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Joined 12 months ago

And the NSA quietly installed their own.

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Fucking lol. You get badges for doing the job of mentoring people that other social media companies pay people for. Anybody that falls for that gamification shit deserves it.

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Why the fuck would they use tap water when sterile saline flushes are all over the place.

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Lol. One was a fugitive and the other two were out on bail with the condition that they don't associate with the fugitive. Then one misses a hearing and all three get nabbed together. There goes that bail. Idiots.

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Suffering from end-stage kidney disease, Richard underwent the groundbreaking procedure in March, only to depart from this world merely two months post-surgery.

The news of his demise was confirmed by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), the medical facility behind the historic transplant, on Saturday.

Either an AI wrote this or somebody needs to take the author's fucking thesaurus. He has ceased to be. He's shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain, and joined the choir invisible. He is an Ex-pig kidney transplant recipient.

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In this interview, the subject of the Kansas Newspaper raid speculates that the motive comes from "a confluence of personal animus from the mayor, a personal attempt to intimidate us from the police chief, and basic incompetence from the judge and the county attorney." Judges and county attorneys/district attorneys being rubber stamps for corrupt cops have caused needless deaths and trampled on folks rights plenty in the past.

The original was released by EA over 20 years ago. It's not like its something they bought up.

No kidding. "We've allowed our cartridges to arbitrarily execute code. It's the user's fault."

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Just like champagne only comes from the champagne region of France, true segmentation fault only comes from a linux program shitting itself.

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Reddit hasn't had a quality shower thought like this on the front page in years. Well done fediverse.

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The animals were abandoned across the highway from the government-run Abu Dhabi Animal Shelter in al Falah, a residential area in Abu Dhabi. The shelter told CNN it was unaware of the incident and refused to comment further.

Uh huh. What a mystery.

The one wrinkle in this story so far is that they ALSO raided a city council member ( That council member also received the documents the newspaper were sent and she notified someone in the city executive. That was also a baseless warrant. And the county attorney who drafted the warrant and sent it to the incompetent judge is the brother of drunk Karen's restaurant landlord. There's more to be said about what is going on, but there's a whole lot of absolute incompetence in addition to malice.

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SPS became desperate and Googled “Polish hackers” and came across a group called Dragon Sector, a reverse-engineering team made up of white hat hackers.

Hilarious. I hope 404 continues with this level of high quality journalism.

Dragon sector, who they hired, is a security capture the flag team.

Edit: Socials of those who worked on it

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It's tough, these folks are often already in multiorgan failure because those organs were trying to hold up for their failing heart. So now you've got shot kidneys and lungs but a brand new heart to try and hold up those failing organs. Then you end up right back into heart failure.

Every appeal ends up putting actual money in escrow. He doesn't have enough money to actually appeal this last decision + the new York fraud decision.

Welp, I guess that gets rid of the hand waving of her feelings about it. Of course acknowledging that women have feelings is... checks notes... "false feminism".

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Of course he'd like them to drop a lawsuit that he's going to lose and they had pre-typed and filed within minutes of his bonehead actions.

No shit. The fun part is it DOES have side effects. So it doesn't do what it's proclaimed to do, but is a drug. It should be pulled off the shelves.

I don't know this hospital, but I generally grab several when I come on shift, put them in my pocket, and end up accidentally taking home a few often enough that I'd end up being able to have squirt gun fights with them.

Essentially, nurses go through so many that you'd be hard pressed to control them. We use them for everything from checking the status of an IV line to cleaning a wound.

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Few days old but I didn't see this on search. It likely won't go anywhere but I found the dig on the judge's mental capacity to be hilarious.

The complaint requests the Kansas Commission on Judicial Conduct to review “Viar’s mental capacity in her decision to seemingly circumvent federal and state law” when she signed off on the search warrant for the newspaper office

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I mean, he's going to a group home. He's likely going to be carefully managed for the rest of his life. This is more of a reduced level of monitoring.

