised I probably wouldn't be around for it.

I think when I finally die it will be a relief from all the physical pain.

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Stop trying to turn this place into R. We left because it was shit. If you don't like this place, go somewhere else.

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IT for 20 years

Can't use a live CD

Uh huh

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What's a "hacker mindset" and why do you need one to use this app?

Update: The homepage explains "hacker mindset" by linking to the wiki article for hacker lol

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I'm not a pilot but it really irritates me when the media reports that a pilot "crash landed".

A crash is an uncontrolled collision with terrain, other aircraft, birds etc.

When a pilot attempts to land in emergency circumstances, it's just that- an emergency landing.

Sully didn't crash the plane on the Hudson river, he performed an emergency ditch manoeuvre which pilots train for.

Saying "crash landing" is an oxymoron. What the reporters usually mean is something along the lines of, "The pilot attempted an emergency landing on rough terrain but was unable to successfully bring the plane to a complete stop before crashing into trees."

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Guns are a right, but you can be jailed for getting an abortion. The US is turning into a third world country.

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Simple. Buy an older car and spend the extra money maintaining it. Reducing demand is the only language consumers have that businesses understand.

It doesn't have to be ancient; even 5-10 year old cars don't have this bullshit.

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It's a small community, which is rare on the internet these days.

Its noncommercial, which is almost completely unheard of on the internet these days.



This is the real reason why companies are trying so desperately to camcel WFH. Covid revealed the truth (that we knew all along) that these people add no actual value to a company. They're only there to act as a buffer between the C-suite and the peasants.

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OP you sound exactly like me at that age. I was diagnosed with kidney disease at 16 and got a transplant after one year of dialysis at age 27.

Things were amazing after that but now I've got terminal cancer at age 41.

Make the most of everything you've got while you still can.

The Defendant

"Bob, why the hell did you format this as 'Jim sux dicks'?! You know that's permanent, right?"

10K years later

Alien captain: Anything to report?

Alien: We need to find a being named "Jim", sir...

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He blocked funding for 9/11 first responders. Are you OK with that? Those people are dying, but "oh, don't be rude to Mitch!!". Get fucked.
