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Joined 1 years ago

Moms for Liberty might be done, but the People behind it aren't! They'll be back in another election cycle or two with a different name, maybe a slightly different message.

We must always stay Vigilant against them and their message!

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Don't give the Supreme Court ideas...

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I’m pretty sure the animal they used to make transparent stuff went extinct, like the one they used for the original McRib.

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That Stop sign is behind us, it’s time to move on…

Of course they're going to say that. They won't provide hard data to prove it, but by saying it they can keep doing it and make it look like a positive PR move.

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So what's the Secret Service procedure on having someone they're protecting be booked in a State Court system?

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Well don’t go back, they’ll probably charge you and your family.

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I remember reading these type of stories after Obama win in 2008. 2010 elections come around and people don’t go to vote “since the Republican Party is finished!” and sure enough, who wins all these State and local elections? Republicans. And they get to re-draw the maps to keep them in power, which in a few States they’re just been able to un-do this Fuckery.

Isn't it their Right as a Business to sell what they want? Why is the Government trying to interfere with the Business' Freedom of Speech???

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Yup. Everytime I need to test an internet connection I go to Yahoo cause I know the User wasn't there so no cache version.

Only the Good die young.

Back in 2005 a co-worker bough a cam version of the new Fantastic Four movie from someone outside a Checkers. When he played it it turned out to be the 1994 Corman edition. I told him it’s a better movie but he was pissed. He never found that guy again.

Oh no


Well, not THEE Holocaust that everyone knows about. I’m talking about our own Holocaust, when we fled due to bedbugs…

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This warhead is brought to you by Raid:Shadow Legends. With the next 10 seconds of your life remaining open the App store and download Raid:Shadow Legends!

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I saw it live, oh what a weird night that was.

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It's for Thumping not for Reading!!!

Best I can do is an aspirin I found on the train and sleep it off.

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The ZF-1. [activates a ZF-1 and holds it] It's light; handle's adjustable for easy carrying; good for righties and lefties; breaks down into four parts; undetectable by X-ray; ideal for quick discreet interventions. A word on firepower. Titanium recharger; 3000-round clip with bursts of 3 to 300. With the replay button, another Zorg invention, it's even easier. [lights reveal a mannequin in police gear] One shot... [shoots mannequin]...and replay sends every following shot to the same location. [turns around, shooting in the direction of the Mangalores; bullets curve their trajectory and hit the mannequin instead] And to finish the job, all the Zorg oldies-but-goldies. [fires every weapon at the mannequin as he mentions them] Rocket launcher... arrow launcher, with exploding or poisonous gas heads, very practical... our famous net launcher... the always-efficient flamethrower, my favorite... [winks to the Mangalores] and for the grand finale, the all-new 'Ice-cube System'! [fires a cloud of liquid nitrogen which freezes the remains of the mannequin. Mangalores applaud politely by carnage]

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His notebook finally empty?

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Great! I can't wait for my $2 off my next $150 "Cheap Seat" ticket while Live Nation "Accepts no Responsibly or Blame" and gets to stay in one piece.

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They are moving Federal court!

At this point we should repeal the Reapportionment Act of 1929. The Founding Fathers never intended there be a limit on the number of representatives in the House of Representatives, otherwise they would have said so!

Don’t forget when both Democratic and Republican parties servers were hacked back in 2015. Things were leaked from the Democrats, but nothing came out on the Republicans. Nice to have that info hanging over their heads…

BuT hE's BeInG tHoRoUgH.>.

Is a bear Catholic?

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The defense attorney would object, but he’s been chasing his tail for five minutes now.

That's MR. Spock!

He didn't finish his Doctorate at Starfleet.

There's no Fraud
There's no Fraud
You're the Fraud!

He should blame Disney for it and move on.

Name and shame!

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I've seen this before. His Hard Drive is dying, need to swap it out for a SSD. That should give him another 2-3 years!

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Chinese Invisible fighter jet? At this time of year! At this time of day! In this part of the world! Localized entirely within your Country?!?


May I see it?


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A real Milk-steak.

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Back in the early 2000’s a co-worker asked if I had the special on VHS. Told him I did and he wanted to borrow it. I warned him how bad it was and he wouldn’t have a good time, but he still wanted it. When I gave him the tape I again warned him, he still wanted it.

3 days later he gave it back to me. I opened the case and saw the tape was only a third of the way viewed. I asked him if he wanted to finish watching it and all he said was “No. no. no…” as he walked away.

Would it help for someone to jump on the belly?

I remember reading these type of stories after Obama win in 2008. 2010 elections come around and people don’t go to vote “since the Republican Party is finished!” and sure enough, who wins all these State and local elections? Republicans. And they get to re-draw the maps to keep them in power, which in a few States they’re just been able to un-do this Fuckery.

First-World problem right there...