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Joined 1 years ago

I'm confused. Have you tried what is suggested in the arch wiki? Controllers are easier to get working on Linux than in Windows in my experience... And I'm on Manjaro. The Xbox 360 controller was considered the default for such a long time that in many cases, other controllers' buttons had to be remapped externally to match the xbox 360's in order to play games. It should be completely plug and play if your adapter and controller both work.

Where did the duckduck go?

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Game and media preservation, for one. But I'm sure part of it is the technical challenge. There's still websites where you can download those old flash games to run them locally, but one day Adobe Flash player will cease to work on modern operating systems.

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Man... At this point we really should actively be telling people to stay the hell away from Ubuntu. This is some M$Windows levels of sneaky and borderline malicious behavior.

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Or now they'll admit climate change is a thing. While claiming it's making whales gay.

No, but not providing them with personal information like one's email, address, name, phone number or social media accounts, and not screaming "I live within # km of xxx!" by accessing their website with your actual IP address? That kinda helps. Plus, they're definitely blocking any reports made from out of state at this point.

Wait, does that mean we can start looking at HDR displays for regular Linux desktops in a near future?

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Yeah… For years I already suggested anything good but Ubuntu to those interested in trying Linux, but now I'm going to directly tell them not to touch it. Sure, you've got lots of online discussions from the past 20-ish years of people teaching each other how to install PPAs for up-to-date versions of programs or drivers and that's sweet. But how about a distro where that stuff is just available out of the box and one that doesn't force you to use snaps as if they didn't cause issues left and right?

I'm sure it's not much compared to what many here experienced, but it took me a long time to properly recover from this.

A couple years back on Christmas Eve, a few of my then friends, or at least acquaintances ripped apart my friend group. Doxxed me (I'm told) and slandered me for days. Basically out of nowhere from my perspective. No fights that I can recall were had shortly before and I was still having friendly conversations with the perpetrators that same day. I tried asking the "leaders" what I might've been accused of and I never got a single answer. Not even a "you should know". Just a message from my girlfriend telling me I should go offline for a while and beyond that, radio silence for a solid day.

Some time later my girlfriend told me one of them had been trying for weeks to convince her I was toxic. Manipulative. Untrustworthy. We're engaged now, somehow. She brings way more to the table than I do, but I do my best to make her days more interesting and I'm happier than I've ever been. I hope I bring her a similar comfort. I also got back in contact with a few of those old friends a year later.

But for a whole year and out of nowhere, I had to cut contact with essentially everyone I talked to online. And let's not kid ourselves, I'm an introverted nerd somewhere on the spectrum, that was basically my whole social circle. I'm told their... whatever this all was for ended up imploding, but I learned that day how easy it is to get exploited and mislead by those we trust.

Probably never. They're my third option after native packages and built-from-source packages/installs either manually or using the AUR. They're convenient and the only option I tolerate of those newer package styles (Flatpak/Snap/AppImage), but seemingly having to download a new 800+MB runtime for small 32MB applications is ridiculously wasteful and I wouldn't touch them if I didn't have at least a TB of storage.

I would be surprised if there wasn't a differently named fork up somewhere within a week. Not like the program itself was infringing on any law.

There's just no winning a legal battle against a spiteful company that could drown you in fees before you even reach a ruling.

Not only is this a really interesting idea, this has to be one of the most beautifully written and structured bash scripts I've ever seen. I'll give it a try later!

Nope, no thank you... I'm not touching anything other than native, AUR or Flatpak packages. AppImage has only been an inelegant and overall inferior alternative in my experience. The Windows experience, with Linux portability issues. "Find an installer online from some website, have it do whatever the hell it wants, polluting my home folder with random crap and hope it's not a virus" with essentially zero advantages over Flatpak or even Snap.

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Now I'm just hoping AppImage will follow in Snap's footsteps.

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I decided I preferred dealing with issues caused by the limited resources of a well-meaning community (And often largely corporate contributions, I know) rather than issues caused by some giant company's malice and greed. Goes without saying I don't use Chrome either or any Chromium-based web browser. It's not just Linux. There's no surprise "Now you gotta pay a subscription to get the next updates!" catch when I get up in the morning and I never have to figure out how to disable anti-features.

Basically every non-game program on my home computer I don't strictly need for work is open-source, often worked on by volunteers or crowd-funded and that just kinda feels good, y'know? I decided to completely switch to Linux around 12-14 years ago and I sometimes laugh when I hear of the deliberate nonsense Windows users have to deal with at every major update. Or when installing basic software.

