1 Post – 149 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Nice, thank you!

Oh neat! That looks like a perfect fit for me! I saved your post and will come back to it once the biyearly "just f*ing fo it again" motivation hits me once more :D

Sure it's easy to set up, but the same behaviour is what I get with my handrolled solution. I rent a cheap VPS with a fixed IP solely for forwarding all traffic through wireguard. My DNS entries all point to the VPS and my servers connect to the VPS to be reachable. It is absolutely network agnostic and does not require any port shenanigans on the local network nor does it require a fixed IP for the internet connection of my home server.

Data security wise the HTTPS terminates on my own hardware (homeserver with reverse proxy) and the wireguard connection is additionally encrypted. There are no secrets or certificates on the rented VPS beyond the bare minimum for the wireguard tunnel and my public key for SSH access.

Shuttling the packets on the VPS (inet to wireguard) is done by socat because I haven't had the will or need to get in the weeds with nftables/iptables. I am just happy that it works reliably and am happy to loose some potential bandwidth to the kernelspace/userspace hoops.

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Your btrfs snapshots are possibly counted separately by all the regular tools. They simply go into every directory they can find and add up the size of the files they see. They do not care if they are looking at an identical snapshot of the folder next to them, they simply add it all up.

Use sudo btrfs filesystem show (and maybe add a path behind it, I am not sure). That will give you the true usage.

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But it has had networking capabilities for like... ever? RTSP, HTTP, ...

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Dude, they are not starting their own ad supported streaming service. They are merely adding dupport for one more streaming protocol that happens to be used for that. If these services were using RTSP for their streams, they'd already be supported. This is absolutely in line with VLC's swiss army knife-approach.

Otherwise, new GUI sounds good to me. The old one is proven but a bit clunky.

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You can act according to your faith and still be a nice and accepting human being. Doing charity only as a promotional device would be a negative for conscience at least.

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Nah, lemmy is too small of a circlejerk to really be a target for these people. I don't think instances require working phone numbers for account creation anyway.

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Oh no, those apps have replaced many of the OEM' supplied ones on all my devices. I was fed up with constantly changing UIs and all the different feature sets on every device. I thought I had finally found something useful to consolidate on for the long term!

At least the current versions are pretty bug free and will stay.

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How would they earn money on this? It's still a FOSS project. They are simply revamping their GUI and adding support for one more protocol.

Plex is NOT FOSS! Plex is a private company's cash cow.

Even if all the money does make into into the staff's pockets, the owner still averts financial risk by making worker pay a function of sales. An employer must have higher business risks than their staff, because otherwise the staff wouldn't need an employer anyways! This absolutely goes against the high risk - high reward scheme that is common place elsewhere. Want to earn more? Take a risky choice! Just want stable support for your life? Get employed and earn a regular wage.

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That kind of changed recently, hasn't it? There's been an explosion of available plugins as if late.

Everybody needs their space every now and then. It's something we sort of knew, but implementing it in a way that feels right for us took a while and is never really finished. It needs some good communication for mutual understanding but it is every bit worth it.

Please actually read the post.

I use Firefox on all my machines and I enjoy having my Sync account available everywhere. If I were to get an iPhone, I'd absolutely choose Firefox again.

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Take it one step at a time and don't look to far ahead.

I am going to buy stacks of stickers with this image. Many. Immediately.

(Famous last words of a distrohopper)

Now that's a proper dataset for automated DM spam filtering!

Some insanely great moments in there! At least twice he slipped in a subtle meme into what he said and it just went over the scammer's heads entirely.

Maybe read more than the headline.

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Yes, they do! You can even look up additional information about songs like the bpm, gebre, etc., I am tempted to do some project with it.

Ah, great. Another crypto grab.

Well, it uses the spotify service. The least thing spotify can ask for is an offical account if you're going to use their API.

Good old PS/2, ay?

Changes are looking good, great to see it is still very active!

This is pretty verbatim.

There's Syncthing and it's proprietary counterpart Resilio that allow you to sync folders between machines and send individual files over p2p. Very neat software.

Maybe add NFTs into the mix too. But don't tell wsb and the GME gang.

If you have an AVM Fritz!Box home router you can simply create a new profile that disallows internet access and set the devices you want to "isolate" to that profile. They will be able to access the local network and be accessed by the local network just fine, but they won't have any outgoing (or incoming) connectivity.


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These are hilarious!

I get that people don't like being forced, but otherwise I couldn't care less about Firefox snap vs deb. All problems I once had have been ironed out. On the contrary, I like sticking to the "recommended" path with more developer focus and hopefully higher stability. For my usecases I have zero problems with snap.

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Having friends that refuse to have anything to do with Telegram is a God's Send nowadays!

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I've always been on android, so take this with a grain of salt. In my opinion Samsung phones have come a very long way. They used to be slower and bloated in comparison to other brands, especially while the market was still moving fast. I used to have a Sony, a ZTE, a Motorola, an Umi and a Jiayu - I tried quite a few over the years.

The recent generation are all fast enough and performance wise last 4+ years before they get noticably slow and an upgrade becomes necessary. Software support on Samsung is now phenomenal. I had so many bugs and hitches on other vendors' phones and they were rarely fixed - the absolute opposite has been the experience on my Samsungs. Updates are frequent, smooth and stable.

I know this reads like an ad, but I was honestly positively suprised after I bought a Samsung tablet a few years back and have slowly switched over to Samsung devices. The same happened with all other members of my family. Samsung simply won.

I suppose the iPhone is very similar in that regard, both simply work and are great for everyday use. It's almost boring!

I do advice you to look at the upper end though, they simply have more performance reserves. If you are a display menace and battery destroyer though, you won't notice any significant slow down from the cheaper range in the 2 to 3 years you have before it becomes uneconomical to repair the device anyways.

Coming from Rust I am toying around with Lua at the moment. Lua is a small, simple and I would say a very neat language. But for big projects like an entire game I would personally much prefer a "traditional" compiled language like C/C++, Java/C# or Rust. Scripting langs are great for small scopes, but they quickly become a burden for bigger things in my opinion.

He, while we're on the topic of documentation, if people want to help the effort, where should they look for a start? I am still new to Nix but love it so far and in the distant future I could see myself writing docs. Is there a place where people organize doc writing?

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No, it's just a common saying that shows how people react to this sort of news. It's a bit cynical but not untrue.

Not exactly a charity per se, but many open software projects are in dire need of funding. If there is a piece of software you really like that makes your life easier, consider donating.

Otherwise, stuff like the Trevor Project or similar sound great.

Yes! Many people are joining right now, you can too. Pick Lemmy itself or one of the apps! There is also Tafkars, they are trying to replicate the reddit api for Lemmy. The goal is to make 3rd party reddit apps compatible with lemmy.