8 Post – 219 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I think the Thinkpad X130e with the AMD E-240 CPU. That processor, really, was the bad part. Every little single thing you wanted to do was absolutely CPU-bound, even when it was contemporary and new (c. 2011-2012). The amount of time I wasted waiting for the fully hammered CPU to do literally anything was too much.

I bought the laptop used because I figured a tiny Linux laptop would be great. And other aspects of it were fine, such as the display, keyboard, trackpad, build quality, etc. But that stupid CPU totally killed the device. Such a regret.

and couldn’t put it back together ever again.

I did this to my X201. Somehow i have like 7 screws that I couldn't find where they belonged (even though I tried to document each screw). I also broke part of the bezel. So I did put it back together again, but with poor structural integrity. The thing still works but I do not use it. Sadly that era of laptops just run too warm and the fans are too noisy.

Two Best Friends Play / Super Best Friends. Because some of them stopped being best friends and only pushed forward through a professional working relationship until even that became too strained for them to continue. 😥

In terms of the gaming ones you listed I only watched markiplier. Specifically the FNAF stuff. That was a lot of fun almost 10 years ago when it was novel and new. But now the genre is so played out and the whole “scariest game scream at the camera” thing, while maybe based on something genuine then, became obviously forced and annoying after not that long.

“Don’t show me personalized ads”

Oh so you will continue to try and track me, you just won’t show me targeted advertisements?

That’s what passes for privacy on the internet today.

native tab grouping would be a much more desirable feature, to me

I forgot about this but as soon as you said red-faced it came back to me. This “adult” became a tomato because he could choose to be referred to as he/him in a video game. I only ever saw toddlers and small children scream the way he did. So pathetic!

Private health insurance is the biggest fucking scam ever. The private insurance companies benefit by getting the aggregate healthiest population into their plans (working adults). The most likely to be expensive people, i.e. old people (on medicare) or poor people (on medicaid, or not even on an insurance plan) are on government, tax payer insurance plans. There is literally no reason except for corporate profiteering that Medicare should not be expanded to cover all people.

Also all those conversations, especially in the 2020 election period, were totally bullshit. You say something like M4A will cost 44 trillion dollars or whatever, which sounds like an insane amount of money. What is often left out of the discussion is that estimated cost was 1) over 10 years and 2) has to be weighed against the current costs we already pay for insurance. So the deal was very simple: the overall costs would go down because the overall spending would be less, and at the same time millions of people without coverage would be covered, and at the same time you don't have to contemplate stupid bullshit like in network, out of network providers. Or ever again talk to your insurance about why something is or isn't covered. Boils my blood when I think too much about this.

Not even gonna weigh in on things like how medicare can't negotiate prescription drug prices (, or how dental, vision, and hearing are treated separately from general healthcare, or how med school is prohibitively expensive, or how the residents after med school are overworked because the guy who institutionalize that practice was literally a cokehead. Those are all just bonus topics. The point is we are getting fleeced.

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As an aside remark, it's really funny how everyone has to elaborate what the fuck they're talking about when they talk about Twitter.

In a post on X (formerly Twitter) Ubuntu explains the situation

could have just been written as

In a tweet, Ubuntu explains the situation

but the epic genius elon decided to destroy all brand recognition. Truly incredible thing to witness. Twitter literally got its own branded terms into common lexicon and he just set it all on fire.

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Wake me up when "ai" makes the amount of CO2 in the earth's atmosphere trend downward. Generative AI is just a way to burn electricity to take value produced by humans and then replace those same humans, all to line the pockets of the companies that can afford to churn all the data in the world.

For the handful of genuinely cool and interesting things it can do, the number of extremely awful costs and externalities is like 1000x worse.

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Without endorsing these liberal American news outlets,

Ad-free, js-free, tracker-free, bs-free news articles. Just text. Honestly, it's a bit of a shock to me that these even exist.

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Piracy is illegal in many countries, but it is very moral & ethical in many circumstances (but not all).

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We thought there were some loopholes, but it turns out the “Free” Software Foundation thought about them too and explicitly forbidden them. […]


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Ok so, “behavior like this has no place in our workplace and we will not tolerate it.”

