Bald people save a lot of money on shampoo. to – 168 points –

We also save a ton of time in the shower. But I just spend that extra time crying in the shower because I have no hair.

I'm bald. Yesterday I was at the store buying soap and started looking for shampoo for bald people. Couldn't find anything so figured I'd Google it (I didn't).

I don't know, I still use normal shampoo to wash my head. I have dry skin and figured using normal soap on my scalp would make it worse. All this to say I'm not saving any money.

I've been shaving my head for fundraising events as well as my own health-related reasons off and on for ~20 years. My dermatologist suggested a specific face wash and moisturizer/sunscreen for me due to rosacea/eczema/skin allergies, so I've been using the same on my scalp whenever I shave it. The brand she recommended to me for both is CeraVe, so that's what I've been using for several years now.

Old Spice makes a bald care wash. I really enjoy it. Exfoliates nicely, smells really good, and moisturizes.

You, too, could go No-Poo!

I've tried it and I turn into a human dandruff machine.

Some of us just have crap scalps.

It's because you've been shampooing daily (or however frequently). Shampoo is designed to remove the oil from your hair/scalp, so then your scalp has to compensate (and also you have to add conditioner to put it back).

The way to switch over to no-poo is to slowly increase the number of days between shampooing until it isn't an issue anymore. Only shampoo when you need to.

Also, try washing with conditioner instead of shampoo (co-wash). The oils in the conditioner bind with the oils in your hair so you still remove some of them, but it doesn't strip it all. I (a man with thick about shoulder length hair) only co-wash once every week or so. I wash with water daily. This is what's worked for me. You will have an adjustment period though because you've been putting your scalp through so much, it has to get used to that not happening.

It's not needing to go for haircuts where the real money savings are.

I bought a wireless hair clipper in February of 2020 for $50 on Amazon. Every few weeks I go out in my back yard and buzz it all off in about 5 minutes. I'm definately happy.

I'm using my electric shaver to trim my own hair (it came with a facial hair trimmer, and I may have stretched the boundaries of my face slightly)

This is the way.
$20 clippers from the mart of walls. Buzz it all down to an even fuzz every two weeks.

I've got a beard and my shampoo is way more expensive

Wat? You need special shampoo for hair on your face? Sucker say what?

Wouldn’t regular shampoo also work? Sorry if that was a stupid question

It would. They're probably snobby about a brand.

Well.. I am really picky about a certain shampoo to the point I got a bunch of them on supply in case the brand ever goes out of business so I can relate! :)

You don't even have to go bald; you can just shave your head.

And it's still cheaper once you include haircuts. Speaking from experience.

How much money do you really spend on shampoo though?

This. Decent shampoo is only around $10 a bottle, and if you have short hair, you really only need a thimble full at a time. For those who think they need more: the lather is a lie!

I've been using the same bottle of shampoo for like 2 years and it's maybe a little less than half full. I use it to make bubble baths sometimes too lol

Maybe they need sunscreen though? I see bald heads in the sun reflecting back at me and wonder how often it gets burnt.

The razor blade cost comes out to more than what i was spending on shampoo…

Get a DE Razor. You can buy a 100 pack of blades for the price of 4 cartridge type blades. Plus they give a way better shave! They aren't as forgiving as the cartridge type though so you'll need to take your time until you get the knack of a DE razor.

If you go for that, take your time and do your research on razors, don't pick the first one, and don't worry on spending 100+€/$ on one, you can hand down that thing to your great grandkids.

It'll also save* you money in probably a year, depending on what you were using before. (*Not including software, because we all spend too much on that after we start.)

Ya, tried the safety razor route multiple times, but always end up going back to cartridges.

Theyre easier to use (especially when im in a hurry) and dont irritate my skin as much

I get the store brand 4 blade cartridges $20 for a 12 pack with a handle. Lasts me about three years shaving twice a week.

I try the DE again every so often but am never happy with it. The soap puck and brush are great though. The only time I use canned foam is when traveling.

I just buy cheap $2 bottles of shampoo and use it for my whole body. Cheaper than shower gel, and I've been doing it for over 5 years with no problems. It's all soap, right?

Right! I actually worked at P&G in the dawn dish soap division for a while. The same ingredients that go into the dish soap also go into the body and hair soaps. There are some different additives, concentrations, and flavors but it's all the same based ingredients. Also my entire body is covered in skin and hair so what does it matter?

Exactly! Although I find dishwashing detergent dries out your skin a lot more, so I wouldn't try using that lol. Shampoo has a pH closer to your skin than a bar of soap, so is really quite well suited for it.

