17 Post – 469 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I don't think that I spelled that right.

Maybe Rogan needs a new, younger, fresher host on that show.

Rogan should step down as we see his mental facilities are in decline.

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The press junket for Barbie seemed pretty nonstop for months.

Perhaps Ms Robbie is sick of us, too.

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"But they clicked the imaginary button, your Honor. How can they still have rights ?"

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I find it odd that that singer doesn't understand his fan-base.

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My physical demeanor will change dramatically towards the powerful, wealthy, and forceful if Trump wins another term. I was very ragged through that entire term. And I will be much worse in dealing with it again.

But I refuse to abandon the US to Trump and his toadies and run off to another country.

There will be plenty to take care of here.

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I can't believe that the US Government believes that a little more than two McDonald's hash browns are worth one hour's work.

Fuck that. That isn't dignity.

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If the reason to have speed traps is to get people to reduce their speed then that guy was literally getting people to reduce their speed.

The police need reformed because they try to get people to do bad as a way of making money.

That makes society literally worse instead of better.

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people with art degrees are horrified.

stay in your lane, software people!

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The open and free web is long dead.

just thinking about robots.txt as a working solution to people that literally broker in people's entire digital lives for hundreds of billions of dollars is so ... quaint.

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What was that Oprah said about these younger generations not wanting to work for something ?

"My frustration with young women + young men is that they think success is supposed to happen like - That!"

that's her. what a fraud. i take that back. she left the board. i hope that she finds some peace with her body.

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He does not know that he is asking for a general strike.

But that is what he is asking for here.

This is an economy that lost billions in minutes because someone had access to a fake blue check-mark.

Humans like him are not to be feared.

The Devil having found no traction with drug addicts, thieves & prostitutes, and perl programmers has decided to use Christian leaders.

It would be believable if the first groups didn't entirely compose last one.

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Walled garden programming sub walled out of own garden

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I believe that the Seattle polices sent more retired officers and off duty officers to terrorize people on Jan 6 in DC than any other department in the country.

And let's remember the Washington State Police did nothing to stop protestors from storming the WA governor's mansion.

Seattle is a lovely place. The SPD work at ruining that regularly.

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That is the white supremacist attitude:

Just because Mr. White can do something doesn't mean anyone else can do it.

As a corollary to that: if anyone else can do something then surely Mr. White can do it, too. Mr. White demands it.

Here alleged white supremacist Elon Musk supports Mr. White's right to say anything and everything while anyone not Mr. White must seek permission.

As someone who struggles internally with my racism I can't tell you how much I hate seeing the richest man in the world reinforce these white supremacist values while I try to strangle them out of my interior life. It is like Jefferson Davis is become 21st century businessman.

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"This is the worst things have ever been!"

"You mean this is the worst things have ever been ... so far!"

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The whole social contract thing in the USA is giving off an EULA vibe these days.

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[...] "stole dissected portions of donated cadavers, including, for example, heads, brains, skin, bones, and other human remains, without the knowledge or permission of HMS," according to the indictment.

Yeah that other human remains is dicks. Do noubt about it.

oh look Republicans wanting to kill Americans again

1 more...'s_proscription

Sulla wanted to take his revenge against the former supporters, who had declared him a public enemy in 88 BC. After having obtained a positive vote from a popular assembly, he published two lists with the names of his enemies. Those on the lists had their lives and property forfeit; rewards were given to those who assassinated the victims.

I believe that is Trump's plan. To have his base murder his enemies by offering them part of the spoils.

Social Security is a socialist policy.

As is Medicaid and Medicare.

As is SNAP and EBT.

I live in a country with socialist policies already called The United States of America.

But we could use lots more. So I'll stay here, and I'll try to make it that way.

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that is not incompetence.

that is malice.

i'm tired of reading cop apologists tell me about incompetence.

Fuck your incompetence. They are murderous thugs. They are quite competent at it.

Wal-mart regularly closes stores that try to unionize.

Whole Foods is a division of Amazon, and their store decisions generally float around hurting labor until labor gets fed up.

But that is only the pattern that both of those employers have shown repeatedly for years now so maybe I am prejudice against companies owned by multibillionaires.

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The American Dream was get married and have a job, buy a house, have a family, and retire.

Now it is to be so rich and wealthy that you don't have to care about anyone else.

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the ideological composition that:

if you are allowed to do something then I must be allowed to

coupled with

just because i can do something doesn't mean that you can do it

... is the basis for all human chauvinism be it gender, racial, or national. And now these fictions .. these quasi-legal fictions called corporations ... are taking the rights of human beings as their own and laying claim to them while simultaneously declaring that humans don't have these rights which eminent directly from being human.

What the fuck is going on ?

I'm not interested in listening to greedy bosses and their lobbyists telling me more danger is safer.

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Smith explained how, just a few years ago, $60-$70K a year would have been sufficient to qualify for a home.

Yeah, no. It was more than a few years ago.

I think that this has been trouble since 2007. Financial institutions went from giving lots of home loans to only giving corporations and the elite loans.

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We need Autoworker Unions to refuse this shit with us.

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I am not going to watch any of that.

When he was on the NPR news cycle five times a day I started yelling and cursing uncontrollably to the point where I was diving at the radio to turn it off or change the station so that I would not freak the fuck out.

It doesn't matter where Trump is. I don't want to be there. It is a defilement to view him.

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I did not agree to torture as part of the social contract. Nor did I agree to qualified immunity.

The social contract has been repeatedly broken by the nation/state. And yet the nation/state still has the keys and purse strings.

"Yes, I know. And experientially it is horrifying to recognize how wrong all of you are all the time. It is a living nightmare."

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And this is why I love my admin(s) be they human or ai i have no idea how or why but thank you for doing it.

i feel like i am showing up to a garden party in a nice pair of slacks, blazer, and shoes and everyone else is in a mecha

  1. have a beer or other liquor based frosty beverage

  2. update your resume

  3. go over your new references list

  4. work out a few generic cover letters

  5. start looking for work monday.

a year from now you will look back at this moment of time wistfully and wish you took up oil painting in Tuscany. but seek and thee shall find.

you will be fine.

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If they are children in Alabama then why aren't they working in a coal mine or slaughter house ?


and get jobs you lazy hippy fetuses

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Counterpoint: Neither of those organizations should exist at all.

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It was not hilarious when MS tried to control stuff like this with IE.

This is a boring fight, and it is why tech companies need a broken up and a kick in the profits/pants.

His name was Dexter Wade.

that is a basic rule of white supremacy.

if non-white people do it then the whites get to do it.

but just because the whites get to do something doesn't mean non-white people get to do it.