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I like coffees flavor (not necessarily the bitter part, but it doesn't bother me much). It's not really from repeated exposure: caffeine doesn't quite work right for me, and coffee gives me anxiety and stomach issues, wo I don't drink it often but do like the flavor. Beer is somewhat opposite: I have drank a lot of alcohol(cutting back much more nowadays) but I still find most beer not tasty... though there was this one coffee beer that was really good.

My goto is actually unsweetenee Soju, with lime added. It has a very mild flavor and the lime takes away the alcohol aftertaste.

I used to like sweet stuff but I've always drank green tea unsweetened, and for the most part unless it's honey I don't like sweeteners in tea. Coffee can go both ways, especially for caramel, and hot chocolate is sweet of course, though I haven't had any for at least a year.

Once I gave up soda other things naturally started tasting too sweet for me, and I gave up soda in general 15-20 years ago. I drink it on occasion, but it always leaves a gross sticky syrupy feeling in mouth and throat.

Well when two cybertrucks love each other very much...

I read a bunch of webcomics, and I currently read a bunch of manga, mahwa, manhua, web novels, and yes, still some webcomics. I have some favorites, but some aren't that good and are just junk food.

Ctrl Alt Del was never a favorite, nor something I'd check all the time, but every once in a while I'd click through it and read some of it. I probably read it similarly often as Penny Arcade, which didn't really appeal duper heavily to me either.

Not really. I've switched from wired to wireless because of the number of headphones I've destroyed getting the cable stuck so bad it yanks my body. My ears never hurt from it; just slightly disoriented and audio only working for one bud/side now. Eventually it was too annoying and I switched to full bluetooth wireless. I won't argue against cables being better for audio, but for me they arent.

Some of us buy those ironically though. I had a shirt that said (and I unfortunately cannot put it in kana/Kanji atm) something very close to, in full kana and kanji: "I am a stupid American. I'll buy anything."

I knee fully what it meant because the sentence was pretty easy, but I still wanted to travel to Japan wearing it.

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I know these are just copypasta, but it's always alarming seeing people act like sex is a violent act from the man onto the woman, but praising it. High HP? Armor? Shouldn't sex feel good for both parties involved?

In his deposition, Owen Shroyer (Idiot who works for Alex Jones, calls himself "the cuck destroyer", and also admitted under oath in same depo that he is a puppet) stated that he believes the first ammendment gives him the right to say whatever he wants "without consequences."

This shows a lack of understanding (or deliberate will to understand) that no action is without consequence. It could be a good consequence, or a bad one, but by simply taking an action you affect the world, large or small. They just want to be able to do what they want no matter what it does to others and suffer no backlash whatsoever, which screams rules for thee not for me.

This is mostly lighting. Changing from a colder light to a warmer light does wonders.

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Eh, some of us climb. Using ropes. I'm no where near as good as him, so I want safety. If I were as good as him? Still want that safety.

Tasers aren't non deadly, they're less deadly. Because they can still kill in some circumstances. What exactly needs to be protected at the possible cost of a life here?

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Little Bobby Tables's car?

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At least a few months back Alex Jones was bragging about finally converting Rogan to his side. He'd been telling his audience for years he's been working on getting Rogan to take his stance.

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There isn't, but emphasis on why it's an issue is always a good thing to do. Same reason people get upset when some articles say "had sex with a minor" or "involved in a relationship with a minor" when the accurate crime is "raped a minor."

Behind the Bastards has some episodes on him. It's been a while so I don't fully recall, but my memory of it was that he was always kinda gross and misogynist, and he was also self serving in hus choices. Those choices didn't always make him the right wing shitbag that he is now, since he originally was part of the Black Panthers.

After some time working for black Civil rights, he saw more money on the republican side and also saw hypocrisy on the democratic side. He said something to the effect of 'They're all racists, but at least Republicans are racist to your face/honest about it'(hey that sounds familiar...)

Again I remember money being a big part of it, so I've chalked him up to just being a selfish asshole who fought for causes once that would help himself and that made him look like he was on the right side of history once.

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It's a full sized human head.

They have those too. Gyaru and manba gyaru, to name a few.

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Generally everyone has these issues, but with ADHD it's more advanced to a life altering degree. If everyone had it, everyone would need meds to keep jobs and not be depressed etc. ADHD also usually causes issues with dopamine generation, so getting tasks done aren't fulfilling, hurting our willpower to get anymore done. There's much more, but it's kind of a lighter version of people who assume depressed people just need to go outside and do different things etc. Sure, non depressed people get sad or feel down, but they can usually do something about it or get over it much faster. So if you see stuff like this and you know for sure you don't have ADHD, you're probably underestimating the scale.

Actually, you're wrong on that "Nobody even suggested that COVID is similar" remark. Nobody credible, or Nobody who knows what they're talking about and not lying, then sure, you're probably right. However antivaxers and disingenuous scientists absolutely have been doing that since covid was discovered.

Knowledge Fight is a podcast that critically analyzes Alex Jones and a few other grifters, and during 2020 and beyond they had so many lies and fake studies. One of Jones's big talking points was that COVID was a manufactured virus with HIV inserts, which originally came from a discredited, retracted, and non-peer reviewed study out of India that suggested such a thing. Another link:

Despite the retraction, bad actors don't care. They got a "study" and headline to confirm their beliefs, so they just act like retraction never happened and just lie lie lie. Echo chambers allows this to run unchecked, and then you have people believing they're equal.

Yes, but that's to their friends; not people who should be obeying their instructions without question like the peasants they are.

Eh... nah. They wouldn't understand it, but Alex Jones and Joe Rogan talk about extra dimensions all the time, as well as people like the Happy Science Cult and space weirdos like Project Camelot. All while most of them have regressive sexual and gender opinions.

