3 Post – 121 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Liberal, Briton, FBPE. Co-mod of m/neoliberal

So pathetic from India - seeking to punish Canada for the fact that the Indian government murdered a Canadian in Canada, and Canada had the temerity to call them out for it.

What an absurd victim complex Modi has.

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'Get them back'. What does 'back' even mean in this statement? Of all the countries that have ever legitimately ruled the Falklands, Argentina was never one of them.

The penguins have a better claim to the Falklands than Argentina...

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Geert Wilder wins Dutch election

35 of the 150 seats in parliament

Let's please stop using FPTP language to describe very non-FPTP systems and outcomes.

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Rishi Sunak's father-in-law, everyone.

A child who was groomed and sex trafficked by terrorists is now being punished for it. Also this is a punishment that is only being applied to her because she has Bangladeshi ancestors so the government argues she is hypothetically eligible for a Bangladeshi passport (which the government of Bangladesh has no intention of giving her), and so the Tories can pretend they're not illegally rendering her stateless.

This is literally a punishment that, by the Tories' own formulation of their rule, would not be applied if the sex trafficking victim was a white girl called Shania with English parents instead of a brown girl called Shamima.

We're supposed to be a country where people are treated equally before the law. But the Tories are now claiming that they and any future government has the right to render any Briton with some hypothetical right to a foreign passport (for example, most second generation immigrants and every single Jewish Briton) stateless at the whim of the home secretary.

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Just imagine trying to use a terrorist mob as a yardstick to excuse the misdeeds of the advanced 21st century military of a modern democracy.

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He's not tracking Elon's jet. The activity of Elon's jet is already public information. All he's doing is republishing it on a widely used platform.

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Don't just blame those killers who were present; blame the politicians who created an environment in which violent Hindu nationalist rhetoric is normalised, their supporters are encouraged to persecute religious minorities, and events like this happen with growing regularity.

There's a reason that the UK, EU and US all had travel bans on Narandra Modi for a decade, for his government's complicity in the anti-Muslim pogrom in Gujarat in 2002 when he was chief minister, in which hundreds of Muslims were killed by Hindu nationalist mobs. The world has known what sort of person Modi is for a very long time and it's shameful that he has reached 9 years as Indian prime minister before many people outside the country have started to take note of what he is is doing to the country of Gandhi and Nehru.

Yeah, I had a good natured discussion with a Lemmy user on the other day where they were still inexplicably downvoting my responses each time, despite us both being polite and constructive.

It made me realise that a) they use the downvote button quite differently to how I use it and b) they probably didn't know that I, as a kbinaut, could literally see they were the one downvoting.

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It is really inspiring that so many Germans are coming out to make their voices heard like this. It's easy to tell a pollster you don't like Nazis; but coming out on the streets week-after-week in the middle of winter like they've been doing recently shows commitment.

Never go full Hitler...

I mean, never go part Hitler either. But definitely don't go full Hitler.

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This is stupid. I don't use Facebook and I'm certainly no fan of Meta, but they didn't ban news links for the fun of it - they did it in response to the Canadian government making them pay news agencies for news links that gets shared on their services.

I think that's a stupid law, but the Canadians are entitled to do that if they want to. But that means they've intentionally increased the cost to Meta of permitting news links, and Meta has made a commercial decision based on this, which it's also entitled to do. Meta isn't a charity or a public sector agency and to expect this company (of all!) to behave like one is ludicrous.

This is pure cakeism.

I mean, bigotry and unenforceability aside, it's also pretty unambiguously illegal.

Italy is a signatory to the ECHR which creates an explicit right to privacy (Article 8) and freedom of religion (Article 9).

The Italian constitution itself also specifies a right to religious equality before the law (Article 8).

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I Call Modi 'A Fucking Fascist' Who Would Take India's Freedom, Diversity And Democracy

Forth, and fear no darkness.

The homicide rate in the US is about 6-7 times that in the UK per 100,000 population. I'd take our situation any day of the week.

