
6 Post – 599 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ironing is for crafts and sewing.

I think it was millipedes.


One of the largest of these was Arthropleura Armata, a genus of millipede that inhabited coal forests and could grow up to 2.5 metres in length.

It's a flower that makes people happy and hungry. God fucking damn it. There is no fucking reason to destroy people's lives over this.

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Days before Laundrie killed Petito, police officers pulled them over in Utah after witnesses reported seeing the couple fighting; at least one witness said that they saw Laundrie hit Petito. Police did not interview this witness and instead determined Petito to be the aggressor [...] One of the two officers had a history of allegedly committing domestic violence, including allegations that he threatened to kill his ex-girlfriend when he worked at the police department in another Utah town.

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Honestly I think I would mostly use it for naps. So many naps.

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Fuck that guy.

How in the world is Ashley Madison still a thing?? I thought it was toast ten years ago:

Ashley Madison has long been a target for extortionists and moral crusaders, with the site suffering a massive data breach back in 2015 after getting hacked. The anonymous hackers demanded the site be taken down or they’d release detailed information about users. After about a month, the hackers made good on their threat, releasing roughly 10 gigabytes of information on the site’s 37 million users. That led to high-profile consequences, including everything from the resignation of a state attorney in Florida to the suicide of a pastor in New Orleans.

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Did they pay for their own R&D? Usually that get socialized and then the profits are privatized, it's the American Way.

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There are definitely areas of California where going less than 10 miles over the speed limit will put you well under the flow of traffic in every lane. If you're not going 80 on 80, you're gonna have a bad time.

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Why do I have to tell my computer several time per week that I do not wish to let the X box app make changes to my computer?? I've never had anything to do with an X box. Oh, now you're going to make my computer unusably slow unless I update and.. what's that.. ? I can't fucking update unless I ALLOW X BOX APP TO MAKE CHANGES TO MY COMPUTER??? Fuck you windows 11.

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I don't think prison should be punitive, but I REALLY don't think jail should be punitive. You haven't been proven guilty of anything when you're in jail.

All of the food served in prison/jail is dogshit and it's not ok. Edible food is a human right. People with ethically based diet restrictions should be protected the same way that religiously based diet restrictions are.

Belief in a make believe sky-daddy doesn't make one persons ethical dietary choices more important than another's. Maybe the Satanic Temple can step in and help out the incarcerated vegans. That seems up their alley.

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It's a slot on a camera that you can use to attach accessories, like a microphone or flash. A hot shoe provides power to the accessory, a cold shoe does not.

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Wouldn't this curdle? I can kind of see how it would be a distant cousin of a creamsicle or a root beer float, but I think it's going to get chunky. Maybe the "natural lemon flavor" is refined enough that it wont, I don't know. I don't have either ingredient on hand to try it for science.

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This reminds me of the time San Francisco decided to do something about it's human-feces-in-the-BART-escalator-wells problem, not by making public restrooms available to unsheltered folk, but building stupid awnings to keep people from pooping inside. The awnings cost more than the toilets would have and people just pooped on the sidewalks instead. ℹ️🫶🌉😀

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I'm cold girl until the second I fall asleep, then my body heats up like a nuclear reactor and if I've fallen asleep with a heating pad (because cold) I wake up in 20 minutes all hot and A N G E R Y like the hulk.

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If I have to log into fucking facebook to see a goddamn menu I'm leaving.

It bothers you even when you do tip. I always just tip 20% when I pay, before any service has happened, but I still get like 6 texts after my order has arrived asking me to "rate and tip!" "Don't forget to tip your driver!!" "HEY FUCKER!! GIVE US ALL YOUR MONEY!!" Then at some point "Your driver says: Thanks for the tip! Don't forget to rate your order from Jack in the Box!" I'm not going to fucking rate my food from Jack in the Box. It's deep fried shame, it's delicious and I don't want to talk about it. Leave me alone please, it's the middle of the night and I'm full of jalapeno poppers and onion rings and shame.

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I grew up with this McDonald's, it had a jukebox. My sister had life threatening food allergies, so we only ever went there to get orange juice, but I still loved it.

