Muslim man lynched in India ‘for taking a banana’ at Hindu temple event to World – 195 points –
Muslim man lynched in India ‘for taking a banana’ at Hindu temple event

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According to the neighbours, Ishaq was mentally challenged. “He was a simple boy who did not bring any harm to anyone,”

Not only was he murdered because of a fucking banana, he was also mentally challenged. They lynched a mentally challenged man because of a fruit.

I can’t put my disgust for these people into words.

Don't just blame those killers who were present; blame the politicians who created an environment in which violent Hindu nationalist rhetoric is normalised, their supporters are encouraged to persecute religious minorities, and events like this happen with growing regularity.

There's a reason that the UK, EU and US all had travel bans on Narandra Modi for a decade, for his government's complicity in the anti-Muslim pogrom in Gujarat in 2002 when he was chief minister, in which hundreds of Muslims were killed by Hindu nationalist mobs. The world has known what sort of person Modi is for a very long time and it's shameful that he has reached 9 years as Indian prime minister before many people outside the country have started to take note of what he is is doing to the country of Gandhi and Nehru.

Even in the most developed nations, we’re a few meals away from acting even worse. This is just humans without law and with rampant religion

He wasn't lynched because people were starving. He was lynched because of religious violence, which is going on all over India right now, usually Hindus attacking, and sometimes killing, Muslims. Because Modi's party is a Hindu supremacist party. Imagine if Trump were more open about his feelings about black people and Jews and you have Modi and his party and the results.

No. The BJP is specifically encouraging a rise in fascism in India. You're gonna see more and more of these lynchings and if it keeps going this way we're gonna see a night of broken glass and nuclear war with Pakistan.