The Condiment Wars to – 38 points –

What is your favourite sauce of the big three :

Ketchup - Arguably the most widespread and common sauce used for flavouring your burgers, BBQ and other dishes. Can be considered the normie basic-guy option from others opinions.

Mustard - The yin to Ketchups yang, also widespread in dishes previously mentioned in Ketchup section, either exclusively used or paired with Ketchup combining the flavouring.

Brown Sauce - HP, Daddies etc this sauce is pretty popular in the UK (Where I live) and goes great on chips/fries and prior dish mentioning.

It is also a cardinal rule to be put into bacon sandwiches among the brown sauce community.

What is your favourite sauce to use?


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Brown Sauce - HP, Daddies etc this sauce is pretty popular in the UK (Where I live) and goes great on chips/fries and prior dish mentioning.

I don't think Germany has this, usually.

For us the three big ones would be Mayo / Ketchup / Mustard I imagine. Of which personally, spiced Mayo always wins out (Miracle Whip). Just too used to it from my childhood. 😅

Yes, I see it similar. But miracle whip is not mayo and does not count

I respect you as a human and your unique existence... Miracle Whip is ass.

You monster, what about curryketchup? (I think that's the English word for it?)

Hey, hela is normal ketchup, of course. Anything else you might as well just chew a tomato!