2 Post – 861 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's bizarre looking at this from the outside and seeing Americans trying to blame everything but the availablity of guns for shootings happening.

25 more...

Unless you're doing very specialist stuff, phone tech peaked a while back for the average user who's only going to do some web browsing, social media, listen to some tunes or watchbsome funny videos. All the little incremental changes aren't groundbreaking for that use case.

Until foldables are both reliable and cheaper, phones have stagnated in terms of visably appealing features.

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It's creepy and abusive as fuck so I don't say this out of any great desire to defend him, but that girl is of legal age in the UK, so by our standards he isn't a nonce, legally speaking.

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I really wish they wouldn't cut the numpad from so many mechanical boards. Theres tons I like the look off but my job is very numbers based so I need that numpad.

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The crazy thing is how hysterical they're being over something you can fail to even notice is there. It gave me male pronouns as I choose the male body type, and the button prompt to change it is hidden way down at the bottom of the screen. It's literally on screen for a few seconds and then never mentioned again in a game with hundreds of hours gameplay.

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They think this is bad, there's a seafood van near my local pub called "Prawn Hub" with the same logo design.

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As soon as you open anything to user generated content you run the risk that they're going to do something dodgy with that access. More than a decade ago I remember they added the emblem creator to Call of Duty and people were making swastikas within minutes.

Wasn't he arguing with German ministers about their immigration policies on there the other day too?

What's got into his bonce that makes him think he's qualified to comment on all these things? If thos just a result of people being too scared to say "no" to him for years at work?

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To be fair, at least it's easy to avoid the Tankies here. Once you realise what instances they congregate in you can just ignore any community on those. Once more normal people join up I imagine they'll end up defederating to preserve their echo chambers.

I still can't believe people are moving to iPhone over the stupid message bubble colours, rather than just using WhatsApp.

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Steam Deck is shaping up to be the "Nintendo" of handheld PCs. Not the most powerful thing on the market, but cleverly put together with its own bespoke software that allows users to customise and tweak games at the system level via quick access to its features. Having windows on the other machines makes your access to games better but means you have to dig harder or install extra software to do what the deck does. To paraphrase Sega's 90s marketing, It Does what Windon't.

Because like all the tech industry, they grew massively on the back of low interest rates since 2008 where investors saw better returns putting money into companies than sitting on it, now the interest rates have shot up again post Covid, they need to show their investors they can make better returns than the 5%+ they'd make just leaving the money in the bank. Hence the cost cutting by sacking staff and gouging of customers by price increases.

Is anyone else finding themselves less excited for a GTA now that the Housers have both left Rockstar? I really worry the over the top satire of American culture by Scottish writers may be lost.

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They can try and pin it on the CEO, but anyone with any sense knows he's a patsy for the board and investors who just want to up their cuts so no one can have any faith they won't do similar again under a new CEO.

It's not sarcasm, it's satire.

I think that's an American thing compared to the rest of the world. Their prisons seem to be very much about punishment over rehabilitation.

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Technically, CDPR being based in Europe were just informing people of their stuatory right to a refund within the first 14 days of any digital or online purchase. This highlighted that Sony have been managing to skirt that legislation with their policy's and not having a proper refund system in place so they threw a wobbler and took the game down. CDPR were in the right, legally speaking, with that one.

Well done, you deprived one of the good developers/publishers making full games with no microtransactions any compensation for their work.

Not to dismiss your issues mate, but I don't know if a gaming sub is the best place to ask. Most of us in here probably put a few hours a day into games ourselves without considering it an issue.

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I have noticed for a supposedly progressive network, there are a lot of posts recently on news stories about prisoners supporting capital punishment and wishing prison violence on them. Very odd stuff.

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Do they not work upside down........

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When were games ever like that. Even in the microcomputer era sole bedroom coders were still selling their titles to publishers to make some money out of it. What your suggesting sounds like a horrible experience where everything is stuck in early access forever but with less reason for people to finish their project as no one has put money down.

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Because this won't give MS a monopoly in the slightest. There's still tons of Devs and publisher's out there on various states of first, second and third party relationships with MS, Sony and Nintendo and new indie Devs pop up almost weekly. It gives them a massive advantage having CoD as a first party Gamepass title, yes, but that's not what a monopoly means.

Because it's better for a plug to pop out the socket then the socket come out the wall when someone trips ok a wire. Or you could just use a sensible design like the British plugs that have the wire coming out the base and three pins to hold it secure.

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The Tory party in the UK are at this point now. They've got little to show in terms of improving the country after 13 years of power so they've gone full bore into the culture war stuff.

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The childish censorship of names of people and things has been one of my biggest internet bug bears over the last few years.

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He lost the plot well before Covid, it's just that it wasn't noticed outside the UK as it largely revolved around our election in 2015 when he was encouraging people not to vote, then when he realised at the last minute this would just lead to he Tories winning by default, backed labour at the eleventh hour, leaving a lot of his followers confused and aimless so the alt-right could swoop in and win them over.

Same tactics the Tories are using in the UK now, their deputy chairman has even admitted their record is so poor, the culture war is all they have left.

Coming from a country that had a couple of school shootings and then decided it wasn't worth the risk, and everyone handed in their guns with little complaint, I find it hard to comprehend.

No promotion/relegation in their sports leagues so it's just the same 20 teams playing in the top flight every year. Sounds well boring.

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This has always been an issue I get stuck on. If we hold current people liable for the crimes of their ancestors, how far back do we go?

The trans-atlantic slave trade was abhorrent, but slavery didn't begin or end with it.

Do Egyptians owe Jews reperations due to how they were treated? Should the Italians compensate half of Europe and North Africa for what the Romans did? Should Arab nations pay the UK and Ireland for the people kidnapped by the Barbary Pirates?

The Ottomans were still keeping slaves until the early 1900s, long after the western European powers had ended the practice, why aren't we seeing calls for reperations from Turkey to Slavic nations?

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Day one patch is fine. It's just an odd remnant of buying physically as the discs have to be pressed and shipped several months ahead of launch while the Devs carry on working. Digital owners just download the latest build on launch.

If there's a patch and the game is still full of issues, thats another story.

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America seems fucking depressing if you feel you have to carry multiple weapons on the regular to be safe.

22 more...

Doesn't really matter, Valve are happy for you to do what you like with it already.

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If I haven't eaten meat for over 20 years and don't drive can I continue to take the moral highground on testing?

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I'm reminded of the poochie episode of the Simpsons

"So, you want a lightly moderated free speech utopia that allows hate speech and misinformation, while at the same time is attractive to brands and advertising"

"Also, you should get paid for tweeting"

It is shocking how emotionally attached some people seem to be to Reddit and how they lash out when you suggest alternatives.

I wonder if it's an age thing, people pushing 40 like me have seen plenty of sites come and go an have transitioned with them. If you're under say 25, you may have been using Reddit your whole life on the internet.

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Yeah, but the SEO rewards anything with the word "Starfield" in it at the moment and there's enough people seemingly invested in putting down the game at every opportunity that they'll share this around and drive clicks.

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Even early 16:9 stuff looks pretty dated now if it hasn't been remastered to 1080/4k.