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Joined 11 months ago

Maybe it's the same thing I recently had. After running a half marathon in April this year and cycling another 20km from and to the course, I also had some weird muscle cramps when finally taking a rest. It was almost like something was crawling under my skin. My muscles felt like they were cramping together and releasing very quickly and very locally in tiny spots all over my calves. It was such a surreal feeling. Kinda creepy and weird, but at the same time also kinda nice and satisfying.

2K per year, subsidized by the Dutch government afaik, because International students pay way more.

Not anymore, since I got a real job.. They do sometimes give some money as a present to buy something nice, but it's no longer necessary. They did help me during my study though, paying the ~€2K uni fees every year and some other smaller stuff, so I could focus on rent, groceries, study material, etc. Combined with that, I had some side jobs to keep the study loan pretty small and manageable .

Based on anecdotal evidence, that was kind of the middle of the road. Some friends had very rich parents, who basically paid everything. Other people basically had to pay everything, which lead to huge loans. I think this level of support was pretty much optimal. It forced me to think about money instead of just buying everything I wanted, but also made it easy for me to focus on my study instead of surviving.

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This one is so much better than the Dutch pride flag in the post. It's awesome

Yeah the bots were fine. I definitely liked splitgate more than the new tribes though. Even against humans I felt like I had way more chance to get some kills and overall the game felt more polished.

I was interested in the game, but for me the problem really was the skill level of the player base. Getting killed 20 times before getting a kill is no fun at all. I played during the test period, and I think it definitely would be fun with other noobs, but every game just has people in it who are miles above the rest.

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21 stone?! I swear you guys will use anything instead of metric

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I don't really see the problem. People like to listen to the stuff and Spotify provides it and pays the creator. Seems like everything is working as intended. Looks like it's just greedy people getting annoyed that they can't get even richer.

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Ridiculous. How can someone write "we value your privacy" and then share data with 807 partners. If I share anything with 8 people I pretty much consider it public information already, unless I have a very good reason to trust them. Sharing something with 807 companies is probably less private than taking all that data, putting it up on a billboard, and placing that billboard next to the busiest place in town.

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Today's online communities are not like this. They are trapped inside apps and platforms, where they do not have independence

Trapped in apps like the official Reddit app? Because they ruined 3rd party apps? What are they sniffing over there, the trapping of communities is their own doing.

I'm done with reddit, so either way I don't really care. Tbh I don't think this will necessarily be a dumpster fire. It might even be interesting, depending on the specifics of this implementation. It's probably fueled by higher ups hearing hype words like blockchain. My expectation is that things will mostly just continue as normal, but now the management and CEO's etc can masturbate to the idea of having a blockchain application.

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Microsoft does a lot of bad things, but I got to give it to them here. Their push for accessibility in gaming is definitely a good thing. They've been pushing multiple modular controllers in order to allow people with disabilities to play games in a comfortable way. Having the support of a major player in the gaming market like Microsoft will definitely help with support for these products.

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I looked at these videos with very mixed emotions. On the one hand, I marveled at how far we've gotten. In a few years we went from generating sort of okay images in a very confined domain and essentially uncontrollable, to generating high resolution video that on first glance looks real.

But then the sadness struck me. I think we're entering the post-truth era, where the truth is harder and harder to find because all the fake stuff looks so real. We can generate text, images, sound, and now also video of whatever we want in the blink of an eye. Combine this with the tendency of people to accept any "information" that fits their view, and the filter bubbles that already exist, and we can see that humanity will start living in separate bubbles. Every bubble will have their own truth, and even if someone proves that a video or image is fake, that information will probably not even reach them because the truth doesn't generate enough clicks.

I want to stay optimistic, we've overcome so much stuff as a species, maybe we'll right the ship at some point. But with all the shit that is already going on in the world, the last thing we need is the ability to fake videos like this in no time at all. At some point the separate filter bubbles will tear our stable western world as we knew it apart, and we'll see shit like WW II again. The situation is already heating up.