To install any program I want, it's just a matter of opening a terminal, or GUI package manager like Pamac and typing its name or often a related keyword. It gets installed along with anything it requires. No need to cautiously find the proper website (Anyone remember when SourceForge messed with Gimp's installer to put ads in it?), download an installer and launch that. All my programs get updated for me through that very same GUI, along with my desktop environment, drivers and the kernel. Don't gotta think about it or wait for some popup in each and every program to tell me "Click here to update! 😌". And my computer doesn't randomly reboot or slow down on me.

And Edit:
Last thing, but the Windows basic desktop utilities, like the file browser, text editor and such are all so much worse than the most common Linux alternatives that it's kind of sad. I don't know how people function without tabs and split-view when moving files. And I haven't even touched on how ridiculously customizable Linux desktops are. Nothing compares out there.

The norm is to download several 30, 60 or even 120GB updates afterwards. You then end up with an inconvenient DRM disc that has to be inserted for your game to run. When instead you could buy it online, download it just like you would've ended up doing and then never have to worry about damaging a Blu-ray disc.

Don't get me wrong, I love physical copies of games... But in the era of never ending updates, live service games, indie games, and games broken at launch, I definitely understand why most of us don't prefer them anymore.

That one's in part because cruelty is by design I imagine, but also because the people giving those injections aren't medical professionals and can't legally obtain those substances. Guess that also explains how they can fuck up finding veins this bad. From what I've read and heard (In Last Week Tonight among others, I believe) they basically just use toxic crap that chemically burns the inmate from the inside and makes them asphyxiate while conscious. And of course they turn out to be undeserving of an execution around 5% of the time.

Have a good day, officer.

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Pretty much my only nitpick is that we have no "Commenting as:" and "Posting as:" warnings. It blurs the line between accounts a bit too much in a platform that already adds lots of complexity by splitting the communities and accounts between various servers. Beyond that, its search function is everything I could ask for and it looks great! I'm sure it'll only keep on getting better over time.

Honestly, I'll think more than twice before buying that thing if it really just is a Switch refresh. Not even taking into account the fact that whether it's Yuzu or not, it'll probably be supported by a Switch emulator in a comically short time after coming out. I'm still waiting for some insider leaks ten years from now revealing the Switch was indeed just some rebranded gaming tablet. Too many half-assed features, both on the firmware/OS side of things, but also the controller connectivity and drifting. It's their worst console up to now. But damn, are their games fun.

And in my case, I kinda don't like Endeavour OS. I installed it on my laptop to try it out a couple months ago. It looked to me like a convenient no nonsense installer for Arch with some nice defaults, then you stumble on their custom update/mirror manager nonsense. Then you want to use a printer and realize they left CUPS disabled, as if to give you an "excuse" to use systemctl. Then if you want to use Samba, you need to go out of your way to find a default config file. I've had to jump through more hoops and dealt with more quirky nonsense than with Manjaro stable on that distro.

It's like it doesn't know who this is meant for. People who want their hand held through a GUI for something basic as updating their system, or people who love writing their own config file for everything.

Might as well install Arch, really.

-Other happy Manjaro user

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It was almost scarily smooth for me. I laid down on the operating table, they started prepping me up and I was out before I realized it. When I woke up minutes after the end of my short surgery I had clear memories of the moments before. There was no period of time where I felt confused or realized I was passing out or waking up. I went from being conscious, to unconscious, to wide awake pretty darn fast. The only numbness I had came from the painkillers. Or at least it's how it felt to me. Modern anesthetics are amazing.

My dude, you just seemed awfully angry that I implied most cops are too fucking dumb to know their way around a computer... In a thread about police brutality so widespread we're taking count of how many times cops kill people in specific ways. I really didn't mean to insult you. I did mean the first part of my last comment, though. Have a good day. And chill a little.

I'd have gone with a Kbin server. Lemmy just happened to fit more what I like in Reddit and its interface. The servers I mainly interact with seem calm and healthy enough and I get to see fun posts, shared articles and handfuls of discussions here and there. If there was no alternative? I'd just have moved on. Either federated social networks (Or something similar, one day) thrive, or social networks are all bound to gradually become pits of hostility no one wants to or can moderate. Just takes a single rich idiot looking to capitalize on his "product" to tip the scale in the wrong direction. I like connecting with people, having calm conversations about low-stake stuff with strangers. Keeping the heavier stuff for those I know and understand. Hasn't been possible in places like Twitter for ages and if the smaller, chill subreddits I like are all bound to see more spam and negativity? Pass. I'd just get back to reading novels regularly. Which I still should, honestly.

Is anything similar Apollo? I'm on Android, but if there was one app that made me miss the few months I spent with a borrowed iPhone... It's Apollo.

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Weiner is a surname... and also a misspelling of wiener.

On Android I like Jerboa and Liftoff. 👀 Just my random suggestions.

It went hard right almost immediately when Reddit banned a couple subreddits like/r/fatPeopleHate and other similarly cheerful places. At least on Lemmy we can just let those kinda servers be in their own little septic tanks.

