3 Post – 746 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


I don't get it

Who's melroy?

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I got one of those desks with a vertical pneumatic lift so I can stack the computers vertically in a rack and just raise/lower it so the right one is at eye height

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Oh wow I didn't realize nearly any of that detail about the current system. That explains why my fluid systems would always be unbalanced crap and sometimes require inexplicable pumps be added.

Missing piece in the numbers here is how many people were uninstalling adguard to switch to uBlock? Using one extension's install stats to make conclusions about all adblocking extensions seems a bit much.

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Makes me kinda wish that when defederating you could select a one word label for why. Like a fixed list with several options like pedo, spam, harassment, abandoned, etc and a default of other. Make it a bit easier with a big list like this to say, oh 1000 of these 1400 all selected "racism" when defederating so it's probably very racist and I should also defederate. But if it's a lot of "other" or inconsistent reasons maybe I should spend a bit of time digging.

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It's for the "Fusion Drive." It was just used as a cache basically. You had a larger, slower drive behind it for capacity, this just held frequently accessed data.

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"belongs to the sex class"... The heck. Such a meaningless circular definition just to provide a veneer of justification for her transphobia.

Ya from the title I expected OP to be complaining because they don't own a torx head screwdriver/bit.

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I like the implications of shirt genetics between the grandmas and the mother. But I'll need to whip out a punnett square to understand what combines with black "metal đź’€" to result in plain white with frills.

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How about we start with the cheek and see how we both feel from there.

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You're saying satire sometimes exaggerates its comparisons? I'm outraged!

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It's a "best before" date not an expiration date, it might still be good!

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The ability to learn from other people without needing the same first hand experience is a hallmark of intelligence. It's one of the things about our species that allowed us to develop past just being yet another animal in the wild. Education is largely based on that principle; your history teacher didn't experience the horrors of trench warfare firsthand.

So I wouldn't call social media insanity so much as potentially addictive, which can cause you to overindulge in those behaviours. Admittedly addiction can feel like insanity when you're in the throes of it.

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That alt-text is lacking a few minor details.

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This is the sort of headline you see in a montage at the start of a zombie movie.

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Ah it's a setting for Text To Speech functionality. Guess they replaced there being just a male and a female voice with there being a list of different voices each identified by a name.

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I just opened CNN on firefox with unblock origin on both mobile and desktop without issue.

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You're saying this 12 year old didn't run away from home, travel from India to UAE alone without proper visa/passport, and then sneak into this UN event with the sign hidden in her socks? Shit, thank God you're here to clarify that.

Of course she had support from her parents and someone who was able to get her in the door. Most effective acts of protest are heavily organized. That doesn't detract from anything.

That will always happen with something exposed to internet. Attackers scan every IP and domain they can looking for vulnerabilities to exploit. There's software you can put in place to block requests that look like exploit attempts. Cloudfare WAF is one example. But those are mitigations only and not perfectly effective. Beyond that there's not much you can do. Always make sure anything you expose to the internet is configured securely and kept up to date. If it makes you uncomfortable, reconsider exposing it like that.

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He forgot to include "- Can recognize satire"

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I had to buy one of those for my dog

XMSirius just changed their terms and subscriptions are no longer cancelable or refundable starting 3/15/24, even if you sell your vehicle and have no way to use the account.

That's absurd and untrue. They're decreasing when you can get a prorated refund. So (aside from a initial window) when you cancel midterm you don't get money back. That's not great but that's a far cry from removing the ability to cancel a subscription.

They're already being sued for their cancelation process being an utter pain in the ass, removing the ability to cancel would be tossed out immediately.

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That's why css names should be semantic. I'm sure it started actually purple until UX said "can we make this primary text more blue so it doesn't look like a clicked link?" Replacing all references to "purple" wasn't an option because of unrelated usage of that word elsewhere and they weren't using an IDE capable of contextual rename of a css class. So they just changed the color code and called it a day.

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We've been trying to reach you about your photo's extended warranty

The missing context is that this article is part of their CES coverage. At the expo the huge theme was everyone putting AI in every fucking device they could. A subtler theme that didn't get as much attention was a bunch of new devices launched with Wifi 7 for the first time. So the headline was what was happening at the expo.

That's disturbing. That quoted bit of dialogue definitely has some grandiose language. Seems like yet another case where extremist right wing media fed into psychosis leading to a tragic outcome.

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"the message of the meme is good" wha

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Reason the thread complaining about the pie post being taken down was removed from this c:

reason: Using this instant as a platform for complaints against the actions of other mods

The top comment in that thread describes the reason it was removed originally.

A constant stream of meta whining sucks. Doesn't need to be some pro-Tesla conspiracy to dislike that.

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Click through to the real article, not the reblog

News by Wesley Yin-Poole Contributor

Updated on 3 Jul 2012

Hilarious how people pretend older generations weren't just as horny


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Fuck it I have all that. Why not.

Edit: came out OK. Not the best, I can blame most of that on that I should have pulled out a couple minutes earlier. Not sold on the olive oil.

Most of the ugliness is from parchment paper plus directions didn't say to smooth the top so I didn't

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Fuck The Ass

Or From The Article if you're a conservative russian

Maybe being given a gun and told you're a "thin blue line" by an insular culture that encourages, trains you for, and gives you legal immunity for most acts of violence make one more sociopathic?

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They started to cancel it and then they canceled the cancelation. It's Google after all.

It's not referring to the blanket partial forgiveness that got blocked by the SC for made up reasons. This is about the longstanding forgiveness programs that had huge backlogs of applicants that the admin is now working through. It's additional people being approved (and the sum of their debt), not additional relief for everyone.


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People actually use that stupid chat feature? I thought it was just there for bots to send spam.

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