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Shit, another existential crisis. At least I'll forget about it soon

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Firefox. I used to be an avid Chrome user, but the domination of Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Edge, Brave, Opera, Vivaldi, etc) is scary. It essentially gives Google control over what happens on the internet. So I switched to Firefox and it's been a great browser ever since

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When I was a student I never understood how something like this could happen. "Just rewrite it" I thought, how hard can that be. But working in a corporate environment I now totally understand it. Everything you write will at some point become part of code that, to the fast majority of colleagues, will just be a black box that they've never touched and don't intend to. Despite my urge to test and document everything, I've already more than once complained about my own code, only realizing later that I wrote it myself. Often you can still find out what it does, but the "why" gets lost and because of that people are afraid to change it.

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Everything is "the left" if you're far right

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As a software engineer/data scientist who has spent quite a while to find some good AI work, this sounds like absolute bullshit. Most companies don't need AI. Prompt engineer seems like a niche thing, I can't imagine that most companies really need someone who does that. It really frustrates me that these bullshit articles keep coming out without any sense or reason. AI is cool technology (imo), but currently it's just the latest bait for CEOs, managers, etc. Somehow these kinda people are just so vulnerable for hype words without ever thinking more than as second about how to use it or whether it's even useful.

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Now admittedly I'm not someone who often uses drawing programs, but my biggest issue in GIMP is that I never seem to be able to find what I'm looking for.

In the two images you posted you can actually see an example of such a case. In Krita all the tools (or whatever you'd call them) in the bar on the left are ordered in a logical way, and separate types of tools are also visually separated by separator lines. The bar with tools is also only 2 icons wide, which makes scanning for the right tool a bit easier, since you can mostly just scan along the vertical axis. In GIMP it's just a pile of low contrast icons in seemingly random order. Unless you've used it enough to know the order, you're gonna have to do a lot more searching. And searching will be way harder since you'll have to search horizontally and vertically.

It's like reading a website where the text is taking the whole with of the screen and without paragraphs (GIMP) vs reading a website where the line length is constrained, the text is horizontally centered, and there are proper paragraphs.

I feel like this example reflects my personal experience with both. I've used quite a few different types of image editing programs, and with most of them I can fairly easily find the stuff I need. Using GIMP however, I used to be quite lost. Nowadays it's gotten better because the windows are not all floating around and I've used it more. But still, I only found Krita after using a fair bit of GIMP, and yet I felt instantly more at home because the UI was easier to navigate.

Edit: That being said, GIMP is a very cool program. I don't want to hate on it too much. It's helped me countless times. The UI has already improved a lot since the floaty window days, and I hope that continues.

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Imo it's more the other way around, but that's not necessarily bad. Arch (and Linux in general) gives you a lot more control, while windows tries to block the user from touching the internals. In my experience Arch breaks more often though, but when it breaks I can usually fix it. In Windows things usually work, but when they don't work you might be kinda screwed because the internals aren't that easy to reach.

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Well let's hope that massively improves the Wayland experience then. I tried it last week and still had flickering screens, laggy windows, and crashing games. In the current state it would be unacceptable for me to switch

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I'm a programmer, so this is pretty much a constant thing haha. Sometimes you write the smartest shit imaginable, and sometimes you waste 4 hours on something extremely simple.

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I think these models struggle with this because they don't process text as individual characters, but rather as tokens that often contain parts of a word. So the model never sees the actual characters within a token, and can only infer the contents of a token from the training data itself if the training data contains more information about it. It can get it right, but this depends on how much it can infer from training data and context. It's probably a bit like trying to infer what an English word sounds like when you've only heard 10% of the dictionary spoken aloud and knowing what it sounds like isn't actually that important to you.

More info can be found here:

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Imagine being able to walk or cycle to a store in a few minutes while also not being in some dense urban hellscape 🇳🇱🇪🇺. Hopefully the US will learn to build better cities someday.

