Carighan Maconar

81 Post – 1884 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The strength of life to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Yeah, I decided to nope out after the beginning, too. Seen too much shit in the one year I volunteered at the hospital, don't need a reminder of those. What the fuck...

Yeah that's a fair take.

It is reprehensible and disgusting behavior, but it doesn't mean we should universally apply labels across vast swaths of different issues, as it devalues said label and poisons future discussion.

Simple labels simplify discussion of course, but that runs the risk of losing nuance for the specific way someone was a disgusting creep.

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I live in one of Germany's largest cities, and while this is high, it's not outrageously high.

I guess to me what sticks out the most is the expected 20% surcharge for "tips" (that get collected by the bosses indirectly anyways as they just underpay their slaves enough to make up for the tips they're getting). That's not normal here. You tip for good service, if you pay in cash you also tip to round usually, and you tip if there's some other outstandingly positive thing about it. I really hate how in the US it's become so expected to tip, while also having fuck all protection for the delivery drivers, who ought to get a wage where tips are a bonus, not an expectation. It's just a delivery fee at this point, let's be honest.

Although I will also say that since I live basically next door to a Dominos, I always pick up, which is ~25%-30% cheaper than delivery. Plus no delivery charge, but that's based on distance I imagine.

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I'm not disagreeing, although I will say that as I have aged, I started to prefer either of:

  • Turn-based
  • Real-time-with-pause (granted, this is mostly RPGs)
  • Pre-submitted concurrent turns (ala Frozen Synapse)

I don't know. I just no longer find the extra stress from the real-time element engaging. I used to love it, but preferences shift of course, and now I prefer the relaxation of taking my own time to figure out what I want to do, then checking whether I "solved the puzzle", basically.

I think one possible resolution for increasing the popularity of RTS is to take a hybrid real time approach. You can build and do things in real time, but under the hood battles and the economy operate in discrete chunks of at least several seconds.

Come to think of it, I saw two approaches that were similar to this before:

  1. In Frozen Synapse, you plan your turn, eventually commit it, then it plays out at the same time as the enemy planned turn. You can even move enemy units while planning to simulate possible movements and attacks they might make.
  2. In the fourth Battle Isle game, Battle Isle The Andosia War, you did your strategic turns with your units, then in real-time as everyone else did those turns, built your production base and produced units. So the longer you take for your strategic turn, the more time everyone else gets to work on their economy.
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Thank you for beating me to mention this.

K-cups are really amazinlgy bad. And it's not like there aren't much better solutions available. Philips has those fully bio-degradable pads, a local store now sells a type of coffee maker that uses just the coffee powder in balls where the outer shell is compressed grounds that is cracked open to get to the powder inside.

But no, Keurig and their fucking oceans of plastic waste.

Do you mean the lighter parts from the top side?

Yet… silence.

Imagine never reading any news or discussions about environmental impact, but coming in here trying to defend Keurig by doing full whataboutism.

Because it keeps being crossposted everywhere. Sadly.

It’s because the same people who wrote the code usually write the docs, and people who are really good at writing code usually aren’t good at writing docs. It’s two different skill sets that usually don’t coincide.

This is why companies ought to employ technical writers if they have enough documentation. Of course, few ever do, but it'd by the Right Thing™️ to do.

Yeah, parts of this article feel like they've been written by a GenAI. Which... might have been the point, I suppose.

I think the problem is not in pod-based single-serving coffee machines. Those are common, and well-loved for a reason.

But there are easily available alternatives that do the exact same thing without requiring so much plastic, namely Senseo coffee pads (they're grounds in coffee filter paper) or CoffeeB and its compressed coffee grounds balls (so it's all just coffee ground, both the coffee and the pod). Probably a fair few more I don't know about personally.

Possibly even Nestle with their Nescafe pods. They're aluminium but some countries achieve effectively 100% recycling on that, then the only issue is the filter membrane they place inside and I don't know whether that is easily separated during recycling or not.

Ugh, I know the games are divisive, but for me they really did not work at all. I can't even truly say why. They were below-expectations, yeah, but not terribly so. Just didn't connect.

I got the same issue with FF16, tbh. While FFX worked for me (even though I'm weird, and think FFX-2 is better 😅).

I swear every time Mozilla does anything people find some way to be negative about it.

I mean, Lemmy is pretty much mostly for curmudgeons if we're being honest. Or at least that's what non-cat posts feel like. Mozilla isn't even all that special.

But yeah, it's annoying. Just stop using the browser if you're that annoyed by it, and more importantly, stop letting us know about it! We know, you're upset. Go post on Twitter like the rest of the angry people do!

Damn this looks amazing. Like Papers Please but with a cannon instead of two stamps.

Neat. Small thing, but neat. Just wish we had lots of providers, but I understand they get money from AccuWeather for this, so it's understandable there is no swapping this around (AccuWeather is pretty inaccurate for where I live, although not as bad as some other ones).

Which it is, and I hate it, but you’re exactly right.

And beyond that, this is also not Mozilla's decision. A browser-making company is not the one to ask to fix digital media copyright and its enforcement. Talk to you elected personel if you want to fix that, and/or get into politics yourself and fix it.

if only we had acted sooner

Doing what, exactly? Create a fork? Done. Fill their feedback queue with endless screeching about how everything is dooooooom? Done, 10x over. Use another browser instead, say, Chrome? That's what virtually everyone did, yes.=

Plus shouldn't this on paper be positive news? Mozilla can, if they run Anonym well enough, be independent of other ad networks. Run their own. Which in turn means they can control the data and where it's stored, an important issue with third-party ad networks.

This is probably related to Youtube starting to serve ads mixed into the actual videostream, right?

