A lot of that is just unavoidable lookism sadly, maybe I'm too doomer
At the individuated level, it likely plays a part, but it's got nothing to do with the systemic institutional hatred
I'm terrified of Weiner and vagina and everything in-between.
Edit: wtf is so special that Weiner auto capitalizes?
Weiner is a surname... and also a misspelling of wiener.
Big W
>the reason
I'm hated for no reason: Nah man, it's because you're paedo mutant potato looking faggot with a receding hairline in dire need of a noose.:hang_yourself:
Mmmm, no they deserve it and then some.
Kill yourself niggerfaggot, trans "people" all deserve the rope #TTD
@ada@Lanky_Pomegranate530 there's so many valid reasons, I'll probably go over the character limit on my instance if I list them off.
Trans people
But... bathrooms!!! With the children!!! /s
oh noes!
very real danger!!
i'm much frighten!!!
A lot of that is just unavoidable lookism sadly, maybe I'm too doomer
At the individuated level, it likely plays a part, but it's got nothing to do with the systemic institutional hatred
I'm terrified of Weiner and vagina and everything in-between.
Edit: wtf is so special that Weiner auto capitalizes?
Weiner is a surname... and also a misspelling of wiener.
Big W
>the reason
I'm hated for no reason: Nah man, it's because you're paedo mutant potato looking faggot with a receding hairline in dire need of a noose.:hang_yourself:
Mmmm, no they deserve it and then some.
Kill yourself niggerfaggot, trans "people" all deserve the rope #TTD
@ada @Lanky_Pomegranate530 there's so many valid reasons, I'll probably go over the character limit on my instance if I list them off.