2 Post – 462 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

I am waiting for his fans go “BUT ITS ONLY THE PERSONAAAAAAA”.

It’s always the same with these kind of streamers. They either become decent people eventually or become pedos. There is no in between.

Makes all the “mom fucking” on CoD so much more real.

The publisher didn’t pay the developer and feels like it is the victim here. Classic.


Like I mean, fuck!

To keep your sanity you just have to lower your expectations.

I, for example, am really stoked for the burrito I ordered. Fuck, it’s good to be alive.

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I get the sentiment, but MAGA being furious at anything doesn’t mean much. They only have that one state.

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For everyone just tuning in: This show is notorious for having bad season finales.

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Every single transphobe right now:

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Germany dashing eastwards. Some things never change.

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I have never bombed any children

Reported for antisemitism.

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1000 IQ power move: Valve promotes a fake game with fake trailers and fake reviews.

Day of the release approaches.

People buy and fire it up.

Starting screen says “Half Life 3”.

Thousands die from a stroke.

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According to the neighbours, Ishaq was mentally challenged. “He was a simple boy who did not bring any harm to anyone,”

Not only was he murdered because of a fucking banana, he was also mentally challenged. They lynched a mentally challenged man because of a fruit.

I can’t put my disgust for these people into words.

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Reminder: If someone constantly bitches about his colleagues, calles them idiots and acts like he is the only one who does everything right all the time. Then this person is the problem and is projecting harder than a drive-in cinema.

This is true 100% of the time.

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Just to get a feeling of how fucking dumb I think you are if you actually stand behind this dumbass.

After several recent gaffes — including getting Sioux City, Iowa, mixed up with Sioux Falls, South Dakota, in a speech last week as he drummed up support ahead of the Iowa primary — Mr Trump took fewer missteps in his Florida address.

But he did again repeat that Victor Orban's Hungary bordered on Russia, which it does not. The countries are about 1,000 kilometres apart at their closest point.

In a previous speech, he said Mr Orban was the leader of Turkey.

You think that’s a great choice to lead anything? It’s not even funny to make fun of you, because you are literally mentally handicapped.

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"Now we really, really don't want to mark r/pics as being NSFW," reads the post. "Doing so would mean that we were no longer discoverable, that we would no longer show up in Reddit's main feeds, and that millions of people would be deprived of John Oliver's presence on their screens. It would also have the effect of keeping Reddit from showing advertisements alongside our posts, which we feel would be unfair."

The wording of this post is key, as Reddit has reportedly stepped in previously to remove mods for marking their communities NSFW as a form of protest. "r/pics will not be made NSFW as a form of protest," reads the post in r/pics. "Any such change will be enacted in order to comply with Reddit's policies. If Reddit were to remove moderators from r/pics, that action would go against their own publicly affirmed guidelines."

I have to say, this is actually hilarious. Sure, the admins will step in and switch them with someone else. But the current mods are doing this in the most hypocritically innocent way possible. Acting stupid and being a nuisance is the best way to get under someone’s skin.

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This has to be out of context bullshit. Someone running for president again can’t be that dense.

“The first questions are very easy, the last questions are much more difficult. Like a memory question,” Trump preened in the interview. “It’s like, you’ll go, ‘Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.’ So they’d say, ‘Could you repeat that.’ So I said, ‘Yeah. So it’s person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.’”


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Just a couple of days ago someone told me Putin would never kill him because that would make a martyr out of him. What a timing.

RIP Nawalny. You died for something bigger than you.

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So Tucker Carlson, the man who reportedly fucked a donkey once, will suck Putins cock on a livestream. His dreams must come true.

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The more I read about this mess, the more I believe this is the work of one or multiple CEOs who have absolutely no clue about the field they are in and started giving orders.

You know what kind of boss I mean. That kind who can’t handle a NO and throws a fit every time they are proven wrong. But you still do as they will, because they are disgusting human beings and you are already in talks with a new workplace.

