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I know its super pedantic, but the word “accident” really grinds my gears in this context.

The proper terminology is “crash”.. accident infers that there is no fault or misconduct.

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This is a thing on (some) planes.

Took a transatlantic flight that had this functionality.. it wasnt in the call button, but on the infotainment system. Instead of playing movies, you could set the screen to display one of those 2 options.

I know that a short visit doesnt give great insight into a place, but the following 2 things were very striking to me when visiting:

1 - the smoking.. i found it disturbing just how many people were smoking 2 - the graffiti. I was surprised by just how much graffiti there was. Do people not take pride in their property enough to wash it off? I know Graffiti is common everywhere, but it seemed to be on a whole other level in europe.. like it wasnt just on the back alleys, but on the front facades of buildings too. The front door of one of my airbnbs was covered in graffiti.

There was 1 thing though that was totally the opposite though & made total sense... the dual function windows (where you turn the handle 1 way to open them like a door & another way to lean them in to provide ventilation. These were everywhere & i found them to be the most functional thing ever! I wish they would catch on in the usa.. with that said, the first time i discovered this functionality, it was accidental. I panicked as i thought i broke the window lol.

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When i was a kid, a mexican restaurant chain shut down after a bunch of people got sick/died of hepatitis A in my city.

The day they reopened, it was highly publicized on the local news, and my family went there to eat.. i asked my dad if he was concerned about getting sick. He stopped, looked me in the eye, and told me with the upmost confidence “i guarantee you that this will be the cleanest restaurant meal you will ever have in your life”…

i feel a similar concept applies to this situation.. with all the eyes on the 737 max8, there is no way management is going to sell one if it has outstanding flaws/safety issues.

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Youre never “nothing”… youre always something special! I promise :)

Example: when there is no traffic, youre still a noise & particulate generator that lowers property values, warms our planet, and makes the built environment more hostile/dangerous and depressing for everyone nearby.

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I want (my employer) to be able to choose my death panel (without my input, based on how it affects their shareholder profits) in the free market!

Fixed it for you ;)

due to cognitive bias, roughly 80% of drivers think that they are "above average" in their driving ability.

AKA, you're probably overestimating your driving ability and are not as good of a driver as you think you are..

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No, it doesnt make sense for the following reason:

Trains have priority. Road users are required by law to yield to them.

Unless the crosswalk is signalized, cars do NOT have priority & are required by law to crosswalk users.

Here are a few that I find have consistent high quality content:

The B1M... His videos seem to really get into the nitty gritty logistics of various large construction projects.

Caitlin Doughty (Ask a Mortician)... I feel like each video is better than the previous. The historical death documentaries are incredible.

Climate Town... Videos about climate change & has a really fun sense of humor.

Neo... Lots of really cool explanatory videos. The editing is really good as well! The recent video on the presidential motorcade was very cool.

And one more... Reckless Ben... IDK if it really fits within the prompt of this thread.. The channel is tough to watch with all the annoying humor & there is a lot of hit-or-miss videos, but at least lately, it seems to really be doing some very interesting things. I enjoyed his series on mckamey manor.

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The razor blade cost comes out to more than what i was spending on shampoo…

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My partner’s family lives on a dirt road between a corn field and cow pasture.. a full 1.5 hour drive from the nearest mid-sized city.. they have gigabit fiber..

Not saying that their situation is currently typical, but id argue it is indeed a sign that good internet is slowly but surely coming available to everyone.

They do make twist in plugs…

Your standard (north american) plug is a NEMA 5-20R.. the twist in (locking) variant is NEMA L5-20R.

I see locking plugs most commonly used in applications where the cord may have a bit more force to it.. example: a ceiling mounted receptacle serving movable furniture/equipment.

Theyre not used for standard domestic applications for all the reasons other userd indicated in this thread.

Would suggest a driving trip on I65 just north of Lafayette Indiana..

It is a flat boring patch of rural farm land just like the rest of rural indiana, but they added hundreds of wind turbines to the fields that stretch as far as the eye can see. It is truly a marvel to look at..

In essence, i drive through rural indiana every so often.. i can definitively confirm that the section with windmills is far more interesting looking than the rest.

""Does the impact of pollutants and carbon offset even cover the cost of replacement given the current efficiency?""

Gas stoves emit a variety of harmful air pollutants.. The articles linked below indicate that these pollutants create a myriad of health issues that are particularly evident in children.. The studies cited in the article indicate that exposure comparable to cooking with gas increased respiratory illness in children by 20%..

Assuming a new stove costs $900, lasts 10 years, and you make $20/hr, missing just 6 days of work in that 10 year span from respiratory illness would cost more than getting a new stove. Considering that the NO2 quantity produced by gas stoves can cause a 20% increase in respiratory illness in children, I'd argue that switching is a no-brainer from a purely cost aspect, especially if you have children.. Missing work to deal with a sick kid is a nightmare.

If youre living alone & working from home, its likely that just factoring time lost to illness likely wouldn't cover the cost of replacement, but that is just 1 factor out of many..

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Only been to a handful of concerts in my life… the first was a Village People tribute band when i was a kid.

