Ragdoll X

@Ragdoll X@lemmy.world
26 Post – 234 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Three raccoons in a trench coat. I talk politics and furries.




Although I haven't read Lolita myself I recently came across a great video explaining how many people misunderstand the book as being some sort of tragic romance. LOLITA: The Worst Masterpiece

It's ironic that one of the most famous and successful writers in the world made this same mistake of trusting and sympathizing with the pedophilic murderer protagonist while claiming that she wants to protect women and children from the evil trans agenda or whatever.

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As they state towards the bottom of the page this specific poll was conducted online:

On June 28, 2024, Data for Progress conducted a survey of 1,011 U.S. likely voters nationally using web panel respondents. The sample was weighted to be representative of likely voters by age, gender, education, race, geography, and 2020 recalled vote. The survey was conducted in English. The margin of error associated with the sample size is ±3 percentage points. Results for subgroups of the sample are subject to increased margins of error. Partisanship reflected in tabulations is based on self identified party affiliation, not partisan registration. For more information please visit dataforprogress.org/our-methodology

While it's true that polls can vary widely and are sometimes unreliable, it's worth noting that according to their 2020 retrospective conservative white voters tend to be underrepresented, while liberal voters and activists are overrepresented in their surveys. This is consistent with a previous analysis by FiveThirtyEight showing that in 2019-2020 polls substantially overestimated Democratic performance.

There's a well-known relationship between abortion restrictions and worse health outcomes for women and children.

I've also read harrowing accounts from women who resorted to infanticide because they couldn't get an abortion. While I couldn't find the specific anecdotes I'd seen before, I found that the Wikipedia page on this topic has plenty of info showing that access to safe abortions does reduce infanticide.

The title looks like it's trying to imply that the thiefs specifically targeted her, when the article makes it more clear that they likely just tried to steal the car not knowing it was from the Secret Service.

Gotta add that clickbait for the views 🙄

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An entertaining read that further cements Musk as an honest-to-god unhinged idiot. I've seen a lot of people speculate that him buying Twitter and tanking its value was some kind of genius plot, but the simpler explanation is that he's just unironically stupid and a bad businessman.

The fact that he has another burner account which he uses to get around blocks and hurl insults at others is both really funny and completely expected. I'm willing to bet a signed dollar that he has yet another alt that he uses to lean even further right and say the N-word on a regular basis.

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Honestly I don't even really care that much that she's shoplifting, I find it hard to sympathize with a multi-billion-dollar company losing a small fraction of their profits.

But then she insists that she's not actually a shoplifter, and brags about her income and how she's a great person as if she's trying to separate herself from "the bad shoplifters", which gives me the same vibes as the article "The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion".

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That's only if they draw an actual swastika. Nazis are so dumb that half the time they can't even draw a proper one.

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It is, in fact, very easy to code a game!

from pygame import game
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Vice signaling.

Fascists take pleasure in the suffering of others, and pat each other on the back for being as horrible of a human being as possible.

It's no coincidence that they react with glee whenever "41%" is brought up: They want you dead, and they won't be satisfied until every queer person is either killed or put into camps.

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Honestly you still could believe it from a secular interpretation of the bible. Many of the verses talking about the antichrist are clearly warning about the rise of a fascist strongman, and unsurprisingly Trump fits them perfectly.

Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist? Here Are the Biblical Predictions:

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A while back on R*ddit I had this discussion with a "libertarian" where they unironically defended the idea that local communities should be able to dictate people's clothes. For leftists "freedom" means expanding and protecting the rights of the people, while for them it literally just means "freedom to oppress others".

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I'm just a little silly :3

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The UK is truly becoming a fascist hellhole.

"You're allowed to protest, but only between 5PM and 6PM and you must get a permit and also don't bother anyone or make too much noise and also you must walk at the right speed otherwise you're just being a meanie and we're going to arrest you >:("

While I think some of Just Stop Oil's previous antics were counterproductive to the public image of climate activists, arresting someone because they didn't protest "at the right speed" is ridiculous. The whole point of protests is to be disruptive and bring attention to the protesters and their cause, and this is an incredibly mild way of doing it.

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Capybaras are pretty common in the area where I live, and really throughout most of Brazil. Don't get me wrong, we still think they're pretty cute, but I've seen some Americans get really excited about them.

Oh, and the maned wolf. To be fair, I think they're pretty neat too.

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Reminder that allowing trans people to access facilities that match their gender is beneficial to them and causes no harm to cis people: https://open.substack.com/pub/ragdollx/p/trans-people-and-bathrooms

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For "a little bit of trolling" I'd put this image:

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you know what I'm starting to believe that god does actually exist and he's just messing with us for his own entertainment at this point

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You're either with them 100% or you're against them 100%. Trump sycophants require full loyalty and anyone who dares question their narrative is branded a commie.

This is really just a preview of what's to come as Republicans have been and intend to continue attacking freedom of speech and expression.

Is this a drug joke I'm too square to understand?

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"you can commit a little bit of murder, it's ok :3"

An example of why this is incorrrect.

If a card is the ace of spades, it is black.

A card is black if and only if it is the ace of spades.

There are other conditions under which B (a card is black) can happen, so the second statement is not true.