But if some gaming peripheral maker wants to advertise Steam Deck support they will essentially have to support Linux at least!

Sorry, what? Gosh. We're talking regular old cops downloading Tor and heading to something like blueline.onion?

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I mean, if they're using web-based proxies which could help a three letter agency get to them... Yeah? Assuming they're discussing and sharing crap that's illegal enough to warrant using the TOR network. Why did that first guy get so damn offended? We basically get a weekly video of cops doing stupid shit with their guns, breaking the law left and right and... I'm supposed to think that an organisation which goes out of its way to hire and undertrain dumb bullies is filled with people who would understand and follow the best network security practices?

There's obviously going to be a damn difference in technical knowledge between your average "beat up the brown guy" crooked cops and your average cyber crime cops. I'm sure they all saw some "online training" powerpoint presentation telling them to not stick random flash drives in their computers and to not use public wifi hotspots, but beyond that?...

So yes, I'm still surprised to learn that there's apparently some actual .onion forum for regular crooked cops out there. I would've figured that at most they'd use some signal group chat along with a VPN. Not that I ever gave it a thought, honestly. It's literally worse than would've ever thought. Crooked cops are that self-aware and cover their tracks better than I would've thought.

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Three meats with some hot sauce (Like red hot, sriracha or spicy tomato salsa) on top in thin crust. But pizza is pizza.

It's not some miracle packaging system and while Flatpak-installed programs tend to start just as fast as native ones, I consider it inferior for most cases. Its two big advantages are that Flatpaks have a runtime they specify and depend on. It gets downloaded and installed automatically if missing when you install a Flatpak. So you're much less likely to run into issues where a program won't run on your system because of an incompatibility with a missing, or newer version of some library. Each Flatpak also gets installed in its own fake environment and is essentially a sandbox when you run the program. You can use a program named Flatseal to give each Flatpak access to specific directories or functionalities, or restrict it further. But the one big negative is that this runtime uses a lot of disk space. ~800MB per runtime.

It tends to work really well and I've been told that years ago a guy would use this packaging system to bundle pirated windows games with a preconfigured version of wine, which made them run out of the box, with zero tinkering. On top of essentially being sandboxed and unable to access your real home folder, internet, camera or microphone. Just to illustrate its versatility. It also kind of already won the war when Steam Decks started using Flatpak as their main packaging system.

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On Firefox I can easily send a tab to another one of my devices using a Firefox account to link them if something like that sounds acceptable to you. I imagine the same is possible with Chrome.

I did that for a while and it does kinda work if you bring your mic threshold way down, but there is a modded client called "discord-screen-audio" which tricks Discord into almost working properly. The one limitation being that you can only stream your main monitor and not another one, or a specific app. But the audio does work!

A Linux user replacing the pre-installed OS and installing a new theme. Tale as old as time.

I'm sure EndeavourOS is perfectly fine for the people who work on it and their core user base. That's not my issue. It's still happily running on my laptop. I just keep on seeing people say "Don't use Manjaro, use EndevourOS! It's much better." But your average computer user would lose their shit at having to deal with those ^ issues. "You just had to enable it at installation if you wanted printing. You didn't see the checkbox?! Oh mah gaaa" ...Seriously? It's not a checkbox to turn it back on if you miss it and should be opt-out to begin with. Are you going to tell me CUPs is a significant memory/storage drain and a gaping vulnerability in a residential network? If one's not familiar with Linux, CUPS, pacman and Systemd it's a huge headache for most people to get this working.

I just think that EndeavourOS shouldn't be presented as a Manjaro alternative for your average person, when it's an opinionated Arch-based distro with spotty defaults aimed at somewhat experienced Linux users that want nitty-gritty control over their system. (Users which, again, might as well be using vanilla Arch if that's fun or important to them) And it has some weird update/mirror manager that prevented me from just using pacman to update my system at one point and I had to figure out whatever it was they wanted me to use. Never had this kind of crap happen to me in Manjaro. Nor was printing disabled by default. Nor were network shares hard to get working.

"Didn't used to".

I recently just straight up installed and ran Genshin Impact without any workaround. Just kept it isolated using Bottle. And it ran near flawlessly from what I could tell.

There's a line right at the end of an extremely obscure animated film from when I was a kid. It ain't a great movie. And I didn't fall in love with it even at the time, but that line somehow stuck in my mind to this day and I re-discovered it a couple months ago. I'll just hint that it takes place in a sky world and Mark f*ckin' Hamill does the narration. "Comme des anges" is the line in question (Since I saw it in French as a kid) but it probably translates to "Like angels" in English. I tried to find it and it was impossible to stream or buy that movie in any form nowadays.