Fox blames Biden for failing to stop Tropical Storm Hilary at the border: "they let it right in" to politics – 432 points –
Fox blames Biden for failing to stop Tropical Storm Hilary at the border: "they let it right in" | Boing Boing

Biden doesn't care about wet people


Okay I'm not trying to defend Fox here, but it seems like this was a joke.

But will their viewers know that?

And therein lies the rub.

Of course Biden is in league with... Hillary

Did he try nuking it?

IF I YOUR FAVORITE PRESIDENT TRUMP was in this situation NOW I would LITERALLY WRITE AN AI that HACKS the JEWISH SPACE LASERS SPONSORED by FAUX FAUCI and made THEM DESTROY the hurricane with 8K ULTRA PRESISON believe ME I'VE seen them they're the WORST lasers EVER SEEN but my HACK that was made by ME and the BEST team they're good guys! Very fine people! would have made them STRONG enough TO DESTROY THE HURRICANE. Meanwhile DeSanctimonious who is a BAD man and many of the BEST PEOPEL are saying it! is in BED with BIDEN and the DEEP STATE to STEER the hurricane to KILL my voters! It's true! They LITERALLY called the HURRICANE Hillary! It's the WORST hurricane believe me! I've seen it myself and ALL the GOOD people say it's the WORST! DON'T TRUST THEM! Vote TRUMP 2024 and stay safe!

I bet Trump’s wall would have stopped it. Take that liberals

Nah, Trump would just have drawn a different path with his Sharpie. Problem solved.

Would have tried to nuke it.

Had a prolonged laughflash right after reading the headline. Then it dawned on me: Some stupid fucks watching fox are actually going to believe this nonsense :-(

Biden is not to blame for the hurricane or any natural disaster.

Yeah he is. He could have just changed the path of the storm with a Sharpie like Great Lord Trump, Bringer of Rains.

Have they tried using hunter biden’s dick pics to stop it?

In Canada the RW/Kremlin trolls blame our PM for the fires. Same deal.

At least that has a thin veneer of plausibility. Technically, Trudeau could personally setting fires purposely, in that any person could set a fire in multiple locations across the country. Expecting someone to be able to stop a hurricane from entering the country is a whole new level of trolling.

Both are ridiculous and have ZERO plausibility.

Yes, both are ridiculous. But setting a fire is a lot more plausible than stopping a hurricane.

It's NOT plausible to suggest my PM is setting fires.

Yes, of course, in reality it is not plausible that the prime minister of Canada is purposely setting wildfires. However, it is more plausible that Trudeau could physically set a fire than Biden could stop a hurricane. That's the only point I was making.