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From the other place:

Princess Kalina's altered nose appearance stems from a series of health issues rather than cosmetic surgery mishaps. Initially, she experienced a seemingly minor injury that led to broken teeth from a fall. The dental repairs introduced a severe infection in her jaw, which required extended treatment and a complex operation to prevent further spread to other parts of her body. The lasting impact of this infection has notably affected the appearance of her nose.


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Still a weird thing to say.

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As a treat.


🌶️ 🍤 🥕 🍤 🌶️

Kittens are so good at falling asleep. I once watch a kitten wake from a nap, do a big, paws forward, butt in the air stretch, and fall asleep in that position before he finished. Purr-snoring and all.

Stay active. It really is “use it or lose it” with physical and mental abilities.

My aunt and uncle are both 90. My uncle has always used a treadmill or standing desk for his computer and pulls long hours in front of it still doing pro bono legal work even though he’s been “retired” for several decades. He walks to the grocery store and carries the groceries home. He walks barefoot around the block every morning and has a body weight fitness routine he does every other day. He’s doing just fine, his brain wheels turn a little slower but they work just as well as ever.

My aunt got very sedentary around age 75. Her mother developed dementia around that age and she just sort of settled in and waited for it to come. Maybe it is hereditary and there was no point in doing anything else, maybe not. She’s wheelchair bound now, just from lack of strength, not really any medical issue. She can take a few supported steps to transfer, but that’s it. Her short term memory is gone, I go have lunch with her twice a week and she knows who I am, but as I’m leaving she’ll say she’s sorry we couldn’t have had lunch while I was there and it’s a shame I can’t visit more often. It’s not really out of bounds for 90, but I’d rather take my uncles route than hers.

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Shhhh.... they're raging against the machine. Adults just don't get them, man!

I'm just now learning that version I always heard was an FM radio edit and the song is not called "Sexy Chick."

Hey! Some of those posts with no comments are me posting pictures of cute bugs that I took! I'm not a bot, I'm just not very interesting.

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This is horrifying. A manual window breaking device that is part of the interior of the car should be standard by now. It wouldn't be that difficult to design. This is not a Tesla exclusive problem.

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Celebrating the quarter and cross quarter days can work for atheists, science fans and Pagans alike. You get a holiday every month and a half. You can simply celebrate the changing of seasons/Earth's relative position to the Sun or get all magick with it, as you like. The quarter days are the solstices and equinoxes, the cross quarter days are the points in between. Halloween (Samhain) and May Day (Beltane) are the famous cross quarter days, but they happen in winter (Imbolc, Feb 1- also known as Groundhog Day) and summer (Lammas/Lunasa, Aug1).


They use metric egg cartons, we use freedom cartons.

Washington traditionally shields its ally Israel from any Security Council action.

The rest of the article is extra.

Third option- their rent is $50K per month.

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No, those aren't true "soap operas." Real soaps were on five days a week and were campy as fuck, people dying and being reincarnated as an orangutan whose brain was surgically placed into their still living twin, only to find they are now pregnant by their ex lover's mother in law, who happens to be a powerful psychic and knows all the secrets that will turn life upside down for the handsome new guy in town who can't seem to ever keep a shirt on...

It's all lit in a really specific way too, like 90's Glamour Shots from the mall- all blurry and glowy, in a dreamy way.

I'm gonna say Sunrise Bay was most likely referring to Sunset Beach. It ran from 1997- 1999 and had 755 episodes. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118484/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1

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I call my cat "madam" kind of a lot. But she's very fancy.

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Fun fact! It used to be called the parlor and was basically only used for home funerals, so was casually called the death room. When the funeral industry became a thing, rebranding it as "the living room" was an effort by the Ladies Home Journal in 1910 to get rid of the creepy feeling most people associated with that room, to make it a nice place for families to hang out while still alive.


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My pet peeve is not just the brightness, but the blueness. These things are fucking blue raspberry slurpee blue. Paired with a very reddish orange turn signal they come up behind me and indicate and I think I'm getting pulled over for a sec.

It's X box's computer now..

From the title I thought this was an article about men driving vehicles into people at the job fair. I was slightly aghast that the discussion was only about whether or not it's ok to have a job fair for women in tech.

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