Can serial killers sell their carbon offsets? to – 84 points –

Only if they kill billionaires with private jets.

Exactly we need serial killers who target nazis and right wing assholes. We could give them medals.

There's a reason those don't exist.

He'd get hunted down extra fast. The cops would unload full clips on random cars that just look like the killer's car. They'd send every man they've got after the killer, and then burn down the cabin in which he's hiding.

Cops are right wing assholes and look after their own.

Do you mean that they have offset the emissions of all the people they murdered?

16 tonnes per person per year.

Spitting straight facts

Scientists said we had to take drastic measures to stop global warming.

If Taylor Swift knocked off a toddler she could have almost six hundred hours of guilt free private jet time.

She might even argue for significantly more hours if she wipes out an entire blood line at once.

So what you're saying is that the whole middle-east conflict is really just there to save the climate? ^/s^

Alternatively, 37 billion tons per SatansMaggotyCumFart per year.

Why do you think I’m worth so much?

I’m flattered and flustered.

Why do you think the pollution is evenly distributed?

It’s spread in a thin layer across the world like semen at a crime scene.

That's a very charitable analogy, because most people don't make any semen at all.

Are you a semen producer denialist?

No, I just think we should address massive ejaculation on a systemic level instead of propagating the "semen footprint" fallacy. It was designed by Big Dick to make you feel guilty and powerless.

9/11 terrorists: I'm gonna make so much money with this

They already can become mainstream celebrity and do a bunch of money selling their stories through books and movies. So why bother?