2 Post – 213 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Do you all think it'll come before or after he explains his Obamacare alternative?

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The writers of constitution of the United States were advocates of the "Rule of Law".

For those not in the know, it's a legal philosophy saying that the laws should apply equality to everyone. The constitution writers disliked that the King was above the law. They wanted no one to be above the law.

Now we get to see if the Supreme Court still believes in the rule of law.

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You're in a Walmart.

They claim to be cheaper so they can have that drabby distopian look.

In the good parts of town, they look nicer. In the poor parts of town they're legit worse than that.

Fwiw, I'll pay the extra dollar per shopping cart for the superior look of a target. Target is generally cleaner and crisper looking. As always there are exceptions to that rule.

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You'd still owe that debt. Unless you go to prison for live than the debt's statute length. Generally 7 years.

Also some jurisdictions make you pay for the privilege of going to prison.

Ymmv, choose your state of jurisdiction very carefully.

Also crypto is a bubble IMO.

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Most boomers spent the 60s beating the shit out of Civil Rights protestors and spitting on children because their schools were desegregated.

I think that's just a Southern thing. Living in the North, my grandparents never discussed beating the shit out of civil rights protesters. Nor did they spout overtly racist things.

They were prejudice, but it was more of a I've never seen anyone with that color skin and it's different so I'm uncomfortable.

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They're putting themselves into an awkward position to have to accept that a fetus is a person and thus eligible to receive tax deductions, use the car pool lane, etc.

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I'll summarize it for other people to save them a click:

A few CEOs of companies you've never heard of agree with some other guy you've never heard of.

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An online petition demanding that the sculptors cease and desist

Can we get a petition going for the sculptors to continue?

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In their defense, they stare at a screen all day looking for contraband. The human brain can only do a task like that well for maybe 15 minutes before zoning out.

I know people who worked in manufacturing. There was a quality control position where a worker had to look at glass going by them on a assembly line looking for defects. They studied how long a person could reliability do that before they started missing defects. It was only about 10 minutes.

I think if that story every time I go to the airport, or when the TSA get trashed for missing half of the weapons they're supposed to be searching for.

AI should be used to assist roles like that.

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Being informed and not getting into arguments aren't related.

Don't argue with people. If they want to disagree with facts, walk away.

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I'm literally not buying a Tesla because he's a douchbag.

When I see a Tesla on the road I assume they are a Musk fan boy. There's no prestige in that brand. There are a lot of us that assume that.

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That's messed up.

How is it, I've never heard of this until now?

That's super terrible business tactics.

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I love that there's just an endless supply of Escalades exiting the freeway.

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Loophole of the "payment not received on time fee" of $40.

Obligatory - Join a credit union. They're non profit financial institutions that offer the same service as a bank. As a non profit, their fees and rates are much better.

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Yes, and I'll counter that argument by suggesting we ban having sex with children regardless of if the molester is related.

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Salt makes things taste better.

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Jokes aside.

Felony by definition means it's punishable by at least one year in prison.

So specifically, why are we incarcerating consenting adults for having sex?

From a moral point, don't do that. From a legal point, stay out of the bedroom.

I'll also add context of this is a very Western belief. Natives of America prevented inbreeding by not marrying within the clan. Your first cousins could be in a different clan and therefore open for marriage.

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Doesn't the prison get paid for every person incarcerated?

No, it's a jail. Jail is part of the county. In most states, the sheriff runs it and the budget is part of the sheriff's budget. When they need money, that go to the county and ask for more. A jail is where people who just got arrested are detained. They are held there until bail is posted or their trial is complete. Frequently minor sentences for misdemeanors (under 1 year) are served in jail, though larger counties usually have a separate place for post trial misdemeanor sentences to be served.

Prison is ran by the state or federal government. It houses people convicted of felonies who are sentenced to do time in a prison (almost always a sentence over 1 year).

There's a lot of similarities and people often confuse them.

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Yesterday there was literally an article about how China was building more coal power plants than anyone else.

They've got a lot of people and need a huge amount of electricity.

Edit: here it is


They don't care what the users make. They care that user interaction numbers are back up.

