4 Post – 116 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

There's an issue with your VPN.

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Creative writing presented as truth

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But... bathrooms!!! With the children!!! /s

More people are distracted by their phones on the toilet than in the shower

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They're complaining that Lemmy is ugly while they're going through piracy-related websites like those aren't a 2000's era hot mess.

I love how Lemmy looks because it's like old reddit. After only ever using RiF, the official app is visually awful. Their own app lags while scrolling because there's so much shit. Forums aren't supposed to be pretty, they're supposed to be practical.

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Those will... not sell. Elementary school kids have smart phones. This isn't 2009 when the cool kids are sharing earbuds to listen to their Zune.

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They have emotional support. It can be friends, therapy, groups, or bare minimum some personal resources that they can access if things get rough. It's impossible to be someone's only support. They will drag you down with them.

To add to that- they have a positive and receptive view of therapy.

I wouldn't call any part of this innovative

RiF just kicked me out. I think reddit is trying to do another sweep to break unofficial apps/plug-ins/etc.

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Read the article. It's like journalists are actively trying to lose his bid for re-election through misleading headlines...

Billionaires bought the internet and now they're realizing that it isn't profitable.

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I'm also pretty new to Linux, but I've finally gotten a bit of a grasp on it. I started learning Linux to set up a home server, so I also jumped straight into Docker. You have gotten some thorough replies, but I thought I'd share my chaotic journey with it that has ended in a decent ratio of success vs confusion. Note: I have used Ubuntu from the start.

Don't use docker desktop. It's garbage. Also, don't use the Snap image.

$sudo apt install

$sudo apt install docker-compose

Those are both cli "programs". They aren't apps like you have on Windows. It seems VERY intimidating to talk into the void of the terminal, but you'll build confidence. Docker commands work like any other commands, all in the same place.

Now install Portainer CE. The instructions are very simple to follow. You can reach Portainer through your browser at the localhost address it gives you, which you type directly into the URL bar. I think it's http://localhost:9000.

Portainer will give you an easy visual way to manage Docker. You can perform many tasks through Portainer instead of using the command line. Honestly, I'm pretty sure you could do everything on Portainer and not even touch the terminal. I don't suggest that because you will have to have at least a basic understanding of how Linux and Docker work. You will be confused, and you will feel crazy. Eventually, you'll get more comfortable living in that psychosis.

On to Docker Compose!! This is my preferred way to run containers. I have a designated folder in /opt that I use for my compose files. This way, I know exactly how I set up my programs. My memory is awful and I tweak things so often that I'll completely forget how I have even gotten to this point or where ANY of my files are. It's pretty easy to find docker compose files online that you can copy and paste and it instantly works!

To make it simple, after I have saved my docker-compose.yaml file in the designated folder, I right click on the empty area and choose "open in terminal".

$sudo docker-compose up -d

The -d instructs the program to continue to run, even if you exit out of the terminal. At this point, your container will also show up in portainer!

I think that covers the basics. My biggest tip is to keep a notepad handy to write down commands that you have to search for. Your bookmarks will fill up very quickly otherwise. Expect to get stuck sometimes. Expect to spend hours trying to troubleshoot an issue, then have it suddenly work with no idea what you actually did to fix it. Accept the win and never touch it again.

I have done fresh installs many times. Some because I've played with 10 different programs that I decided against and want the leftover files gone, some because I wanted to try different mixes of distros, and once because I legitimately broke the OS.

Keep your important stuff on an external drive to avoid any loss and don't be afraid to mess around with it!

Btw, I'm a huge KDE plasma fan. It's lighter than GNOME, but very user friendly. I've settled on Kubuntu as my distro of choice.

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Christianity, racism and corruption. Politicians love to target poor people, and prostitution is a job that often draws in the desperate. Conveniently, POC make up a large percentage of the impoverished population.

Sex trafficking is out of control in the US, yet it's never talked about by politicians. Even with Epstein, the focus was on how terrible he and his accomplices were, not on the actual problem. Not the thousands of other women and girls who are still being trafficked in the US. Legalizing prostitution is pretty much the only answer.

DAE is "does anyone else."


"DAE get sleepy when it rains?"

"DAE throw up after drinking a handle of vodka?"

"DAE get a little turned on when TSA asks you to follow them into a private room?"

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I doubt it, honestly. The people who are still pissy over at reddit don't actually want to leave unless they're presented with a reddit clone that has both a fully developed app and a huge userbase. Maybe in a year things will be different, but we'll see.

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My partner and I always use condoms, but it is nice knowing where I'm at in my cycle. It helps to know how paranoid I should be since I live in a red state.

I don't trust one method of birth control. We've talked about him getting a vasectomy, and I'll probably be getting a microscope.

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I read that Linux usage is much higher in India (I think ~13% vs 5% in the US, though the statistics are probably outdated). I am totally ignorant when it comes to India, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm wondering if the rise of Linux users has something to do with the government trying to limit access to Github.

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Education is the obvious fix, but at least in America, the idiots are trying to destroy it. If people learned critical thinking, almost everything else would fall into place. If we stopped reinforcing learned helplessness and made people practice logic and learn consequences, society would see a huge benefit. People need to be held accountable for their ignorance. Otherwise, they won't learn. Those who refuse to learn should rightfully be shunned, because they're the biggest propaganda weapon out there.