I had a coworker catholic who both said that statement, and also argued animals had no souls, so no one should ever get in trouble for animal abuse. Along with his ridiculously heated response to any government involvement in Healthcare, and the way he got close to yelling when discussing these topics while also claiming he was just being logical, not emotional. Why yes he did call women emotional, how did you know?

People like him scare me, because it sounds like if he could use some religious context to say I didn't have a soul, he'd probably come to the same conclusion he did about dogs.

I hope you aren't talking about people using gish gallop.

Wrong type of beeping, though I mistook it for that too. They mean an alert similar to the seat belt or door audible alerts. People who have some sort of device from their insurance ro monitor their driving get some types of beeps like this already (stuff like decelerating to hard).

Now it might just be my bias, but I feel O'Brien was taunting trolling, while the hard-right guy was posturing. Of the two, I expect the hard-right guy to be more of the unstable child in the situation, but also agree probably not willing to actually fight. With O'Brien or however it's spelled, I feel like getting that reaction was his win... but again probably a lot of personal bias.

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I got beat regularly, and my stepfather at the time used to do stuff like make me wait in the basement for 30 mins, then he'd slowly walk down the stairs with his belt unbuckled so we could hear the jingling in each step, then he'd tell us some scriptures and say this hurt him more than us.

Then if you cried right away it was faking, but if you held on too long it was you being rebellious and stubborn, so my brother and I learned to start faking our cries after the 6th or 7th hit.

I told that to friends as an adult as what I thought was a kinda funny story, and they properly realized I was abused in a somewhat sadistic way and pointed it out to me.

They weren't calling me out for having a different environment, they were correcting my incorrect belief that it was normal or acceptable.

People are doing the same for you. You made it out safely, but giving unstable teens access to guns is definitely a risk that probably shouldn't be taken. Survivor bias isn't an excuse to say it's fine.

You have so much to learn about people who feed into the Satanic panic. Cherry picking is by definition how they get there. One of Alex Jones biggest boggiemen for years was a subsection of a law that allowed medical testing on troops, and he always ignores the very next section that states that it all requires informed consent. Then lies and act like people would have no idea.

During covid he found an exercise that tried to assume 4 different future scenarios that may come into play, and ignored the positive leaning ones or nuetralish ones and went straight for the heavily authoritarian exercise because it used a possible pandemic as a background setting, then claimed it was all planned out and proof Covid was a bioweapon attack.

People like this willfully ignore things that give context, and will often repackage it without the context anytime they can.

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Yeah, Jehovah's Witnesses know to wait till someone is coming out rather than inside or heading in for this very reason.

There was one person the Knowledge Fight guys did a break episode on who wanted to make porn illegal. After getting pretty far into the episode Dan finally reveals what he eventually found out after the guy mentions people having legal issues:

His son got caught with (already illegal) child porn, and it hurt his sons career options. So this man's idea is to ban all porn.... despite the reason for his tirade being already illegal. He just wants to harm everyone else too, lashing out.

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Some people like random nonsense as humor. I generally need another step like pissing off a fan base to see the humor myself, but eh.

Seems to be referencing this tweet which I found on another post. Doesn't seem to be just about fruit, but easiest thing to mock I guess? I agree with mocking them, but seems a little easy to strawman:

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He's been on this tip for a long while, supporting Ron Paul and being anti-vax. Last Week Tonight did an episode on Vaccines, and he shows up in a no longer valid comparison of RFK Jr on the left, Alex Jones wherever he fits in, and even this guy. I remember him also calling for Ron Paul 2012, but doesn't seem to be from this one, so hopefully I'm remembering that right.

Still, he's been libertarian and antivax for a long time, and those communities have been heavily aimed at by fascists for recruitment.

Since he tried to name PayPal X also, I'm assuming he's has it forever. Like Bezos and

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Arms manufacturer. In fact, a previous CIO told us he moved to the fashion company I worked at at the time because he was in a presentation where all the members seemed to be almost orgasmic over seeing the new weapons they were developing. Just his story about it so perhaps exaggerated but...

CIS male, been to a hooter once or twice with work friends who insisted their hot chicken sandwiches/wings are good. I didn't really like that style (Buffalo style hot sauce isn't for me, as I grew up on stuff like Scotch Bonnet peppers and fin Buffalo mostly vinegary than hot or flavorful), and I've never felt comfortable ogling staff that has to put up with my bullshit(or lack thereof).

It's just an uncomfortable restaurant.

Competitor to the Attractive Girls Union?

Some people evidently do not hear a voice in their head. It generally blows the minds of people who do, but minds are so varied its possible we're misunderstanding each other when discussing voices in head. Similar to the question if two people see red, but only know it's red because someone taught them, can we be absolutely sure we both experience the exact same "red"?

If your mental white balance is off, everything would vary in the same amount, but if you could b9th project the image you see somehow into another mind it would look different.

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Knowledge Fight takes a critical look at Alex Jones(I put this in every post I make about him because I can't stand to listen to AJ direct, and I don't want people thinking I do). Anyway, he goes out to break quite often shouting stuff like THEYRE COMING FOR YOU, THEY'RE COMING FOR YOU, THEY'RE COMING FOR YOU!!! after having discussed the "demonic antifa/BLM/democrats coming to your houses."

Obviously not everyone is as sensationalist as Alex Jones, but he's been bragging about how other places have started sounding like him. Including Joe Rogan (probably more on Vax and stuff like that, but still)

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Jack is Bi/Pan, right? Bi erasure?

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I think it's soothing for a lot of the rest of us but we either don't know it at first or are too stubborn to admit it. I noticed when I got these thick kinda heavy hoodies. I love wearing em, but only works when it's cold enough to not feel hot in em. I need to get a weighted blanket...

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