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We will always give money to our industries to make up for the lack of long term planning in our system. I certainly do not understand what concept of fucking justice that is related to.

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Tldr: pirates armed with daggers that prompt military action is actually a group of stowaways with two knives who cut a tarp where they were hiding so they could breathe and took no hostile action.

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It's not about media or taxes, it's about inflated fees for traffic period. It's regulatory capture (which Korea has a long history of) and subsequent collusion by Korean ISPs. Prohibitively expensive to run a streaming service like that even if you have local datacenters to reduce international transit fees (because you still have to connect to the local ISPs who will still charge you).

Edit: To be clear, this sort of situation is about the only one where to effectively have a streaming service, you'd need to use peer to peer and make it "come from inside the house", so to speak. Even their local streaming services are over the barrel and only the ISPs themselves could actually make an affordable streaming service.

The fucked up part of this is how preventable it is. Very few folks will take to wearing a mask though, when that's all they need.

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No war but class war

That law provides several different levels of trafficking, and Hotchkiss was convicted under the lowest level – having between 2.2 lbs and 100lbs. That weight includes all parts of the plant, root and stem and all.

40 years, jesus fucking CHRIST.

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Ah they nailed him with a noncompete for that public domain IP. Crafty.

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Opposite actually. Combustion of most organic molecules react oxygen with hydrocarbons to produce water vapor. Fire is humidifying.

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They have a civil case for defamation, but I honestly think adults bullying children should get a criminal citation. Not a felony, but still something.

You'd need huge cryogenic tanks due to the volume density of hydrogen over kerosene. Good for rockets that you can jettison tanks from, but less so for planes. I just don't see it ever being practical for aviation over just creating our own hydrocarbons out of something else. Either catalyst based or otherwise. That's potentially carbon neutral as well.

Edit: my comment, but with numbers It's not a problem with how heavy the fuel would be or just how much space they'd take. It's how heavy the damn tanks would need to be and how much of the aircraft would be devoted to them on long distance flights.

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He's a chronicler of Baltimore's underbelly. He's a subject matter expert of Baltimore and graft.

They're instituting this for the generation that grew up with Vpns so they could watch pirate streaming sites on their school Wi-Fi? Good fucking luck.

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Two of Trump's experts in particular, Jason Flemmons and Eli Bartov, argued that valuations are inherently subjective, and Engoron sharply criticized their testimony exculpating Trump, his family members and business associates of wrongdoing.

"Bartov is a tenured professor, but all that his testimony proves is that for a million or so dollars, some experts will say whatever you want them to say," Engoron wrote.

A research professor at New York University's Stern School of Business, Bartov conceded that he billed nearly $877,500 to Trump for his testimony, and he said that money came from the Trump Organization and Save America PAC, the former president's primary fundraising vehicle.

But Engoron said that Bartov "lost all credibility" by claiming Trump's financial statements were accurate in every respect, even though a pre-trial ruling established the "numerous obvious errors" that they had.

This shit is the exact problem with our adversarial expert witness system. This should not happen in a court.

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They still had the mens rea to defraud the state as false electors even if they were delusional enough to believe the election was fraudulent. They didn't believe they were the actual electors at any point.

Isn't this just facilitating their humiliation kink? I think it's more of a service.

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I wouldn't call burners overlap with techbros a circle enough to celebrate this. I don't particularly feel any kinship with burners, but I find them mostly harmless and largely climate conscious.

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I wouldn't even call these ridiculous AI images stock photos anymore.

Edit: my bad, that one's real from a real photo shoot. Shame they blurred his guy Fawkes mask.


GNU's Not... Linux

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Wow, this "etiquette expert" grift is more interesting than the article itself.

Internationally recognized as a National News Contributor, Valerie is an expert in her field of leadership presence and personal branding. She is one of only 20 Master Brand Strategists worldwide and has received front-page press coverage in the Wall Street Journal as a pioneer in executive coaching.