But secretly selling services to a genocidal ethnostate does belong in the Google workplace and will be tolerated? Palestinians just don’t matter if you can you make a dollar off of their death and destruction??

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but then how can the line go up??

The duration of software patents is completely absurd and in a just society would immediately be halved. That said, at any possible point I have totally ditched this ancient technology in favor of the vastly superior Opus.

Edit: just noticed this was published in 2017, which makes much more sense with my understanding of when mp3 was developed.

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But Wednesday’s move to significantly bump prices, marked an acknowledgment by Iger of the media giant’s intent to squeeze more revenue out of streaming by pushing consumers to the advertising-supported plans, which have proven to be more profitable.

“The advertising marketplace for streaming is picking up,” Iger told investors on the quarterly earnings call. “It’s more healthy than the advertising marketplace for linear television. We believe in the future of advertising on our streaming platforms, both Disney+ and Hulu.”

This is extremely important for them. Netflix's excellent deal for most of its streaming existence was obviously a thorn in the side of many other businesses. Even if streaming services can get you to pay an exorbitant amount of money on an ad-free tier, advertisers are frothing for the chance to advertise to you regardless. They want you to see their ads so badly. And let's not forget all the big tech companies, Netflix included, were riding high during the free money days of 0% interest loans. Those days are over, and the bill is due. Wall Street wants its money. And we are all the ones who have to pay up. Cheap streaming is officially over.

This is why these companies, including Netflix, have all introduced ad tiers. Not only is it a great way for them to juice their revenue streams, but also every other company wants a permanent residence in your brain, and then some. Given the way things have been going since duo-eras of the COVID pandemic and corporate profit-based inflation, they don't even need to collude on prices. All the execs need to do is look at the business press and say, "Hey, they're getting away with increased prices and password sharing crackdowns. We can do the same thing. The pay pigs keep paying!"

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This is the entire basis of using an adblocker like ublock origin. It is purely defensive. You don't know what an advertising (malvertising) network will deliver, and neither does the website you're on (Tiktok, Google, Yahoo, eBay, etc etc etc). With generative AI and video ads and the lack of content checking on the advertising network this will just get worse and worse. I mean, why spend money on preventing this? The targeted ads and user data collection is where the money's at, baby!

Related note, installing uBO on my dad's PC some 8 years ago was far more effective than any kind of virus scanner or whatever. Allowing commerce on the Internet was a mistake. That's the root of all this bullshit, anyway.

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I think one of the most insidious things about Photoshop is that it is a powerful, complex program. Using it is a skill. Which means that even if you think you are getting the better of Adobe by pirating their software, you are still building your own skills with their program, which is so full of features that classes can be taught about using it. In the end, that's a win for Adobe and their proprietary software, because if you end up getting good enough to make money from that program, you will end up finding yourself in a position where you eventually pay them, or work for someone who does. This is to the detriment of any other photo editor, of course. You won't care about how good GIMP or anything else is, much less fund it, because you won't want to use it, because you know Photoshop.

If I had deep wallets I would love to start funding GIMP for development and rebranding. But I don't have that kind of cash to push around :P

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You may as well just complain about the kernel itself being the vendor lock in to Linux

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The best part about the full smoked meats vid is when his "friends" (i.e. employees) come over. What really gets me is that the friends NEVER speak unless spoken to, because it's just a really awkward work event where Zuck has to pretend he has friends.

If a game I think I'm interested in has Denuvo attached to it, it's an immediate pass. It just reminds me that there is is a back-catalog of games I could play on emulators, too. No sign ups. No always-online. No tracking me. So I end up reaching for one of those. It's almost quaint to think something can be enjoyed privately.

The last game I bought with Denuvo was Doom Eternal, and as a separate matter it still harasses me to this day to create a Bethesda account (I have to switch Steam to offline mode to bypass that). It still has that stupid DRM on it after all these years. What a waste.

Not by importance. Obviously that would be the Linux kernel, GCC and GNU coreutils, and the Firefox web browser, among some other foundational things (code to run my desktop GUI, for example).

