4 Post – 2464 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Neither are you, then.

I didn’t think that fox used TP, just the tongues of interns to clean themselves.

Veteran Republican strategist Karl Rove wrote in The Wall Street Journal: “Mr Trump can’t come off as unhinged or enraged. The words ‘rigged election’ shouldn’t pass his lips. He has to keep his cool and can’t make it all about himself.”

I can’t believe they defrosted Karl Rove.

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I’d put a bid in for that seat.

I bet it smells like a harbor at low tide.

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They make more money on average so pay more taxes.

How is that a bad thing?

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If you go to post secondary education you’re going to on average make more money then if you don’t.

If you make more money you’ll pay more taxes the rest of your life so it’s a cheap investment is my point.

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I’m actually surprised he got those words out.

They must have fixed his teleprompter.

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Isn’t the fact that he can say that pretty much proving him wrong?

You’re not understanding my point.

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They should work on middle-out encoding.

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My alcoholic uncle unironically posted this to Facebook this morning at 2:31am.

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I heard it on the classic rock station yesterday.

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Little bit of a scatter brain?

That’s just a Tuesday night for me.


Well pickled.

Twenty-four years ago.

If it was a porn star it would have been in the MILF category two years ago.

How’s he doing these days?

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After COVID this is the only way I greet anyone.

Family gatherings get a little awkward.

Remember when Trump called Ted Cruz’s wife ugly?

Crazy fucking that.

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I worry they are trying to normalize the idea of living under a dictatorship.

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Most meat alternatives like impossible burgers are bullshit.

Ultra processed shit food.

There's a lot of good vegan food that doesn't pretend to be burgers, ribs or anything else besides what is it.

Plus who fucks an animal before you eat it?

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I can’t even blame them.

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Don't worry a mystery investor will come and put billions in Trump's pockets anytime now.


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Stick a carrot up your ass and put it back in the bunch.

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Yes, lots of drinking and drug in front of a pizza oven have fucked up better people than you.

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It's the main two parts of the job actually.

The pizza has a minor role.

Everyone who drinks milk fucks cows?

Am I supposed to take you seriously right now?

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That's fur the best.

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Makes sense, I saw your instance and I had questions that I did not want to ask.

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Someone with a wholesome username saying something utterly depraved?

I pay taxes so am I responsible for the murders and wars my government commits?

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That’s a strange thing to admit.

You insulted everyone having to read this thread.

I agreed with your first comment but now I’m just irritated.

The only protection he uses is lawyers.

Republicans voted Reagan in twice so it doesn’t really matter.

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I don’t know her personally but it seems like Dolly is the type of person that any true christian would strive to emulate.

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Let the one guy stick his dick in there.

It can only slow it down and best case scenario it swells up, he gets stuck and the water stops completely.

I want an iPhone with a larger battery so it doesn’t have the stupid camera bulge.

Longer life and doesn’t rock when I text on a surface.

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