The drive there was quite long. My friend’s father (who was taking us there) turned on an old pop radio station to get us in the mood. That drive introduced me to the Weather Girls “Its raining men”.

Ended up spending the whole concert thinking about that song instead of the live band playing.

Oh interesting… what is the controversy/false advice?

Speed 2: cruise control

I know its likely unpopular, even for a list like this, but i find myself genuinely enjoying putting it on. Quite often.

It is an action movie, but it isnt all dark & gloomy like so many in the genre. Instead, its bright and sunny. The scenarios genuinely make no sense (ex, door handles apparently dont exist) but the movie still feels fun and entertaining.

One of my favorite shows! Definitely recommend

I think youre fundamentally misunderstanding how math works…

Sales tax is percentage based… purchasing 1 item at $10 pays the exact same amount of sales tax as purchasing 2 items at $5 or 10 items at $1 regardless of if the tax is applied “per item” or “total sale”.

For me, it was Cities:Skylines. My old PC couldnt play it (first game i wanted to play that it couldnt run), so i upgraded.

Now that Cities:Skylines2 is coming out in a few months, i anticipate needing to upgrade again lol.

If this is the case, then why hasnt the rest of the world seen a similarly startling increase in pedestrian fatalities?

The rise in smartphones was a global phenomenon. By your logic, the entire world should be seeing similar rises in pedestrian fatalities, but they arent.

On the other hand, the rapid increase in vehicle size/weight has been fairly localized to the US due to regulations that incentivized such..

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They’ve been playing ads for at least a decade.. though in the early days, some of the gas stations near me played some cringy jimmy kimmel shit instead of ads (somehow, i preferred having my ears violated by the ads)

Yet one more thing that makes me thankful to have gotten rid of my car completely.. not being dependent on gas stations is super liberating.

I live in an apartment that is right next to active train tracks.. a few floors up, i have a prime view of the tracks from my windows/balcony.. its a heavily used corridor that sees both freight and passenger service.

While im not really into trains, (more of a nuisance for me.. being essentially right above the tracks), i will say, ive seen some really cool shit that really gave me a real appreciation for people who enjoy trains… since moving here, i find myself actually going to the window to watch them more often than anticipated.

Personally, the coolest stuff ive seen hasnt been the freight or passenger trains, but the ultra specialized equipment used to maintain the tracks.. some examples:

1- one day, they replaced the railroad ties under the tracks. They had a really cool set of machinery that i can only describe as a robot on rails.. the front of it pulled out every other tie, the back installed a new tie in its place with a bunch of other steps in-between.

2-they were shipping a bunch of railroad rails. The rails were in long continuous segments that spanned the entire train’s length.. my apartment perch is on a relatively sharp curve in the rails (really pleasant for noise /s), so it was cool to see how they handled it.. the train essentially shimmied back and forth only a few feet at a time to allow their rail payload to bend and adjust to the curve in the track.

Totally agree with the local elections! When i was young, i used to skip these elections, but i vote in every single one of them now. Hell, im also the nerd who spends free time attending council meetings & stuff to voice my opinions!

It really does make a difference voting in these local elections! Even things you might not see as useful (school board was always that way for me) have significant ramifications on day to day life. Ive seen it first hand.

With that said, i have a bone to pick regarding the presidential primaries. Sure there are 10 candidates for (some) voters, but many voters get effectively excluded from the process entirely. My state is fairly late in the primary process and almost never actually gets a choice. People always say “just vote in the primaries if you dont want the geriatric moderate”, but that is all that is left on the ballot. The last presidential primary for example, while biden hadnt technically won the primary yet, he was the only name on the ballot as all the other candidates had dropped out. Real fucking awesome selection i had.. Id like to be enlightened where my choice was. From my perspective, it looks like it was decided before i even got the chance to vote. its a super fucked up system that im very bitter about.

Back when i was a teenager, i was a lifeguard. One day, a mother came to the pool with 3 young children. They were playing by the stairs in the shallow end of the pool when one of the children got out & proceeded to diarrhea on the floor. Mother swiftly picked up the kid in a panic & brought him clear to the other side of the pool to grab her towel. Once she had her towel, she proceeded to continue carrying the continuously shitting child back toward the shallow end on the other side of the pool & into the locker room.

This kid left a trail of shit that entirely circled the pool + a path to the locker room (total was easily over 150 linear feet of diarrhea.)

I would know as i was the dumb teenager who was tasked with cleaning it up… it was a very grueling day.

In short, i think it is very believable that it was “all the way”…

Completely agree! Its why in addition to making relatively lighthearted insults on the internet, i actually advocate for such changes by regularly attending government meetings and contacting my elected representatives.

Hell, just this week, i participated in a meeting to change my city’s zoning code to allow more density, wrote to all of my representatives (granted this week, my email to them was about the lack of worker protections associated with PTO…) and researched all the agenda items for the upcoming city development and transportation meetings.

If there is anything im missing that would help advocate for such changes, im all ears! No really… i actually enjoy going to these meetings as dull as that sounds and would love to know more! Its been kind of an emerging hobby for me lol.