Last time I looked into this properly, knife crime in the US was actually roughly the same frequency as that in the UK. The difference is that knife-based murders stand out in the UK, whereas in the US nobody pays attention because the problem is dwarfed by the much greater problem of rampant gun crime.

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So is invading Ukraine.

Some of us are able to comprehend complexity and hold multiple thoughts in our heads at the same time. It's possible (and the only way to be logically consistent) to understand that:

  • in Iran, Muslim fundamentalists are abusing/killing innocent other Muslims;

  • in Israel, Jewish fundamentalists are abusing/killing innocent Muslims, and Muslim fundamentalists are abusing/killing innocent Jews;

  • in Palestine, Jewish and Muslim fundamentalists are abusing/killing innocent Muslims.

This isn't a weekend football game where you have to pick one side, wear their colours and then support them until the final whistle. This is real life, it's complicated. Don't turn mass suffering into a sport.

I love that they actually turned this into an episode of It's Always Sunny - it was entirely believable as the sort of scheme the gang would come up with.

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I mean, they're obviously not going to, so I guess Zuckerberg better go dust off what I can only assume is his comically large chequebook...

Back in my day, the kbin servers were located in a single room above a bowling alley, and below another bowling alley.

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Yes. Literally the only truly evil senior British politician I have come across in my lifetime.

There are plenty of politicians in my lifetime who I have disagreed with quite severely on certain things - Thatcher, Blair, Corbyn, May, for example. But in each of their cases I honestly believe they were pursuing a course that they believed would improve the lot of the British people and bring about a better, fairer and more prosperous society - I might have disagreed with them (in some cases a lot!) about how to get there, but I never doubted their hearts were ultimately in the right place. Boris Johnson was the first who left me thinking he had no redeeming qualities - selfish and egotistical, heart very much in the wrong place. Boris was only in it for Boris.

But Suella is something else. Suella isn't in it for the public good, but Suella isn't in it for Suella either. Suella is in it to hurt people. That's her overwhelming motivating goal in life and politics. She gets off on undisguised cruelty. She is genuinely evil.

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Yeah, Spanish. That's the point. There were penguins, then was French, it was Spanish, it was British. It was never Argentinian. There were never civilians there.

The only civilians who have lived there are the Falkland Islanders, who identify as British. Argentina's claim is based on the Spanish once having a very limited military presence there, on which basis they want to assert some sort of imperialist sovereignty over a bunch of civilians whose ancestors have been there for hundreds of years and who have only ever considered themselves British.

No, fuck Hamas. Love for Palestine.

Innocent civilians are dying on both sides, but long-term it's always the innocent Palestinian people who suffer most when the nationalists on either side start shooting. The skew in the death toll over the long course of the Israel-Palestine conflict is incredibly one-sided.

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Argentina was once one of the richest countries in the world, richer than France or Germany.

And much of that wealth was built on exports of beef, especially to Britain. But that was well over 100 years ago.

Now, thanks to a profound economic crisis, it languishes in around 70th place, according to the latest figures from the World Bank.

It wasn't 'an' economic crisis that caused that change. It was a long-term political crisis. The fundamental cause of Argentina's economic decline was political misrule - the combination of decades of political instability, military juntas, protectionist trade policies and hyperinflationary monetary policies, all of which discouraged long-term investment and left Argentine businesses and industries inefficient and uncompetitive.

Argentina dropped out of the developed world because the Argentine political class chose to drop out of the developed world.

Argentina is what those Americans flirting with the idea of re-electing Trump should be thinking about. Right now, MAGA, protectionism and political chaos are a one-term aberration in American politics. If they bring him back, if they make Trump's form of politics a regularised part of the American political culture, Argentina is their future.

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I'm one of them! I didn't even know about r/selfhosted when I was on Reddit but I found this place when I joined kbin. I've been thinking on-and-off over the last year about self hosting so subscribed. I still occasionally look at Reddit in view-only mode though (largely for legacy content) so I also subscribed to r/selfhosted over there too last time I checked it.