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Right now I'm basically playing Beyond All Reason almost every evening. It's a game in the Total Annihilation "tree" of games. A massive scale RTS. I previously played Supreme Commander and Planetary Annihilation, both of which are also inspired by Total Annihilation, but I have to say that BAR is really better than both of them. I almost can't believe it's an open source game. It's still in alpha, but it's been way more stable than most AAA games I've been playing recently.

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If you give up you'll never achieve anything. This guy is a hero. He puts himself in danger just to show that there's still people out there willing to stand against Putin. It gives the Kremlin a headache because they have to come up with some bullshit reason again to ban him from participating. It reminds all the Russians how their system is not a real democracy. He doesn't stand a chance to actually win, but it still communicates to everyone that there's plenty of people in Russia who support change.

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For tasks that I know, I'm faster in the terminal. For tasks where I'm less familiar or that are very important (like disk partitioning) I prefer a GUI because with a GUI I can usually see a bit better what I'm doing.

Terminal tasks for me include copying stuff, setting folder permissions, uncompressing or compressing folders, quick edits in vim, etc.

Personally my main gripe is their aggressive strategies to force people into their garbage-tier launcher. Compared to Steam it's just miles behind, and it's yet another app to run on your PC. All my friends are also on Steam, and Steam had Linux support. However, if all you want to do is launch singleplayer games, you don't mind the Epic launcher, and you get a good deal, then do whatever you want to.

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If BMW drivers can always drive faster in order to tailgate the vehicle in front of them as closely as possible, can't we reach light speed by letting a few BMWs drive in a big circle with some space between them? Think about the possibilities here

Last year I decided to do it in Rust, in order to learn Rust. I found out pretty quickly that you can't just jump from Java/Python/Haskell into Rust and expect to understand what's going on. This year I feel more prepared, so if time permits I'll make it right this time.

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I was beginning to think that I could go this day without any "joke" or remark that would exclude me from the group "men" because I'm not into women, but here it is. I was almost getting worried that it took so long today :/

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I'm not sure if the writer of this article is familiar with Dutch politics, but nothing unusual is happening. Unlike in the US, where one party wins am absolute majority, we have a system where you need to form a coalition. And this is obviously a whole political game, with parties kinda pretending they don't want it just to have a better bargaining position. This formation process has taken months for as long as I can remember, and personally I don't feel like it's going particularly badly for them.

I still think the coalition of PVV, NSC, VVD, BBB will happen in some way or another. But the other parties do want the PVV to make clear that some of it's plans are just not going to happen. Wilders is aware of this, and suddenly seems a lot more reasonable than I'm used to (though obviously still far-right). Ideas like a Nexit or a full immigration stop are just not executable, so they'll have to be toned down.

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I mean, insulting staff is disgusting behaviour, but 3 months of prison is absolutely insane. These countries are still hellholes stuck in the past, and I'll make sure never to visit them.

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People here are taking this way too seriously lol. I love Python, and I never really had any issues with the indentation being used instead of curly braces or something. This is just a silly meme, not a personal attack

14 more... defederated from those instances. When I switched to a different instance I started to notice it. There are a lot of them, you just don't see them.

Kinda makes sense though. I'd expect images where it's actually labelled as "an Indian person" to actually over represent people wearing this kind of clothing. An image of an Indian person doing something mundane in more generic clothing is probably more often than not going to be labelled as "a person doing X" rather than "An Indian person doing X". Not sure why these authors are so surprised by this

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Because they can't just strike whenever they're slightly upset. Strikes are the weapon you use when the negotiations go nowhere and all other options are off the table. And a strike won't work with people who aren't fully committed to lay down the work to fight for a cause. So you'd vote against a strike when you don't think that the cause is so important that it warrants a strike.

I was sceptical about the title, but it really do be like that

I'm already very good at the eepy part :3

Where can I enroll for the non-binary nap time?

It's funny because it's so absurd. This meme isn't meant as a right-wing meme, but as a left-wing (or actually more a "reasonable people") meme. The PragerU image is making fun of "leftists" in such a dumb way that you can really only laugh at it. Honestly I'm having a hard time believing this is something they really posted.