2 Post – 180 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Then xp to vista happened and it looked pretty but was unusable. Then 7 came out and it solved all the BS and was a relief. Then 8 came out and it looked pretty but was unusable. Nobody is quite sure what happened with 9 but 10 was ok I guess, better than 8. Then I started using Linux because I was sick of the bullshit.

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Joe Rogan is an idiot and can just fuck right off

Fuck Lemmy is unexpectedly wholesome

a coin trying to be as complex as possible, without really doing anything that you paid money for.

Sums up the state of crypto pretty well

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This way they can scrape the bottom of the barrel salary wise

Oh yeah

This is the year

Fuck spez. Why isn't he doing more psycho shit like Elon so he can move more people to Lemmy.

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So we can write fuck spez, but this time on Lemmy.

Get that app outta your phones mouth

Brother has pulled this shit on my laser, locking out a non genuine cartridge after an update

Be warned they are all pieces of shit

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Beat it 🍳🍆

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Just to add in here, a few years back I decided to make a project to cut adobe out of my life.

I wanted to start by giving all the FOSS tools a go first.

In the end, I decided none of them were up to scratch. Inkscape is clunky AF, gimp is a PITA, darktable was pretty clunky but usable.

In any case I landed on the affinity suite for a PS, Illustrator, and InDesign alternative, and I got very cheap / free versions of Skylum Luminar for Lightroom although that's going to shit with every release.

DaVinchi for video editing. Not yet found a competent replacement for AE.

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The shooting will continue until the love improves

The cold never bothered me anyway.

This guy showers

It's so much easier and faster than using some mirror

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Also in this case I suspect racism

I call BS unless I get a source

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Got it. I'll just make me some concrete... Alright I need

  1. Cement mix
  2. Pebbles
  3. Sand.. oh shit.
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I think the part where they pretend like they give a shit

I find it ironic that windows uses dir - ie directory - to list what's there, but Linux only uses ls to list whatever the fuck

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Late stage enshitification

I was thinking about your comment and came back. I'm nearly 39 so a similar age.

First of all. What if you put your phone down, got off the internet and had a look around at your life and what is happening directly in your world. I'll bet it's not as chaotic as it feels when we see crazy headlines everywhere. You get up, chat with your family if you are lucky enough to live with someone, perhaps you go to work and interact with your coworkers or clients, hopefully the day isn't too stressful. Come home, think about what you will have for dinner and hope it doesn't make you too fat. Go to bed. You might squeeze in some time for hobbies, or visiting friends on the weekends.

Sure, housing is a massive problem right now, but financial bleakness isn't new - imagine how it felt to live through the great depression? I'm in Australia, but a couple of years ago we had my son's birthday at this nice lookout at the top of a hill. There was a plaque there that read that the road to the top of the hill was built by men during the depression in exchange for food to feed their families. The more kids you had the more hours you had to work. It was like 5 or more kids was a mandatory 12 hour day.

That would have felt bleak and like there was no way out.

Imagine getting caught up in world war 2? You would think the world had now really gone to shit. It was so traumatizing to the population here that every tiny town has a plaque of all the people who died from it. The names in the list are usually longer than the population of the town right now.

Then after the war, stuff like the threat of atomic war, nuclear winters and the entire earth dying because of a conflict escalation.

You described my childhood experience perfectly, but we might have just been very lucky and grew up in an optimistic decade full of rationality and scientific progress.

I reckon it's going to be a car-as-a-service so don't worry your head about ever buying one

Every site wants traffic, and I've been guilty of gaming search results myself in the past, but also don't forget the other big conflict here:

Google wants ad revenue.

As such, if you are small and do it honestly, you have very little chance of getting any actual traffic your way because Google sends everyone to the "big end of town" and search engines / internet marketing has become a pay to win platform.

Back links made sense when we were all linking to each other early on because it was how you found good content, but nobody is linking to anyone anymore - unless it's for some return to the linker, such as making a high traffic blog post with affiliate links etc - and it's time to come up with another method.

Right now most effective for me to get information / reviews is add "Reddit" to the search and you get a discussion of the pros and cons. I've been using chatgpt for a surprising amount of "I just need to know this general info" kind of stuff. Ie I used chatgpt to work out the temperature and time it would take to dehydrate lemons in the oven, and also how to clean said oven with what I had on hand. Both of these would have been much more time consuming to do the traditional way, and I would have been bombarded with ads and people's life stories before they get to the "just use vinegar" part

Cinema peaked in 1999

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Nah it'll be 60gb, but somehow the same game, and lots of cached ads

Pepperidge farm remembers pepperidge farm these days

Something had gotta break soon. Right? Right? How can this go on like this. I look around and how is not everyone collapsing?

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This is literally the diagnostic criteria:

Have a go and see if the questions resonate

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I'd like to sign up Elon for the maiden voyage

How did you get that bitchin username graphic?

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There is and it's too long.

But basically software hacker taking money and has some weird takes on stuff. Also says they're a girl but probably a guy apparently. Word on the street is they are the only one who can crack some type of DRM so they remain relevant for the moment

That makes it so much more relevant to me. I wasnt going to read it because I figured it was the American ABC

Love how Bing chat just gets uncomfortable all the time and nopes out of most conversations

Cool, now do the same with an airplane so we can save global warming

I hope they call the new country Gilead

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But this was it's year!

I'm gonna say it.

2023 is the year of the Linux desktop!

My preferred podcast app (stitcher) shit down in August and I was about to move to google podcasts.

I am an idiot.