PornHub owner MindGeek is threatening a kebab shop in NYC with trademark infringement

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 312 points –
PornHub owner MindGeek is threatening a kebab shop in NYC with trademark infringement. - The Verge

PornHub owner MindGeek is threatening a kebab shop in NYC with trademark infringement::If you’ve been listening to the Vergecast you know the standard for trademark infringement is “likelihood of confusion,” and while it’s true the Hub is known for ⚫️🟠, something tells me the folks walking into Doner Haus aren’t confused about what’s on the menu. Full story in Chelsea News, a hyperlocal NYC news site, via Verge pal Alexandra Roberts.


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They think this is bad, there's a seafood van near my local pub called "Prawn Hub" with the same logo design.

We have a butcher near us called Pork Hub also with the same logo

And we've got a nearby car dealership called CarHub with the same logo design as well. Doesn't even sound close though.

😂 I get why PornHub needs to defend it's TM, but that is hilarious and if I owned PornHub I would consider that free advertising.

I'm not defending PornHub hear, but sometimes you don't want to leave associatable stuff up simply because you font know if they might do something stupid and harm their brand. Like if it turned out heavy sexual harassment/assault was happening at PrawnHub and it gets found out; now people might associate that with PornHub, especially with the sexual aspect.

Yep, there is a vendor that shows up to farmers' markets here called "CornHub" with the same design.