So, I'll say my favorite is PCSX2. Ever since they got rid of the ancient plugin architecture this emulator has been getting sooooooo much better, and it was already great! I would add other top tier emulators like Dolphin, DuckStation, SNES9X, SameBoy, and so on. I just love emulators :)

This isn’t a personal habit but flying. If I could never ever in my life ever have to go through a stupid security theater checkpoint at an airport and then board a plane and sit like a sardine for hours on end…

Too bad I live in public transit shithole USA

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My first car had a curb weight of 2400 lbs. It's absurd how fucking huge these planet-destroying, environment destroying, life destroying monstrosities have become.

I’m really looking forward to Plasma6. I know gnome has its fans but I am really just a reluctant user. Every day gnome works against me and I have to resort to workarounds.

Do I want to navigate, inspect, and manipulate my files quickly? I use dolphin.

Do I want to have a convenient panel to get a very quick glance of my currently running programs as well as a place to pin my most commonly used ones? That’s an extension.

Do I want sub-windows to always block their parent window, preventing me from interacting with the parent further? No solution.

Do I want desktop icons? Do I want excessive notifications from common tasks my computer is doing instead of from my own programs?

I have more complaints but I think I am making myself clear. Overall I do like gnome and it has good performance, but there are so many annoying aspects. KDE is itself not perfect. There’s enough reasons for me to continue using gnome over kde5. But that’s why I hold out hope for plasma 6.

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I remember people giving Spotify shit for increasing their monthly price from 10 to 11. It was the first price hike in over a decade. That doesn’t seem devastating or bad or wrong.

Compare it to something like Disney plus and how drastically they increased the price since service introduction

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I am not graphically inclined in the slightest, but about 7 years ago I used Inkscape to make a stylistic depiction of the Pyramids at Giza. Since that moment I've always had a fondness for Inkscape :)

Looks nice. I'm not an email power user but I still use Thunderbird just to handle multiple accounts. I'm grateful to this software for simplifying my life a bit.

Reminds me of George Lucas talking about how Soviet filmmakers had more creative freedom than American ones

When rarbg went down I immediately went and for any torrent I still had loaded in my client I quadrupled my normal ratio (3.5 -> 12.00). Then I also just increased my ratio generally.

I wish I had more disk space to keep things going even longer, but I really gotta cycle stuff out unfortunately.

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Nice. The improvements to Nautilus (Files) are welcome, but it's still the the reason why I'm leaving Gnome for KDE, anyhow. I can't stand Nautilus.

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I think that would be nice but I think it would also raise a lot of eyebrows if Mozilla unilaterally decided to parental control your access to the Internet. It's governance that's the issue. Consider this

Plasma 6 for sure. I'm a Gnome user waiting with bated breath to see if it actually delivers the goods.

Always hoping for Nvidia to stop being bullshit. Definitely not buying from them again.

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Can't help but think about how Facebook inc rebranded itself to Meta to chase/promote the metaverse fad.

You want to… own the phone you bought???

Maybe power is more reliable in central Texas, my family still has no electricity from the derecho that hit Houston. And they lose power frequently from all the heavy storms or hurricanes that pummel the gulf coast.

feels like you can’t even exist anymore without all your data getting leaked by someone who aggressively must consume as much of it as possible.

Hulu you can say, “well at least I can pirate and avoid giving my info up.” But what can you do against things like when Equifax was hacked?

There needs to be real privacy reform and real data privacy laws in the USA. bullshit ass second-tier country

This is sort of what happened with Google Chromecast with Google TV. I bought that on a technicality for my parents over an Apple TV. My mom (who isn't a native English speaker) was watching another foreign language show on Netflix and whenever she paused on the Apple TV the seek bar would come in and overlay itself on the subtitles. She was frequently pausing just to catch up on the long sentences to read them and then unpausing just as quickly. This wasn't an issue on the Android-based Netflix, where the subtitles remained in view.

Well OF COURSE because it's fucking Google they started shoving more and more ads onto the device, to the extent that my parents actually get pretty confused on how to properly navigate the thing. It makes me so mad.

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