True, but I still have all my hair--and haven't used shampoo in two decades. I use this stuff literally head-to-toe.

I think you’re still spending money on that though

Of course, but not soap AND shampoo. Just soap.

Right but if the soap and shampoo are similarly priced you’re spending the same amount of money. I also use Bronner’s and shampoo but I don’t remember how much they cost sadly, though I feel like it’s pretty close?

Long hair here! Cut my hair at home and wash it every 7-10 days and its healthy and lush, still cheap!

Dang. If I go two days without washing my hair gets so greesy I can't stand it.

Mine was worse when it was shorter and I washed it daily, but as I grew it out so the bother of washing grew. But somehow it didn't get greasy. But - I still use that as a gauge, if I spend too much time in the climbing gym or in the woods it tends to get greasier faster so I'll wash it more often.

I think if you actually saw the people typing these comments, you'd read their words very differently. Ask like anyone attractive or with healthy hair irl on how much they shampoo.

There seems to be a lot of anti shampoo bias in these comments. I'm not sure what you are trying to get at but I'll have you know my mother once said I had great hair.

I always get compliments by hairdressers on how healthy my hair is and I don't really do much (or know what to do, admitting my ignorance on the matter).

However I'm not anti/shampoo or anything I just shampoo by need instead of by habit

So can people who aren't bald, because you don't actually need shampoo to begin with.

Yes you do lol, you'd look like one of those greasy hippies that look like they haven't showered in years.

Nah you don't, I didn't use it for a long time and my hair was great! There's a period after you stop where your hair is greasy, yes, but after ~a month it settles down a lot. You still need to wash it with hot water but, if anything, in my experience it was more resilient to missing a day of washing than it is now that I'm using shampoo/conditioner again.

Edit: I should say though this is probably not for everyone. Depends on your hair type and how healthy your scalp is.

That's just disgusting.

Why? I've known several people who do this, it's totally fine. I'm sure for some people it would leave you with really greasy hair, but otherwise what's the issue? It doesn't smell or anything if that's your concern.

Hygiene, my friend. Hygiene matters. People have been washing their bodies and heads for thousands of years, even many animals do that.

Yes, but hygiene does not always = soap. Everyone's needs are different.

There are different soaps. Please educate yourself.

With water, not shampoo. The first shampoo seems to be from 1930. It's a marketing scheme to sell crap you don't need.

No, that's some conspiracy theory. People were using all kinds of soaps for washing in Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt. Don't be dumb and disgusting.

You still wash your hair. It just produces far less oil because you aren't stripping it (and then replacing it with another product). My hair is healthier than ever since I stopped using shampoo, but it still gets washed plenty. I wash with conditioner about once a week and wash with water every day.

You've been told you need to shampoo and that that's normal, but it isn't. It's just a way to sell a product which also requires you to buy another product to reverse the damage it did (unless you want unhealthy hair).

No, you basically have very poor hygiene and you believe some dumb conspiracy theories.

My hygiene is rather good actually. You could stop insulting people when you have no information. That would be nice. Instead you think your uninformed opinion is better than my (and other's) informed opinions.

How do you even have an opinion of this without experience? Why do you even care? Just accept that other people have more knowledge through actual experience than you.

Did you know that most of the cleaning action of hand washing is from just rubbing your hands together under water? Soap improves this, but if you don't have soap you can still effectively clean your hands by just doing the action under water. I'm not eating or grabbing doorknobs with my hair, so I'm not too bothered with it not being as clean as possible (regardless, not 100%). I'll accept slightly more bacteria that isn't causing any issue for much healthier hair.

Nah that's just what Maybelline want you to think, and you do think it, so they have won.

I haven't used shampoo on my long hair that is mid back length now. It's not at all greasy. It was for a month when I had short hair and gave up on shampoo.

Also I no longer have dandruff and my hair is more manageable, so I don't need product in my hair either.

I "shampoo" with conditioner once a week and just use hot water the rest of the time.

Waste your money on shampoo though, I don't care.

That sounds disgusting no matter how many times you want to say it's actually not that bad. I will fall for big Shampoo propaganda because I don't want to feel extremely gross. That's why I get my advice from people irl with healthy hair. I also suggest telling this to your barber next time you get a haircut.

That sounds disgusting...

Sure. I would have agreed before I knew better. To think you know better without experience though is pure ignorance. You can ignore people wit experience and keep listening to marketing all you want though. Whatever.

Also, my barbers always comment on how healthy my hair is and ask how I do it, and it takes very little effort to do (negative effort considering I'm removing something else).

Ok thanks for your baseless opinion. I'll bare it mind when I care very little about what you think.