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Joined 1 years ago

For now but one day some corporation will buy Steam and turn into the endshitcation like all the rest.

Until that time will try to enjoy it while we can.

What was their reason for this decision? Did they even give one. It's time we remove the Supreme Court from office and put them in the street.

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Wait I do that kind of math and I am not adhd?

Yeah watched after his last rant the moderater said he had 37 seconds to answer the actual question asked and then allowed him to rant for another fucking minute and half. Then gave Biden 30 seconds to give a weak ass answer.

Why is Biden acting like he doesn't know where he is? What the fuck.

That what they want. I think these fuckers think it will go to the Supreme Court and that they will side in their favor.

Lets hope our Supreme Court isn't that fucking corrupt. If they do we need to rise up? No more fucking around.

Probably to late but Biden looks so weak right now. I knew this debate was a no win for Biden.

Been there done that. What I want is to walk the Santiago Compostela.

Basically doctors fucked up and removed staples too soon. They did this to my ex after our second son was born. Took the staples out and she almost died from sepsis.

Stay and run for office. Even under a maga banner..if anything shown we can change this country it's voting. Also both parties shown that you can change parties once in office. So run win then go full blown progressive while in office.

Yeah I see this happening. Just like our governor in Oklahoma made it illegal to out law plastic bags when one city voted to do just that.

Anyone read our heard the audiobook of Masters of Doom by David Kushner? He goes over the history of both Johns and the history of them creating Doom.

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Don't look at my Epic collection. Between it and Steam have a few thousand dollars in games. (If you're counting retail prices)

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He should run as an independent and lets help him his seat.

Not sure but can say I 100"s of hours on my Steam games though.

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That's what I mean. For years I have collected games off of Epic for free, yet I haven't played but one of them to completion.

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Same but think I close 300 on Epic and close 200 on Steam.

This should be read and understood by everyone and everyone needs to cancel their smart devices from Amazon. The company needs to be broken up.

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I think they want to destroy it. They don't want us to have freedom away from their data collection and ad bombardments.

Best way to do so is to get in. Some one posted an article about what they want to do.

Here the article

This is why Mete wants in.

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Glad she calling them out. To bad she talking to a brick wall they don't care about charges they just want a distraction from all the bullshit they are doing.

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Hope the lawsuit exposes them more. It should be 100% illegal to be anonymous to be part of a domestic terrorist groups our a hate group like this. Do what Germany does with nazis.

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I hope this enforce to the point that all the assholes in my state that have rig thier trucks to do this can go to fucking jail or have their trucks and licenses revoked.

So basically some fucking shitty investment company bought the magazine and immediately destroyed it. How sad 151 years and all gone in a blink of eye because of some shitty investors.

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This fucker should have zero dollars he owes a billion dollars to the Sandy Hook victims. He should be settling in jail fucking scumbag.

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Must be nice for the states to ignore federal laws and at the same time take in federal money. WAY MORE then they pay in.

Biden should revoke federal dollars to any state that refuses to follow federal laws.

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This motherfucker should be dragged from the Senate and sent back fucking Alabama. He isn't doing his job so he should be removed.

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Wow! How fucked is it that a company can fuck up tear your house down at the wrong address then just shurg and apparently you have no recourse? Something off here maybe we aren't getting the whole story. No way that isn't a lawsuit the fact that she in limbo and no attorney wouldn't take the case makes me wonder.

Reading deeper into the story it at first reads like they tore her house down while she was away on vacation. The real story is she wasn't living in said house and it had been vacant for 15 years. So something not adding up.

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And you and rest of the GOP enabled him to be just that.

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We do but our cops are fascist and want Trump to win.

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Do we get a perp walk? I want to see fucking handcuffs on him.

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NO SUPREME COURT JUSTICE SHOULD BE HOSTIG OR SPEAKING AT ANY FUNDRAISER PERIOD. by doing so should call for immediate removal from their position.

But guess they can as corrupt as they like and nothing can be done to them.

This mother fucker is stripping our rights away and in October going see a case that going strip us of our ability to fight against financially Institutions. Which by they if they vote to strip it will also destroy social security and medicare.

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Dude wrote a memo telling everyone just how fucking evil we are and tried to hide it. They then got caught and try play off that he was cosplaying an evil villain from a movie. What a fucking joke. I hope Google gets broken up along with Amazon.

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Let's all please thank the Republicans by not ever voting for them.

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This is what we need. Defund the police and fund more of this instead.

It's the people behind him we have to worry about. Like the Fedlist society.

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Wow pocket change. Why fines always so little. This be like fining the average person 3 cents. This will not stop them from just doing it again.

Needs to be a large percentage of thier gross wealth. Musk one riches men in the world and fine him billions.

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Exactly it should be illegal to change parties AFTER being elected as the another.

You know what two can play at this. See what happens if I run as a Republican for office get elected and then switch to a Democrat afterwards.

How long before Republicans outest me?

Fucking the Democratic party who back him and probably finance him should make part of the party creed that can't just change parties like that after you won.

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Same imaginary skygod who put them in harms way to begin with. Never did understand.

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Mayor needs to go next along with judge who signed the fucking unconstitutional warrant.

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They weren't already?

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I am sad for her death. What horrible way to die. As a father of a 16 year old I hope this doesn't happen to my kid.

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