Spez is the scapegoat. The ownership of Reddit knows what they're doing and spez is simply the idiot willing to (poorly) do what he's told.

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The article I read said they expect it will be appealed to the US Supreme Court.

Find out when the next meeting is. Tell them you're going to attend.

Organize all the other dog owners and all of you attend. Explain why the new rule is a burden on you all. Explain what you want. Listen to their reasoning. Come to an agreeable compromise.

He did accomplish a thing. He single-handedly managed to compromise national security. With all the open positions, work wasn't able to get done and some people legit burnt out trying to do the work of many people.

The health system as whole is messed up.

Pharmacy seems to take it to the next level. I'm baffled how a coupon printed from some random website gives me a cheaper prescription than my generally good employer sponsored health insurance.

My doctor prints these coupons (no login just a regular website) at the visit and tells me to make sure my insurance is actually cheaper than this stupid piece of paper makes the drug. Wtf man, how did we get here?

The one sane spot is Costco. The drugs are always cheap there. It's just Costco is a pain in the ass to get in and out of quickly.

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Though I will point out that adult woman was likely being groomed while she was a child.

A decade ago, my pilot friend informed me that after 4 years of college, starting pay was $18,000 a year. After a year of experience suddenly you're making 4 times that. Not a lot of people can afford to make that measley income for a year. It's not a sustainable way to recruit talent.

Then there's the issue is being on call when you're the lowest seniority in you're position where they can call you anytime a pilot calls in sick and you have to be at the airport in 30 minutes.

You can make a lot of money, but there's a lot of bullshit to deal with at the start of your career.

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You want to get a good mattress pad. You can wash that in a washing machine and keep your mattress clean.

To reduce smell in your mattress, kill the bacteria. Spray with 1 part vodka 2 parts water. Let it fully dry before putting sheets back on.

Stains, those aren't going away. That's why you wanted a mattress pad.

I went back to college at 30. That set me up for a career I actually enjoyed and a wage that was double the dead end job I had at the time.

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It's frustrating because they're so literal when following instructions. I wish they'd do what I want, not what I said.

Ugh, in the news here a few years ago, they showed a video of a lady jumping out of her car so she wouldn't be in it when it slid into another car. The news anchor advised people to stay inside of your car. It's a cage. You're safer inside that cage than lying in the road.

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... how this fucking loser ever got to where he is now.

Starting life as the billionaire heir to a lucrative gem mine built on slave labor will let you stay rich no matter how much you fuck up.

He invested a lot of money into an electric car company. Anyone could tell the wind was blowing towards electric cars.

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It wasn't a weapon.

They aren't paid to find rotting fish.

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I just rented an EV from Hertz. I loved it. I planned to rent one next time I needed a rental.

Granted, I'm not keeping them in business with my 2 rentals a year.

Did he say "gay". Ooh that'd be ironic.

No, he's sentenced for storming the capital building during the Jan 6 insurrection.

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You've been lied to. Recycling plastic was never about saving the planet. It was too get consumers to be okay polluting with plastic. That isn't changing. Recycling plastic is not the answer. It never was. The oil lobby spent millions to trick you into using plastic.

The article says that new recycling processes just create other pollution.

To solve this, we stop using petroleum based plastic.

When would the teachers have time to lesson plan or grade if they're teaching kids 8 hours a day?

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employees that live near an office need to be onsite

Sigh, why are you punishing people based on where they live?

That's a great way to ruin moral. Create 2 classes of workers.

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We stopped doing gift exchanges. We were just getting things we didn't want. Ymmv, that doesn't work in all families.

That wasn't an educated MBA who cut them it was a stupid CEO who felt it was an unnecessary crutch (his words).

They want to get reelected. They know they have to do what the Almighty Orange One says for that to happen. I'm really hoping the Democrats actually take off the gloves for this election and call the Republicans the insurrection party. Then they have to show America that one party is fully responsible and that one party has been blocking the investigation into the insurrection.

Show the Jan 6 footage. Get an emotional response. Make the Republican voters feel like shit for allowing that to happen.

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