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It's less obsessing over that site, but more:

I wanna see that bitch burn.

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Polls show up to 70% of the population supports same-sex unions.

Good to see most Japanese people being on the right side of history.

There is nothing better than a good old tribe war.

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Was one of them. Not in Berlin of course. Fuck that. But in my city they expected 700 people. We have been more than 5000.

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Instead we got Borat 2 in which Giuliani tried to fuck an underage teenage girl. Then people still voted for these ghouls.

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According to data from the National Crime Records Bureau, UP recorded over 56,000 cases of crimes against women in 2021 - the most of any state. This includes, rape, rape and murder, and acid attacks.

What an unbearable shithole.

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We understand that you are likely very busy, so we will wait until Friday, July 7th before taking any additional steps.

Dear Admins,

these are our balls. Please direct your attention at how enormous they are.

Edit: I wonder what will happen next. Maybe only screenshots of the open letter are allowed.

Oh, they are still around. Now they are talking about people in their 20s dying from the vaccine. And there have been millions of young people (in Germany alone) who died because of the vaccine. The government just made the bodies disappear and payed their families off.

I wish I was joking, but no. This is the shit they believe. I hate every single amoeba on the right.

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Hold on! A SECOND whistleblower died?!

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For the case someone doesn’t know what’s that about. Fredrik Knudsen made an amazing documentary about TempleOS and it’s creator Terry Davis.

Warning: This 1,5 hour video hits fucking hard.

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Welcome to Lemmy. Here is your free Lemming:

Go wild!

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Nothing happened on Tian’anmen Square on June 4th 1989.

Absolutely nothing.

If something happened, it was scary CIA man. I have sources for that.

You are stupid for not believing me.

Someone in the west did something similar. So it is good.

I am very intelligent.

Edit: To make one thing clear. On June 89 at least 300 innocent students go massacred by the military and thousands got injured. These are estimates, because the Chinese government does its best to suppress any investigation or discussion on the topic to this day. If you actually think this is fabricated, you can eat my ass.

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Sleep on her side of the bed. Then don’t tell her what you did.

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“So, we started using teleportation now.”

  • Everyone in Game of Thrones from season 6 onward.
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He was first arrested in 2015 but was released after several members of his group testified on his behalf.

Ah yes! Let’s ask what his brainwashed cultists think about him and evaluate the case based on what they say!

Either the judge didn’t care or is a fucking dumbass.

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Well, I would welcome said admin on the glorious Fediverse and ask how the last few weeks must have been. No need to act like a rabid redditor. We must be better. (Then watch the admin burst into tears, because that was their first friendly human interaction in years)

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Curtly I continued, “I’m afraid that sticker is not an officer either.”


I think someone should check her browsing history and hard drive.

Whoever wrote this article needs their fingers chopped. Seriously, it’s just a matter of time they write something so stupid, it kills someone.

The success of Fallout proves that people involved cared. That they took the source material and turned it into a good show. It proves people are happy to watch good stuff.

On top of that there is a loooooot of shady shit going on.

Drugs. Lots of drugs. All of them. All at once.

Jerks getting on blacklists just to circumvent them and end up on stage again just to beat the shit out of another actor/actress. There is a good chance that you unknowingly watched rape at some point.

You get persuaded a lot as a porn star. To fuck people you don’t wanna fuck with, to do things you don’t wanna do.

And then there are the fans, oh boy. Imagine being the target of a troll campaign and the trolls have literally terabytes of ammunition against you. They get really disgusting and you get harassed online and in RL all the time.

If you somehow have a family life going on, they will also be targeted by that shit. Retired porn actresses want to have children but they can’t, because they don’t want their kids to live through that hell.

Luckily not a porn star myself. Just read a ton of AMAs and articles on the subject. The more you inform yourself about what’s going on behind the scenes, the less you actually want to watch porn. It’s a mood killer to say the least.

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