The Barto

24 Post – 501 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I make shitty jokes, say dumb shit and post stupid Ai images and "memes"

Pixelfed: @hobo@pixelfed.aus

They get him on the stand and the judge says " so Mr Newell, remembering you are under oath, when is Half Life 3 being released?"

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Technically the game does have innovative gameplay, no AAA studio has the balls to release a game as boring and lacking in gameplay that Bethesda has, they spent over a decade making fast travel the most integral gameplay mechanic.

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Porn is artistic nudity.

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I like how the title implies that the college students have dumped the app because the CEO has stepped down, as if they only kept using it to not hurt the CEO's feelings.

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Translation: Netflix can't be fucked dealing with the waste, so you can deal it.

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I swear they treat CEO's who tank companies like they do priests who molest kids and just send them to another place whenever they get caught.

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Ok then smartass, you tell us why it's the way it is!

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How about " Convicted Murderer and disgraced police officer Derek Chauvin", that should keep most of us happy.

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Imagine being so terrible that Fox 'news' won't even deal with you..

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Dumbass: do you know who I am?

Theatre person: yes and that's why you must go.

Are spez and Musk having a race or something?

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In Australia we call them cunts.

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Hahahaha cool, Linux with ads and tracking and all the spyware you could ever want.

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If the Google Play store is a monopoly, then what the fuck is the apple store? At least on android you're not forced to only use the play store if you choose, unless you do some sketchy shit to your iPhone, you're stuck with their store only.

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So 5 seconds of silence... Yeah punish me daddy google.

We are everywhere!....... except our jobs.

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This is mine.

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Ahhh, going for the Blue Steel look I see!

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Not a single ounce of self awareness in that group.... Won't be long till these Maga Snowflakes are screaming for safe spaces away from the liberal agender.

Facts don't care about your feelings snowflake! Here you can have the participation trophies you give us when we were young, I think you need them more.

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It's like an extreme version of the Skinner meme, am I so out of touch? No it's the children who are wrong!


This guys political moves are based on this meme.

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Just when I thought this dipshit was out of my life for good.

He looks like he shits his pants on purpose.

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I love everything about this paragraph.

Griest told police he had fallen on the television and that his wife had tried to catch him but ended up getting a cut on her neck. When Griest fell, the television broke and he got a cut on his finger. Griest told officers that he called police because the incident was "going to turn into a domestic" as his wife's drunk boyfriend was allegedly going to stop the house the following day to assault him, Hornberger wrote in the affidavit.

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They already did that when he told people to be nice to trans people. He didn't tell them to embrace them into their lives, just treat them nice and they lost their shit about it.

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It's their only avenue to 'hurt' Biden, also it's the old 'I'll do to you what you do to me shit, because they're all getting charged with shit left right and centre, they're gonna do it to them, just for the fuck of it.

Not sure who that's good for.

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A blind man could have seen that coming.

All you do is put the top between the palms of your hands and rub them together like you've just come up with an evil plan and they pop open.

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Democrats have done the same thing, democrats have done the same thing, democrats have done the same thing.

That's essentially all he says, just with lots more filler words.

Let's buy one and convert the entire building into one giant laser tag arena.

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When I used to have gold to gild, I would always give it to the stupidest comment, like the most childish shit ever, if you had a poop joke or something, I'd give you gold, most of the time people would join in and gild the dumb comment.

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Spez: make it the colour of my soul.

I thought that was a cheese grater in the thumbnail.

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Fuck, I left the oven on.

I work for coles and I always give them a nod of approval then walk off like nothing happend when I see people stealing, fuck coles, they profited over a billion dollars last year off of ripping of customers and workers.

Google: I don't know, ask these nerds.

Hey! How dare you only pay once for a lifetime of viewing, you should be paying monthly... No daily, for the right to view pieces of cultural history.

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Once again proving that when a conservative is really against something, they're doing it themselves.

For every tech company with an r&d team fighting this stuff, there's a plethora of programming wizards whose sole purpose in life is to defeat them.

So today I've seen this article saying YouTube failed and another saying they've succeeded because of record uninstalls of adblockers.

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