DOJ quietly removed Russian malware from routers in US homes and businesses to – 431 points –
DOJ quietly removed Russian malware from routers in US homes and businesses

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And the NSA quietly installed their own.

malware is what gave the DOJ the ability to do this, so yeah,

I like to imagine that one arm of the American surveillance state started the exploit and the DOJ wrapped it up only after Fancy Bear noticed exploitable routers. I mean, there wasn't any evidence that this originated from Russia in the article, just the assertion that it was so. Who's checking?

Honest question: Assuming nation states have the all-powerful ability to install software on your networking gear, which country would you rather have? USA or Russia?

is switching to Cups and String an option?

Closest thing we have is end to end encryption mixed with services like tor to obfuscate our positions. Privacy is no longer opt out and is increasingly harder to achieve.

Cup with string attach to ball is number one game on Siberian winternet.

Zimbabwe. I feel like they'd have a harder time doing any real damage to me

If you're in the USA it seems clearly better to have Russian since they can do much less to affect your life and vice versa.

If the US government wants to spy on you, they have boots on the ground. Russia has been involved with ransomeware campaigns.

Same, rather get spied on from someone across the ocean you know? At least they won't arrest me.

The greatest malware ever installed was the idea that we shouldn't fear our governments and should trust them implicitly.