
6 Post – 117 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Solitaire, straight out of classic Windows (pre-advertising death throes):


Hoplite, classic turn based dungeon/puzzle:


✨ AI ✨

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Because why make money off you one way, when they can make money off you two ways?

I want to join a federated network!

*federation happens*

No, not like that

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Solving the "blue bubble" problem is easy. Stop giving a fuck about what iPhone users care about.

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Add it to our list of embarrassingly backwards decisions as a country.

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When we were in Vietnam many years ago, I bought probably half a dozen books to read I'm the train. They were things like Da Vinci Code, some Clive Cussler, probably a Stephen King book or two. Basically popular English titles at the time.

All clearly dodgy copies, with 16 colour covers and poor quality print and paper. All clearly from a place like this as they were being sold EVERYWHERE by street vendors. Given I was only there for a couple of weeks I wasn't concerned about the quality as I wasn't planning on keeping them long term.

Without exception, every book was hugely flawed. Missing chapters, half the book just repeated, pages only half printed, random Harry Potter pages in the middle of Da Vinci Code, etc.

I kept them just for the fun factor. Never did finish Da Vinci Code (as in legitimately). I did read the first half twice though!

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Ah, aren't I an idiot... I was racking my brain trying to work out what an S.D. was, and what OP was calling the delivery driver one of them.

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I love the blue bubble thing being a .... thing.

It makes identifying people who are a waste of time really easy. Making a big deal out of the colour of a text message bubble? Smell ya later loser, you ain't worth investing any time in.

Move on lads. If someone's shallow enough to care about the brand of phone you use they can go sniff farts for all I care. I ain't following them in their campaign to give the worlds richest company more money. It reminds me of that fundraiser to make one of those reality TV dickheads a billionaire by donating them cash. Like how does transferring some of your small amount of wealth to their giant pool of wealth somehow boost your own... anything?? Probably the second stupidest thing I've ever heard.

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I don't even use any Apple products, but I still gotta agree with all this.

How they didn't do an iMessage style client better than Apple given the fact Hangouts was right there and superior in every way for so long is just.... bleh.

Google is losing it. Android is losing more nerd functionality and just copying iOS... but poorly. YouTube Music was better as Google Play Music. "Chats" was better as Hangouts. Where Google Fi at? Where Google Fibre gone? How's Google+ going?

Even their search results are mostly spam now.

-- Sent from my Pixel

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No, because Google will just go and randomly cancel.

All my family and friends used to use Hangouts and it was perfect. I'd been with it since Google Talk but it was Hangouts SMS and functional video chat integration that won everyone over. Then SMS was removed, and later there was talk of it changing to Chats... and the stench of Allo and Duo was still in the air so we abandoned ship rather than bothering.

Now we're on a mix of WhatsApp and Messenger depending on the social group. Not really my preference but once bitten, twice shy so Google products get a hard pass.

Also, Chats is ugly. A horizontal bar in a sea of whitespace is a terrible separator for a conversation. And chat heads don't work in group messages like they did in Hangouts so it sucks for knowing if people in a group chat are up to speed.

Just stop using it? Eesh. No need for the drama, just walk away.

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Not a bad way to generate some publicity...

YouTube Music is a much better option than Spotify, in my opinion.

On top of the music you get ad-free YouTube.

I also upload any music I buy via Bandcamp or physical CD so I can listen to it anywhere. No one else offers that as far as I know.

Just make sure you use the unofficial YouTube Music desktop app (http://ytmdesktop.app/) if you're on a PC because using it in a browser sucks.

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and then me again with Google play music. "upload your music, we'll keep it for you"

and then I lost everything when it shut down.

There was a long period where you could transfer your GPM uploads to YTM.

It worked perfectly for me - all my previously uploaded music is in my Library under "Uploads".

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Security through antiquity

I've used Thunderbird for years, and still do. I love it.

IMAP, 30GB account, contacts and calendar synced with our Nextcloud server. Can search for a term and receive a list of emails going back years instantly.

I can open Thunderbird, search for an email from 2016, and be replying to it faster than my wife's identical PC can even finish loading the Outlook splash screen (may contain traces of hyperbole).

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You ever somehow get invited to a party

Also no 😥

But where do I go instead for my aquarium hobbyist videos? 😥

YT Shorts, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook Reels... These are things I just don't bother watching.

The only reason social media companies took the controls away is because they know the videos being uploaded are shit but they want you to watch the whole thing for engagement. So they take away the controls to force that engagement. Go fuck yourself.

Also people who upload using these services - especially Shorts and Reels when other options exist on the same damn platform - are literally worse than Hitler.

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Because I don't want people seeing my terrible code

Dudes need to knock a few zeros off the end of their currency, damn.

Then I guess for security reasons you won't be signing up.

The Wheel Of Time, by Robert Jordan

The entire series, start to finish, repeatedly. I've read it at least a dozen times since the late 90s when I first discovered it. I'd read the entire series over again whenever a new book in the series was released so the first few books I've read far more frequently.

Then the TV show came out and now I can't bring myself to look at it ever again.

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  1. Install Team Fortress 2

  2. Get prawned like a noob repeatedly

  3. Get good

  4. Prawn noobs repeatedly

I'm somewhere between steps 2 and 3 myself after around 2500 hours or so of gameplay.

I've got work "uniforms", and weekend "uniforms". Probably 7 or 8 changes of each, but all the work clothes are identical and all the weekend clothes are identical.

I look ageless in photos cause I always have the same stuff on, and getting dressed is so easy. Probably no good for people who care about fashion though. Glad I don't tbh, shits expensive and wasteful.

Edit: A depressing amount of people commenting here obviously didn't read the article...

Every time

That's paid though, right? I don't use Word, and if I wanted to I'd need to buy it. Firefox is free and accessible to everyone.

The sad part is that spez would have more than a dollar for every "fuck spez", Place or otherwise.



People will get use to some pointless tool which is not available for Linux and that's it.

Irfanview for me!

I'd debate calling it useless, but until irfanview works correctly on Linux (no, it doesn't under WINE) I can't change.

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Mighty Car Mods --> https://www.youtube.com/mightycarmods

Dudes have been making awesome automotive content since 2007. And Moogs sound tracks that he creates for the episodes (and especially the feature length stuff) is incredible.

Don't think they've had a single moment of boring content in 16 odd years, let alone anything objectively bad. Absolute units the pair of them.

Can someone just give a tl;dr?

I've run out of patience watching old mates videos when he waffles on and on.

Crazy how this guy works so much harder than 23,000+ people combined.

Signed, somewhere in the high 600s.

I'm sure like most petitions it will achieve fuck all, but I'll play my part in the pantomime!

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Nice rebuttal, I felt chastised and I didn't even write the thing

Give him another one!

And that's the last time I like any YouTube videos.

The discount on the subscription seems super fitting... now with less integrity!