7 Post – 1401 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't think Biden did that bad. Sure he slipped up once or twice but he answered every question with a relevant policy that he implemented as well as bringing up what they were trying to do next. He was able to speak clearly and reasonably.

Trumps response to questions was to dodge and lie. I don't know how anyone can walk away thinking both sides were equal or worse that trump "won".

When I see posts saying Biden was a bumbling idiot in the debate I wonder if the person even watched the debate.

My local library is quite and has comfy seating and I already go there. So if u had no mobile data or home wifi I would do my interneting there.

You have a technology curse. Time to start gardening.

How the fuck is elden ring the most played. Is it even playable on the steamdeck?

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Time to try and convince my friends to buy parkitect for the millionth time.

Pretty much every segment of Jerry's stand up routine in Seinfeld. I have no idea how that man became a famous comedian.

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Yeah Jerry was such a whiney twat.

Anything cooking related. It all the same shit you already had but this time it's plastic, harder to clean and only does 1 specific thing.

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Wanting to murder a child I can understand but you're not supposed to actually do it. Wtf is wrong with people these days.

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I decided to test it even though I'm done with the game. On my 110k pop city I ran it for 2 hours and simulation speed pre patch was 1.2 and is now .06 - 0.8

The performance is back to where it was pre optimization patches.

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It's almost a year and the game isn't even in the expected day 1 release state.

Nah because my kitchen is full of plastic junk 😅

I think people should just comment whatever they want. Give me your off the top of your head thoughts. We dont need every comment to be an expert analysis.

Lemmy isn't big enough to gatekeep content and when it becomes big enough most people won't care about the gate keeping

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It's weird how much press cyberpunk gets. Like we get week by week updates on how the dev team feels.

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But.. photoshop is very expensive

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If this is an issue with people spinning up malicious instances. Could you switch to a whitelist of federated instances? Beehaw feels like the heart of lemmy and it would be a shame to see it go.

No matter how many times I read this I have no idea what's going on. Can someone explain this like I'm 3

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Its ok. I'm sure a lot of people appreciate the stream of content this community is providing.

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"Why dont more people use the linux desktop" its because they don't care about computers. To most people computers are a tool and they are not interested in what the underlying software is doing as long as they can run a web browser.

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It makes the barn go faster

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The absolute balls on the man to continue after being raided. It's unfortunate that the private internet requires people like him to risk their safety so it can continue to operate.

I played it for an hour and realized I still suck at counter strike

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Reading that headline scared me. For a moment I thought the instance owner was killed by the Taliban.

I'm to tired to make quality posts. Props to the people that can do that every day. Best I got is a few mildly opinionated comments.

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For me its probably someone who uses tiktok.

During my last relationship my ex started using tiktok and for the few weeks she used it i had to listen to the dumbest "facts" as well as borderline malicious relationship and life advice. The bad misinformation is nothing compared to the repetitive nature of the music. She stopped using it on her own accord I didn't force anything.

I still live with someone who is a heavy tik tok user and almost every time she says "i saw this tiktok.. " I know I'm about to hear some dumb bullshit.

The app manipulates people, wastes their time and is full of undeclared product advertising. For my sanity I cannot date someone who thinks it's OK to use that app.

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I think having a link aggregator is going to be so great for the fediverse. It allows us to gather content from all over the internet and bring to to the often secluded fediverse.

It also means we can post links to fediverse discussions and draw people in.

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There are some sick people in this world.

If your goal is to reduce cost why would you waste money doing a rebrand.. so dumb

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Why would you think it's a good political move to sign a bomb in such a controversial conflict. It boggles my mind who suggested that as a good idea.

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I'm guessing they left after bring blocked by most instances. After that you may as well just go to another conservative forum.

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Now that's a cooked thought. How hot was your shower

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Oh God. This is horrific.

You cant count out office PCs where do you think all the windows stats come from?

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A picture of a rifleman for help

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I'm interested to see if he gets banned from truth social.

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Classic google. There really is no point in trying out any of their products because they will be gone in a few years regardless of how good they are.

Decapcito will be the ice ice baby of the 2010s.

He seemed like a decent guy and that was enough for me to finally make the switch from Gmail to proton and buy prem.

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Autistic people fall hand over foot for propaganda.

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An app that tracks how much time you spend using each app. Locally obviously. I want this information so I can see how much I should donate to each project each quarter.

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