This causes issues of them fucking up the timestamps?

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Of course, it's going to be difficult to find a modern application where each individually deployed component isn't at least 7MB of compiled source (and 50-200MB of container), compared to this single 7MB war that contained everything.

I worried about this a lot back after uni, too.

I studied 8 years for a diploma that was supposed to be done in 5, and I had done nothing with the extra time. I just wasn't in a good place to be done any faster.

However, it turns out to just not be a problem. Companies generally could not give a flying fuck about what I did at university, and as soon as I had been at one company, they only cared what I had done before in the industry.

Now of course, going for a masters is different, but I wouldn't worry too much about it, it probably matters less than you think it will. If you want to explain gaps, I'd just cite it as "personal reasons". If they ask - which is kinda not-okay - you can always say you had family matters that precluded you from focusing on your studies until now.

Brown Sauce - HP, Daddies etc this sauce is pretty popular in the UK (Where I live) and goes great on chips/fries and prior dish mentioning.

I don't think Germany has this, usually.

For us the three big ones would be Mayo / Ketchup / Mustard I imagine. Of which personally, spiced Mayo always wins out (Miracle Whip). Just too used to it from my childhood. 😅

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This recycles the graphics from the Link's Awakening remake, for which it was already divisive, yeah.

OTOH, it's a great way to make it look teensy-tiny, especially with the built-in tilt-shift.

Isn't there a requirement for mental sanity among elected officials? (in the medical sense) Because can't this easily be constructed as a sure sign that she suffers from dementia? Or well, her colleagues do?

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Yeah I was about to say, imagine this tiny Velociraptor purring in your lap sleeping off the murder of the chirpy-chirpy flap-thing in the garden.

Costs 16.99 here. Which locale is this in?

Oooh, finally a sale on the Shadow Gambit DLC. Time to get both, I heard a lot that while Yuki is of course the "cooler" DLC since well, it's Yuki, the other one is mechanically smarter as the new unit is overpowered but also quite different.

On that note, cannot recommend Shadow Gambit enough. It's the perfection of the Commandos / Shadow Tactics / Desperados formula.

Shouldn't the normal size be 2? Given, well, the name?

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Just one more upside to Firefox, less interruptions during work~

The wider the TV gets, the more stable a two-feet-at-the-ends design becomes compared to a single central foot.

Plus if you need anything else, VESA mounts are super-standard and you just get whatever you need then use it on every Tv you buy.

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What I hate most about this is how they now moved to Rocket Chat.

Come on people. Use a forum. Get the message, finally. Do it!

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I mean, cool, they're finally replacing Geforce Experience, one of the worst pieces of software ever made.

But they're replacing it with shit that commits all the same crimes. Locally run webserver hosting web interfaces and a website running in a packaged Chrome accesses. Instead of something utterly wild like oh I don't know, actually building a piece of software not a web page!

Also it still commits the cardinal crime of letting 11y old me do the design and what I thought was "COOOOOL!", instead of just, you know, looking like an app. In the design language of the OS. Which would be wild, I know.

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If it's as presented in the quote then yeah, this feels like that australian porn law they tried where "if you look like you could be underage, it counts as child sex material" and one specific example from the text was "too small or flat breasts". Which was just patently absurd.

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I just want my Google Now back. It was so smart by comparison to Assistant or all the other modern "AI" crap. It didn't try to write me a funny text, instead it contextually pulled actually useful information up so that when I get the idea to look at my phone for something, hey!, it's already there!

The craziest thing was my trip to the UK back in the days. In order, it did the following:

  • The evening before it asked me whether I want to be woken up a bit earlier (20 minutes) as the weather was expected to be very bad.
  • It reminded me to pack an umbrella in the morning.
  • When it had decided that my movement mode was driving (I had taken a taxi), it popped up that I needed to go to Terminal 2 at the airport (they have separate areas for dropping off passengers).
  • Once at the terminal, my ticket + it's QR code was persistent on the screen.
  • It also had a persistent notification with the boarding gate + the current expected time (there was a slightly delay, hence I noticed).
  • When I arrived at Heathrow, it offered on-foot navigation to the coach area.
  • When I got closer, the coach ticket + it's QR was persistent on the screen.
  • Once in the coach it offered me information that the weather at my destination was expected to be sunny. And when I would probably arrive, of course.

For-fucking-hell Google, that's exactly how I need a phone to assist me during a trip! I don't need some shitty voice interaction or long flowing texts made up of filler words and wrong facts. I need contextual information that fits the fucking context! Google Now was insanely smart. It also did lots of little things, like when I got somewhere with a car, parked it, then walked off a bit, if I then sat down for a long time when the phone was moved again (say... when you get up out of the Restaurant!) the parked position would pop up. Smarts. Not useful very often, but smarts.

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Just one more reason to make laws that enforce similarly fair competition in other countries. Don't let companies get away with this shit!

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Can confirm, am German and not proud to be an American either.

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I am so tempted to volunteer.

And then immediately go malicious compliance, turning everything NSFW and creating funky rules for whatever subreddit they give me.

  • /r/Chrome would be exclusively about chromed-metal-centric DIY projects and car mods, everything else gets deleted and you get banned for repeat offenses.
  • /r/therapy would just have a single stickied link to a how-to-delete-your-reddit-data-and-profile guide.

Etc, etc.

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Saw this Legal Eagle video earlier today and yeeesh, how stupid can one group of people be. They asked a guy to delete the security videos who then of course immediately ratted them out because even among Trump's staff there's people there with a minimum moral compass.

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Wikipedia should counter by offering Elon $4 to go towards paying off his massive hole from buying Twitter. 😂

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None. But I also never browse All. Never have, on any form of social media.

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