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Joined 9 months ago

The world of a hundred years ago. Where I live, the liberal parties mostly want to create more freedom for companies to fuck people over.

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If Russia and the west start shooting eachother, one of four things will happen.

1 - Russia grows a brain and backs down when they horribly lose a conventional war. (Unlikely, unless someone takes command authority away)

2 - Russia kept their nuclear arsenal up to date, and a tiny remnant.of humanity gets to enjoy the Stone Age again. It won't hurt if you live in a city though.

3 - Only a tiny fraction of their nukes launch, and the west responds proportionally. A lot of people die, but at least we'll fix global warming.

So, you're saying they're sexist and racist, and we should all be enraged and immediately donate to our favourite bigots?

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An aircraft carrier only has a draft of some 12 meters. Godzilla is over 100m. Much of the North Sea is only like 40m deep, with shallows much less than that.

Yeah, because just pretending the previous movie didn't happen is also a shitty solution.

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getting paid for freelance work that is available in Europe

Banktransfers are free...

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I dunno, seems really inconvenient to me. What if you decide to get married at some point? I would just build a sex-regardless-marriage room, to get a little potential future-proofing done.

And maybe expand the gay room a bit.

Mike can fuck right off.

I'm pretty sure this is why coop shooters are getting more popular.

Also, obviously you don't want the lounge opening right into the bathroom. Unless that's your thing, but then you should just convert your gay room into a multipurpose area.

Seems like an amazing system when you're voting between a small number of parties, but the Dutch House elections had hundreds of individuals, with 20 districts with imperfect overlap off individuals. It would be completely incomprehensible for humans to check things.

I also suggest a front that won't fall off

Unfortunately, the rest of the tweet also isn't true.

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"how we lived our entire history" is generally "as hunter-gatherers, who died when something went slightly wrong".

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Sharks, being fish, don't have necks. On the other hand, this is a great excuse for delivery.

Also, opening the drawer will lower the rope, not pull it up...

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I'd love for both of them to take one.

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She's looks about 40% real, if that's what you're asking.

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The follow-up paragraph is even more amazing, because (like all conservatives) she can't even say what "woke" is.

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God forbid the children learn anything.

No, that's not a figure of speech, it's a Texan prayer.

Halo 3 came out 17 years ago. I learned this today (and still don't really see it...), so I say they did amazingly well!

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It's because of how the generative models are created and how they're censored.

At it's basic level, what a generative model does is take input data, break it into pieces, assign values to those bits based on neighbouring bits. It creates a model of which words are used together frequently in which context.

But that kind of model isn't human-readable, it's a giant multi-dimensional cloud of numbers and connections, not actual code. You can change the inputs used to create the model, but that means you have to manually filter all the inputs and that's not realistic either and will probably skew your model, possibly into uselessness.

So, you have to either censor the input or the output. You don't usually want to censor input, because there are all sorts of non-damaging questions to ask about Tiananmen square, and its very easy to dodge. So, you censor the output instead, that's the "harm" after all.

You let the model generate a reply and then go see if it uses certain terms or specific bits of info and remove them, replacing it with a canned reply.

Which means we don't have to trick the generative model, just the post-fact filter. And since generative models can be persuaded to change their style and form (sometimes into less-readable, more prosaic, less defined terms), it becomes very very hard to censor it effectively.

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Why make it hard on yourself when idiots self-select into an easy target audience?

I'm 35, and if you squint a bit at the mortgage, I "own" home. With my partner. And we'll be paying it off for another 27 years. And we're the lucky ones of this generation.

Buying a home with saving, fucking lol

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Also, trump appointed 3 supreme court justices, who will be there FOR LIFE.

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1 in 8 lives in poverty (<20k for a 2 person household).

1 in 4 has less than 1k in savings.

1 in 2 has less money saved than last year.

1 in 2 is living paycheck to paycheck

But thanks to massive income inequality, the average American makes 59k a year.

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Gotta wonder how many circuits are in each room

I'm an electrician

A very optimistic one, it seems. Because I'm willing to bet good on money on you not wanting to live there when you find out.

It's a really well-trained parrot. It responds to what you say, and then it responds to what it hears itself say.

But despite knowing which sounds go together based on which sounds it heard, it doesn't actually speak English.

Being critical isn't automatically racist.

For example, the country where I've been groped the most is Egypt, followed shortly by India. That's not racist.

If I were to say that every indian male is therefore a sex offender, THAT would be racist.

Tbf, when they asked WHY they should interview basically random people, the GOP members of the committee refused to share information with the rest of the committee.

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Nah, this isn't boring, i find this very amusing

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Far out!

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Multiple things can be true. Both of these claims are true.

  • It benefits NATO countries to curb the expansion of a rival power without losing a single soldier.

  • Assisting in a sovereign country in resisting annexation by a genocidal occupier is a good thing.

You don't always have to suffer to help someone else, some situations can be win-win.

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These signs also exist in the Netherlands, and the reason is because pumps are calibrated to a certain accuracy (say, 1%, for convenience).

But in the real world, you can get a lot of variation from temperature, to how long it's been since a pump was used, to how full the underground tank is. They all made a difference, mostly at the start and end of pumping.

So you get a law in percentages, and you get a real world deviation in volume. Obviously, if your pump is short 50ml on 1 liter, you're off by 5% and breaking the law. But of you slap a sticker on, telling everyone they "must" get 5 liters, you're off 50ml on 5L, a perfect 1% deviation and entirely within the limit.

But 8 gallon is BIG volume, damn.

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"AI" is the new "blockchain". It's a solution looking for a solid problem to tackle, with some niche applications

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Ah, the old "this solution isn't 100% effective, thus I shall ignore it".

Shell is creating products you are buying. We can regulate them harder, but you can ALSO just not buy their product. We can do multiple things that contribute, you just don't want to, because it's slightly inconvenient for you.

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How the fuck is Putin supposed to take Gotland? Is the Russian Baltic fleet supposed to sail out of Saint Petersburg, pass within 50km of either Talinn or Helsinki without getting every single anti-ship missile in NATO launched at them and land every soldier they can cram into it's (on paper quite decent landing craft) and conquer one cement factory that I promise will never work again, and some wild horses and rose bushes?

Russia can barely supply it's troops by train against a nation without a real Airforce. How are they supposed to hold an island against inside lake NATO against a country with 2 fighter wings in easy bombing distance, and at least something of a navy?

On the other hand, the fact that they're doomed to fail doesn't mean they won't try, so I can't fault Sweden for getting some troops out there. There are probably worse posts than Gotland too.

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Can't wait for all the dudes walking into the ladies room simply because of chromosomes. They never consider the reverse when dog whistling...

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I gave my students a take home exam over spring break. (This is normal where I teach)

If this is normal, that just means a lot teachers have no respect for personal time.

One of the questions was particulary difficult. It came down to a factor of three in the solution. That factor inexplicably appeared with no justification on many of their exams.

So? Are you saying a lot of them cooperated on it? Did they copy work from a separate source? Where is the problem?

You assigned graded work during a vacation, which I would assume means you can use any material you have access too, including teamwork and the entire internet. Does it not?

I intend to have the students I suspect of cheating come to my office to solve the problem on the board.

And if they fail, what does this prove? That they can't reproduce an answer constructed over (potentially) many days of work with references on hand, in a few minutes of high-stress with their teacher breathing down their neck?

What would you do?

Not send graded work home with students if you don't expect them to cooperate. Procter an exam if you want them to use only their brains.

In fact, you should procter an exam during your vacation, because they didn't get one either.

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If you pay me her salary, you can motivate it however you want.