It's not subscriber numbers that matter though, it's active users and quality new posts - people who go to the sub regularly, upvote, comment, and create content that causes other people in turn to look at the sub. I'm still a subscriber to a tonne of Reddit subs that I used to post and comment regularly on, and now don't. If every active Reddit user became a passive user then Reddit would grind to a halt overnight, regardless of how many users they notionally have.

These can either be directly added using the “pound” sign, as in #KbinMeta

Or tag it with the hash sign, if you speak British English. Hence 'hashtag'.

I'm not so against this. I see the issue you're describing, but I also think there was a rampant problem on Reddit of people treating 'downvote' as the 'disagree' button - it was a way of burying unpopular opinions, regardless of whether they contributed to the discussion or not. What it was meant to be was a way of burying irrelevant material.

I think most people knew that, but they still tended to use the downvote button as a disagree button because everyone else did it and no-one was ever likely to call them out on it (and if they did, they had plausible deniability - 'it wasn't me').

I don't necessarily think removing that veil is a bad a thing. I do think it's quite rude and petty to downvote people just because you don't agree with their opinion (rather than because they're being rude, or disruptive, or posting material that's not relevant) - the whole point of coming to places like this is to have conversations, not to bury them! I think having downvotes be visible might be just the thing to encourage a bit more discipline around the downvote button than existed on Reddit. If you downvote just because you disagree, everyone else will see how petty you are.

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Muslim immigrants will have de facto faced as much (if not far more) hostility and prejudice before any of those events.

What changed is that by the late 20th century, it had become politically unacceptable for right-wing parties to be perceived to be preying on overt racism towards their countries' brown-skinned citizens. But the War on Terror at the start of the 21st century created a new organising framework for nativists, whereby they could incite hatred against exactly the same brown-skinned people as before, but claim they were targeting them for their religion and not their skin colour. At the heart of it is still the same prejudice towards those who are different, it's just that the aspect of difference they choose to focus on today is more politically acceptable than the one they used to focus on.

From the perspective of a brown-skinned Muslim immigrant, the ideological hoops the far-right jump through are likely irrelevant. These people were targeted by nativists before, and they get targeted by nativists now.

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No, they can do more. The nuclear option is to use Article 7 to suspend Hungary's voting rights at the European Council if they deem that Hungary is acting against the EU's values.

Stopping the flow of EU funds is part of the escalation route towards that but they won't do it unless they've exhausted other options - it's a tricky balancing act to cajole Orban into behaving like a European, and once they use Article 7 there will be no more escalation threats available.

In the UK - that was a Liberal Democrat policy going into the 2010 election that was then implemented during the Coalition government. They increased the tax-free personal allowance, which effectively took two million of the lowest paid out of paying income tax altogether. It was hugely popular, and so the Tories later tried to claim credit for it even though it was literally something the Lib Dems forced onto them at the expense of some of the tax cuts for the rich that the Tories had wanted...

The reason the board have given is - if true - a very reasonable reason to fire a CEO. The job of the board is to oversee, scrutinise and challenge the management, and if the management were lying to or withholding information from the board then that's an obvious reason for the management to go.

American corporate governance standards are really hit-and-miss, and in a lot of these tech firms you often end up with situations of CEOs doubling up as chairs of their boards - e.g. Musk, Zuckerberg , Bezos -something that structurally neuters the ability of the board to do its basic job of challenging the CEO! So when I see an American board standing up to a CEO that's trying to evade scrutiny, I feel that's something that should be applauded.

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I was similarly pretty confused here that it was referring to the little seaside town in Yorkshire, which I assume all these other Scarboroughs (that I too had never heard of) are named after.

New Nokia, who dis?

That's a neat story but doesn't bear much relation to reality. The Democrats want to fulfill the US's obligations to both Israel and Ukraine, whereas many Republicans want to see Russian flags flying in Kyiv. The Senate Democrats blocked the Israel-only package because the Republican Congress may then not send a Ukraine package, hence the Democrats wanting the two together.


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So that way, they always come out on top!