A conclusion that would be correct is "If a card is not black, it is not the ace of spades.". The condition is that if A is true B will also always be true, so if B is false we can be sure that A is false as well - i.e. "If not B, not A".

I fortnutted in your dad last night

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Honestly I'm already not a big fan of Windows 10 so if Microsoft tries to force me to download Windows 11 with all these nonsense AI features that spy on you I'm just gonna switch to Linux

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According to a new report released Sunday, 3,309 cases of hate and violence against the LGBTQ community were reported to the Association for LGBTQ Equality in Israel in 2022.

Twenty-five percent of all reports of anti-LGBT incidents occurred during the months of November and December, after the elections and around the time the new government was being sworn in. This is an increase of about 11 percent compared to 2021, when about 2,971 cases were reported. The association reports that the increase is part of a continuing trend in the number of reports in recent years.

But Israel is totally an LGBTQ safe haven, guys...

Like what's the threshold here? How homophobic does a group of people have to be to justify genocide? Can the same argument be made towards Republicans, since a majority of them are homophobic?

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I'd guess the file in question was from a drawing software like Clip Studio Paint, where the layers and panels would be stored separately so you could corrupt just one of them.

I'm guessing it's a combination of:

  1. Pandemic;
  2. An increase in bullying and violence, along with deteriorating mental health;
  3. The internet slowly destroying our attention spans;
  4. Republican attacks on education and the resulting teacher exodus, along with increasing teacher burnout because of these factors.
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Conservatism Kills.

Literally. Abortion bans increase maternal deaths, and a report by the ADL found that right-wing extremists are responsible for 75% of politically motivated deaths, compared to only 4% by left-wingers.

A review of the research on the ideological basis of political violence explains why conservatism is more deadly:

Whereas most terrorist attacks result in zero fatalities, casualties associated with attacks vary across instances. It is thus possible to examine whether followers of certain ideologies are more likely to use fatal violence, relative to, for instance, property or infrastructure crimes that do not cause deaths. Ideologies that more capably address individuals' needs should be more 'successful' at causing fatalities. Past research specifically suggests two candidate ideologies that are likely to be effective: ideologies on the political right (versus left) and religious (versus secular) ideologies. Analyses of terrorist attacks committed between 1998 and 2005 revealed that organizations subscribing to religious ideologies were the most likely to engage in lethal attacks and were responsible for a greater number of deaths. 'Leftist' groups were significantly less likely to kill than religious groups, and anarchist groups were the least likely to engage in lethal attacks. Eco-terrorists were responsible for zero lethal attacks during this period, so they were excluded from analyses. Religious ideology has also been found to increase the lethality of suicide attacks, whereas attacks perpetrated in US regions known for propagating a ‘culture of honor’ were more deadly than attacks perpetrated in other regions.

Why might this be the case? Conservatives are more likely to see the world in absolutist, dogmatic, and closure affording ways than are liberals. Conservatives are also more likely than liberals to moralize values that effectively promote violence. Conservatives value loyalty, authority, and sanctity. This is important, as research has further found that the sacralization of loyalty was positively related (whereas the sacralization of other values was either unrelated or negatively related) to the justification of violence. This suggests that conservative ideologies should have an easier time moralizing political violence than liberal ideologies.

Religious ideologies are similarly suited to addressing the previously outlined needs. Religious ideologies can provide greater certainty than secular ideologies because they rest on the authority of God. In addition, through the promise of a blessed afterlife to those who act as prescribed by the ideology, religion offers a potent avenue to significance that is unavailable to secular ideologies. Religion can more naturally moralize political values, as interpretations of Holy Scripture can convincingly link violent means to religious values and provide convincing rationale for acting on behalf of those injunctions. Furthermore, because religious ideologies cannot be directly verified, people are more reliant on social validation to demonstrate the correctness of their beliefs. Consequently, religious individuals tend to be collectivistic and are more prone to derogate and act with hostility toward adherents of other ideologies. Finally, religious fundamentalism—the form that religious ideology is likely to take among extremists—is positively related to the need for cognitive closure that foments group-centrism, and this relationship partially explains the derogation of outgroup members.

are they also going to roleplay the memes

i sure hope so

Mr. Weiss, did you already forget about the pandemic and economic crisis that happened under Trump and Biden had to deal with?

Freest* country on earth baby!

* Free to fuck the working class, that is.

Most of the time I think with my own voice, but sometimes when I've been watching a lot of videos from the same creator I'll start thinking with their voice and speech patterns. This was moderately annoying when I started hearing my thoughts being narrated by Jacksepticeye's high-pitched Irish voice.

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I also believe in IQ science.

Specifically the science showing that conservatives have low IQs.

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Ball pythons and hognoses are dumb and kawaii babies.


Edit: European capitalism bad too but I can't find a funny GIF of the EU flag so this one is staying ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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It's the usual "positions of power attract the worst people" kind of deal. It's awful to think that this also applies to the people overseeing children.

Also Republican states have consistently reported higher CSA rates over the past two decades, and a survey of tens of thousands people showed that conservatives are also just more likely to say they are pedophiles.

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Skill issue. I know everything.

Yes Kyle, I even know about your furry vore fetish you freak.

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listen i just don't want people to see all the furry porn i upvoted

I simply must repost these images whenever I get the chance because just looking at the facts always shows how utterly full of shit conservatives are:

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