Most young people are no longer proud to be Americans, poll finds

Flying to politics – 975 points –

Overall, 39% of U.S. adults say they are "extremely proud" to be American in the most recent poll.

Meanwhile, only 18% of those aged 18-34 said the same, compared to 40% of those aged 35-54 and 50% of those 55 and over.

18% is still too high. As Obama's pastor said, God damn America! Americans have very little to be proud of at this point.


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Can confirm, am German and not proud to be an American either.

Ironically many Americans are proud to be [pick any European country].

Which I always found is considering they nor their parents nor grandparents had every set foot in that nation.

In theory, to be American your ethnic background should be diverse. We are the uniting force of humanity.

It's like me claiming to be Polish-British because my mum's family came here in the 1600s. It's stupid.

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If you're parent/grandparent are still a German citizen you can apply for German citizenship until 2031.

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