49 Post – 1318 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Admin of

I can also be found on the microblog fediverse at or on matrix at


This is a screenshot of the activity in this community. It looks ok to me...

Don’t dilute our efforts and make us lose our focus (which is what they want).

One doesn't lose focus on human rights by focusing on human rights...

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My focus is human rights. I'm not sure what yours is, but it's not that...

I started at 41, and I turn 50 next year. You've got this :)

Where I started

Where I started

Where I ended up

Where I ended up

Image descriptions

1st image: - A heavy set person who appears to be a man, in baggy jeans and a t-shirt, leaning against a wooden handrail, holding a laser skirmish gun

2nd image: A curly haired woman in makeup, wearing a teal coloured dress

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Just be to clear, the state of the union post was an explanation of coming downtime, not a call for panic :)

We've got the solution and way forward for these issues.

You don't have to move if your main concerns are impact on our resources.

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Artificial scarcity (invites) and VC funding

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I'm the admin :P

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Trans people

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I feel like I need to do more than just post a picture. In this case, the picture really does tell the story in a lot of ways, but still, there was a lot of pain and trauma that led me to this point.

I started off depressed and angry, lost in life, knowing what I needed to do, but feeling like it wasn't something I could do. And when I finally accepted that I could do it, years went in to it. A quick photo makes it look like a magical transformation, but there was close to 10 years between those photos, and a lot of self discovery, self exploration and pain. As well as joy, and surprises.

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If you're leaving skidmarks on things every day, the answer to that is better cleaning, not underwear to catch the marks.

I do sometimes bleach my undies (yay vaginas), but that's never been an issue when I'm going commando.

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If you think you look better with it on, then chances are you do look better with it on, because you'll feel hotter and more confident! So wear it :)


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Nothing? She already has access to it all anyway...

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"The first thing that jumps to your mind isn't always what you truly think. Sometimes, it's just what you've been trained to think. What matters, is what you do next"

I grew up in a really racist, queerphobic environment, and that comment really helped me by letting me give myself space to undo the bigoted indoctrination I had been taught, without getting trapped in guilt and self disgust whenever one of the racist or bigoted things I was raised with jumped in to my mind.

It let me recognise the bigoted thought as something I was trained to think, rather than being what I actually believe, and by recognising it, I could disempower the thought, and start to unlearn it

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Cheating is when you do something that betrays your partners trust.

I couldn't care less if my partners post nudes, anonymous or otherwise, so it wouldn't be cheating for me.

Other people feel differently, and so it could be cheating for them.

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Federation. I will never use centralised social media again... admin here. Let me make this simple and clear. I don't care what specific word you use, if you are using intellectual disability or neurodivergence as an insult, you're going to get moderated.

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Using GitHub is a skill of it's own, and requires knowledge of coding practices. It's hugely confronting to someone without coding experience

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Oh no, if I don't give them money, I won't get LLM enshitification? The horror!

Strictly speaking, that's simply bisexual. Femboys are boys. That being said, there is no "correct" answer here that anyone else can give you.

The correct label is the one that helps you navigate the world and your own needs the best. If bisexual fits, congrats, that's it. If it doesn't, it's not, and your search continues :)

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Capitalism and the 5 day 9 to 5 work week

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Not going to give substack any views, so I'll pass on this one

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I'm Australian. I normally manage a pie with 5 digits, unless it's particularly crumbly or runny, in which case I will sometimes use 10!

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It's genuinely Die Hard. Calling it a Christmas movie used to be something I said for fun, but somewhere along the line, watching it at Christmas has become an actual tradition that I look forward to

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They commodify and profit from Nazis on their platform. When called out for it, their response was "We don't like Nazis either, but we won't do anything about them and we'll continue to take our cut from their presence on our platform"

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Yes you do, which they explicitly and deliberately make next to impossible to access through legitimate channels

I scored the highest tertiary entrance rank in my school without studying a day in my life and had my pick of any university course or career. I went to university, and excelled at exams, but because I had undiagnosed ADHD and had never learned time management, I couldn't cope with assignments that couldn't be thrown together at the last minute in my lunch break. I was academically excluded.

So there was that. Basically, my life has continued to look like some variation of that experience since then :P

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Maybe not stupid, but I purchased a pair of bone conducting headphones just because I thought they would be better for running, and harder for me to lose. I wasn't expecting much, but damn, they have been so much better than I expected. Even though the sound quality isn't quite as good, they work so much better with my sensory processing issues, and I can just leave them on all day without concern. Because I've got curly hair, people don't even know I'm wearing them, and because they don't go in my ear canal, they don't impact my ability to hear/talk/interact with the world around me.

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No, because tipping culture isn't a thing here.

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It hasn't been happening on Blahaj as such. The transphobes come from other instances, but have been posting their BS here

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I mean, I'll just continue to not use Youtube...

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Yes, I'm aware. You can see the list here

They were removed, because a meme community on a trans run instance isn't the place for a discussion on the specifics of why you don't want to fuck trans people.

We hear that enough, every day, in every place we look online. We don't need it here too.

Was the post transphobic? That depends on who you ask, but either way, what it wasn't is "unambiguously supportive"

It's also worth pointing out that those posts were not the trigger for this thread

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If everyone who ever lived is there, it's just an afterlife... And if literally everyone goes there, being offended that some people went there would be rather pointless

People were thinking that aggressive meant that they had to be explicitly active in trans spaces and talking about trans stuff. What I wanted to convey is that someone doesn't have to talk about trans stuff to post here, but if they do talk about trans stuff, it needs to be unambiguously supportive.

I however remain aggressively supportive, and will continue to ban bigots, reply guys and "just asking question" dog whistlers as soon as they appear :)

Help me formulate the dullest response to colleagues

Now if there was ever a job for an LLM like ChatGPT, this is it

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I will forgive trans people who play the game despite the harm the author does because the IP has a special place in their hearts. I will disagree with them, but as trans folk, we each have to navigate the transphobia in the world around us on our own terms, and that includes our relationship with this IP.

I won't forgive anyone, cis or trans, who tries to downplay the transphobia of the author and the harm she does and there is zero space in blåhaj zone for folks inclined that way.

A lot of redditors hate reddit

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