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Joined 1 years ago

Did you visit any hospitals?

Better yet pour the 20billion into reliabke regional and long distance rail infrastructure.

This doesn't seem to be a USA only issue. Stricter regulation of what cars can be sold in the USA would fix this. But I feel like the USA is entering an era of anti-regulations.

Yes and no. In world history you typically learn about the rise of different religions and their affect on the world. Knowing the 10 commandments could help teach this for its historical significance. At the same time teaching children the 10 commandments to indoctrinate them to a certain religion is definitely illegal. It's a hard thing to prove/disprove. A good teacher would teach the 10 commandments and similar beliefs in other major religions. Teachers are wildly underpaid and under supported in the the USA so "good teachers" are sometimes difficult to find.

Almost every state has some form of law outlawing homelessness. The USA is a diverse place and homelessness affects different areas differently. If we want to make homelessness a crime we need to be sure to also provide a method to grandfather in or help those who are currently homeless.

I interpret this as a metaphor for life.

The man who holds the patent legally changed his name after it failed so he wouldn't be associated with it.

If your yard was just a perfectly level, medium sun, no rain, obstacle free, rectangle you wouldn't have any problems.

Failing to an alarm on state is preferred to an alarm off state. So at least no fire can sneak up on you. I think they sell ones now that are 10-year sealed battery with a 10-year warranty.

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I can't speak for ring but I know as long as my Google nest is connected to WiFi it will update software automatically.

Percussive maintenance can help sometimes. It's not a permanent fix but you can't always do the right fix in the middle of the ocean. Things it can help with: dislodging debris in mechanical components, reseating electrical connections that are corroding, and making yourself feel better.

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All your fancy shampoos, body wash, and dish soap are exactly the same. Just different smells, colors, and water contents. Also, all mainstream brands are owned by a total of 3 companies.

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Idiot didn't even see forced mate in 16? Meanwhile here I am blundering 16 moves in a row.

And every employee will recieve the industry standard 3% raise based on performance at the end of year.

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Purity balls themselves are kind of disturbing. Engaging in sexual activity should be a personal choice. It is societies responsibility to teach children the possible outcomes of sexual activity so they can make an informed decisions. Celebrating not engaging in sexual activity makes children think that these activities are bad and should be avoided.

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It'll probably just respond to every prompt with "this"

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I remember when top gear tested a Tesla and found the range they quoted to be wildly over estimates. Tesla lost the lawsuit.

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I can't wait for 10 years from now when this all comes full circle and we start getting commercials to "ditch your streaming bundle for whatever new service."

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He's not some big tech CEO. He wears the common man's clothes. He understands that people won't pay more than 1/2 of the price of their jacket for a GPU.

The goal of this bill is to make it for police to be able to legally harass the homeless. The hope is that if they harass them enough they'll move to another state and then the government won't have to deal with it anymore.

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Extremely misleading title. Sea water alone cannot emmit PFAS. The ocean is already contaminated with PFAS, put their by corporations, and the spray from crashing waves helps spread the contamination .

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It's almost like a 100 page website TOS is meaningless.

He was acquitted of criminal charges while still alive from NPR. People have tried to sue his estate over alleged inappropriate behavior since his death but nothing made it to court yet. So legally no, he never molested any minors. But the fact that there were multiple allegations is concerning.

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Also isn't it Mazda's fault for creating an API that anyone can access and get information from? Someone in Mazda IT is probably frantically looking for the email chain where he was told to "just make it public" so our outside analysts can use it.

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"Trans porn must be curropting children because it's all I watch now and my mind is way stronger than a child's." -Marsha Blackburn

Sometimes I wonder what he expects to happen? Both of his sons were always scheduled to testify, everyone else who testified were listed as witnesses from the start, like did no explain to him what that list of people meant? I can't tell if this is just a trump thing, or an old person thing, or a billionaire thing where you can't understand simple ideas like, " these people know something about the case, they will testify under oath about it." Also, $15000 fine for breaking a gag order doesn't seem like the right punishment for a "billionaire". If it were me on trial that would put me in debt, but Trump is a billionaire, $15,000 is not going to affect his life that much. It seems like the consequences need to scale based on the individual if you actually want people to follow the gag order.

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Even more messed up is pay-to-stay prisons in the "land of the free". American culture loves to be "tough" on crime, then anyone who supports helping those found guilty or accused is immediately labeled as a criminal as well, because "why would you want to help a convict unless you're one too?"

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LMG and Linus in particular have not been reliable to me for a while. It all started with the screwdriver. First it was the full of year of videos teasing the product, it was just absurd how long it took to come out. Then when I watched Linus react to the project farm review is where things really turned for me. Project farm fairly rated the screwdriver and as he always does called out pros and cons of each product. Linus seemed to not be able to take the criticisms and seemed to almost get mad at project farm about it. The main criticism I remember is that in the ratcheting screwdriver market there are several companies that offer lifetime warranty and same day delivery/replacement. Project farm noted that LMG does not offer this level of customer service and they are being new to marketplace may not be equipped to handle common problems other supplies easily fix. Instead of admitting that LMG isn't trying to compete with companies like Mac tools or Snapon Linus immediately gets defensive and tries to discredit the need for 24/7 support.

I have also noticed the high amount of corrections in recent videos. I could see not wanting to reshoot a portion of video where Linus is speaking on camera. But why not show some B role and have Linus record a corrected voice over? Edited well viewers wouldn't even notice.

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Herein the USA we spend a lot of time in elementary school learning of our own nations history of slavery. These teachings are almost always in the past tense so it makes it very easy to forget that there is still modern slavery. We still has work to do to improve our society.

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Buy Bitcoin! Sell in November 2021!

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To be fair most people would have to file for bankruptcy if they were given a $148 million dollar bill.

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I work as a programmer and I didn't realize how many people have already adopted AI into their workflow. About half of my coworkers (most younger people) ask chatGPT to write code for whatever they need to program before starting. Even after corporate emails about not sharing IP and trade secrets with AI people still do it. AI is a powerful tool and it cannot be un-invented. People will use it as long as it continues to make their lives easier.

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You could probably use some sort of adhesive or tape but I don't think that would help them work together.

If I owe the bank $1000 that's my problem, if I owe the bank $73,000,000 that's the banks problem.

Not true. Fake news. Everyone knows that for the first few hundred million years after Earth first formed the average surface temperature was 80C (176F).

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The patent for the toilet paper roll clearly shows the roll going over. Any other way is user error.

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It's a confirmed 1150 people at a single facility. Definitely a significant number for that facility and surrounding area.

Democracy does no guarantee freedom of speech. A democracy is just a form of government where everyone has a voting say in how the government is run.

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Yes, many nations outlawed these during the great USB wars. So many packets lost, so many busses unserialized, and we still feel the consequences today.

FUCKCARS. NYC is on of the few places in the USA where you can live 100% car free. The idea that people are willingly driving into Manhattan to go to a restaurant is 100% fabricated by people who have never tried to drive into Manhattan. It is not a place for driving it is a place for transit and walking.

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