Cognitive dissonance is another major reason for idiocracy. The MAGAts are so blatant about their love for it. "Wokeness" is healing from cognitive dissonance, which they've labeled as a virus.

I'm sympathetic and offer to help someone if they're being a bit stupid (all of us have our moments), but if they refuse, that's where they should be held accountable.

Right-wingers do. Buying Twitter exposed him as a terrible business man who could only be considered a genius by Trump standards. Luckily for him, many Twitter users do think Trump is a business-savvy genius!! He has an even bigger following now because he isn't pandering to tech nerds who are genuinely interested in what he's doing with his tech companies. Now he's targeting the alt-right with conspiracy theories, Hunter Biden's dick pics laptop, and "free speech" (for only $11/month!).

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"It's not fair that you compiled a list of my publicly stated beliefs in a very easy to read paragraph that makes me look bad to the average voter who probably has seen only one highlighted in a headline at most."

I love when people call it an "attack" when their own words are plainly stated back to them.

It's a gamble, too. One ICU visit would cost you more than you'd ever pay in taxes for universal health care. Insurance wouldn't be necessary, so that $300/mo that covers your family would stay in your pocket.

BUT, there's the tiny chance that you and your loved ones are super-human and will never have to pay for medical care beyond a cold or cough every few years. Then you can really stick that in the faces of poor people!!

It's so stupid because people who have health insurance are handing over that money to a company where the profits help no one as opposed to the government, where the profits would help other people. It's still a gamble.

Can someone ELI5 what this means? Do users need to be vigilant? Is information or malware being passed around? What can we expect going forward?

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Could you remove the spaces for people who aren't browsing from .world?

To check for sperm. The body can heal in amazing ways, which can include reversing a vasectomy.

That's going to be frustrating as fuck. The last thing I want to deal with in the ER is argue with a chat bot.

Donnie Darko leaves more questions than answers

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I'm not hip enough for these bean memes. Gotta dig up relics to share for my more simple brothers and sisters, like myself.

I use multiple paid streaming services but still pirate any movies that I enjoy so that I have everything in one place (Plex). It feels redundant until I'm constantly looking online to see which service has whatever I'm wanting to watch.

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Have you checked out Signal? It's the most secure messaging app out there. Not even the US' alphabet agencies can retrieve encrypted texts sent through Signal. It's pretty much what whatsapp claims to be.

They're insecure about their intelligence but too prideful to admit when they don't know something, even to themselves.

The headline leaves out the most important part. Ads aren't only being shown on porn sites, but they're also appearing on websites that are hosted by sanctioned countries (eg, Russia). If those websites are getting kickbacks from Google, that violates laws. The EU is already investigating it.

I started messing with Linux to build a home server a few months ago. I am now fully in the Linux/FOSS cult, and as soon as I figure out how to either run Adobe on Linux or use the alternative software, I am nuking Windows on my personal computers. The bloatware is insufferable, not to mention shit like this.

Threads is doing a decent job moderating them. They put warnings if you subscribe to someone known to spread misinformation and they remove posts that break TOS.

Obviously the attention seekers are going to run to every platform. I don't think it's fair journalism to say that certain groups are moving to Threads when it's many groups.

"Men are creating thousands of accounts on Threads. Why are the majority of accounts female? Our data analysis explains here!" Is kind of the same clickbait.

I won't argue that racists don't make up a loud percentage of text-based social media, though.

It boosts the comment because of the algorithm. I don't know if people do it knowingly when commenting "this" or "underrated comment" but it does have an effect.

They don't care about women who are considering abortion. I'd be more worried that they'd implement a less reliable test.

If a psychic told me that was my future, I would not question it.

Check out other Assassin's Creed games! I agree that Red Dead Redemption is anther good suggestion. I suggest the first one as well. Maybe Fable? The second one was my favorite, but people rave about the first one as well. I didn't play the first one until I didn't have as much time to game.

This might be a miss, but the Sims can be insane with mods. You can cheat their needs and not worry about those. Sims 3 is open world and the best of the series, but I'm not as familiar with the mods available for it. There are Sims 4 mods that introduce murder (guns and knives provided of course), drugs and gangs, zombies, prostitution, murderous toddlers, and much more that I can't think of right now.

Modders are fucking lunatics when it comes to the Sims. Someone made a mod for Sims 3 where you could grill and eat a baby. EA stepped in to shut that down...

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Which is almost impossible now. You can't even play offline games without internet access because companies force you to use their app to launch it.

I thought I would be able to get around that system with EA by purchasing a hard copy of the game circa 2016, but nope, I just bought a plastic case to throw away. I miss the old days of owning things.

A lot of people are getting back into pirating because of this. If a show isn't on a streaming service you use, you either pay $2/episode and hope that Amazon doesn't drop it, or you pirate it. I went almost a decade without pirating, and now I just bought a 5tb SSD for my Plex server. I'm tempted to fully convert now that I've already set everything up, too.

Girls wear belts, too