Its the dryest and dullest thing ever, but for some reason, ive been really into that! As a perk, the people watching at such meetings is amazing. Id love for more people to experience the wonders that is a local government meeting.

Well, youre not going to find something “on the scale” of central park in other cities because no us city is “on the scale” of nyc..

-Size wise, nyc’s population is nearly double the next largest city.. -Density wise, nyc’s population density is nearly double that of the next densest city -skyscraper wise, nyc has nearly double the quantity of skyscrapers as the next most skyscraper heavy city..

See the trend??

If you look at it proportionally though, many US cities have something similar, many of them have been brought up itt…

Personally, id say pittsburgh and chicago have roughly what youre looking for..

-chicago has a few large urban parks that are surrounded by skyscrapers.. the only difference is that they are next to the lake.. pretty much all the amenities in nyc’s central park can be found in lincoln & grant parks..

-pittsburgh also has a large urban park in the heart of downtown (hell, they bulldozed 1/3 of downtown to build it).. while it only has skyscrapers on one side, it is literally 1/10th the size of nyc, so give it some slack lol.

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I've been enjoying it.. Lots of cool new features & fun gameplay... Have about 6 hours in it right now. Overall, i feel like the game has lots of potential even if some of it is unrealized at the moment.

PC Specs: laptop with i7-9750H, RTX 2060, 16gb ram.. (below recommended hardware, but above minimum hardware)

Regarding performance: When I first got in, it was pretty rough.. lots of blurry blobs of textures, invisible buildings, and lots of lag... Once I played with the graphic settings though, these issues effectively disappeared. The game looks very good and is very playable. It does still studder on occasion, but nothing that makes the game feel unplayable.

Regarding playability: The gameplay feels like a real upgrade compared to CS1. I know it sounds cliche, but the cities really do feel super alive. The progression feels natural and exciting. I actually got so inveloped in the gameplay that i completely lost track of time & ended up going to bed much later than i wanted lol.

While overall I really enjoy the game, there are a couple things to note that I find particularly annoying: 1 - The achievements.. IMO, achievements are super dumb to begin with (wish there was a way to blanket turn them off), but CS2 really takes it to a whole new annoying level. Example: one achievement is to cure 6000 sims in the clinic/hospital. It literally gives you a popup notification for every... single... one of those 6000 sims cured. So incredibly annoying. 2 - I've encountered some minor bugs here and there.. nothing game breaking, but they did get slightly annoying.. 1 in particular was little invisible pockets of water on the land that made road placement difficult.

I have… Was on a poorly designed bike lane where the straight bike lane & right turn lane merged at the intersections. I stopped at the red light waiting for the light to turn green (as your supposed to do).

A car pulled in behind me and immediately started honking and putting his head out the window to berate me for blocking his right turn on red. I was actually terrified & was one of the interactions that made me reconsider using my bike as transportation.

I actually really disagree about the whole diamond thing..

In addition to it being the primary plot device to get rose to actually tell her story, it plays a pivotal role in the story aboard the ship & is a key element in one of the main themes of the movie (money doesnt buy happiness).

Regarding the 1st part (wearing it for the drawing).. the drawing was intended to be malicious.. effectively a way to tell cal “we’re over”.. hence the note that accompanied it saying “darling, now you can keep both locked in your safe”. It was effectively a vulgar display to cal showing that she cant be “bought” (essentially what her arranged marriage was.. selling her as effectively a slave so that her mother would remain wealthy).

Regarding the shooting scene, id argue it wasnt about the diamond at all, but about what happened just moments before… jack and cal were both trying to get rose on the lifeboat. It was super macho aggressive where they were both kind-of attempting to one-up eachother to win her affection (hence cal removing jack’s blanket and giving her the coat). This is also when cal gave his “i always win, one way or another” remark. Rose jumps back onto the ship and right into jacks arms (passionately kissing in front of cal). Enraged by this, cal chases them with the gun.. id argue, this is cal’s last ditch attempt of “winning” (attempting to force them apart through murder). I think the comment about the diamond was just more of an afterthought once the adrenaline wore off.

Regarding throwing it overboard, what was she supposed to do? Give it generously to bill paxton? Rose’s entire presence on the modern ship & all of her actions are purely malicious. Bill paxton getting the diamond is literally the worst case scenario.

Think of how rose got involved.. Bill paxton was showing off the drawing on tv to essentially say “see, we arent grave robbing, we are simply preserving history”. Rose saw right through that though due to her knowledge of where the drawing was (in the safe). Her phone call to bill paxton saying “have you found the heart of the ocean?” Wasnt a sincere question, but more of a “i know exactly what youre doing” threat. She is there to stop them, not reward them.. her excessive luggage & wasting a whole day of their time to ramble about old grandma stories prove that. (on a ship like that, schedule is everything and wasting a day to listen to old grandma stories is most certainly a worst case scenario that will cost them millions).

Sure in theory, she could sell it, but doing so would create 3 issues..

1- the sale of such a priceless artifact would garner tons of attention. Everyone with even the slightest potential stake in it would likely come after her with an armies of lawyers (think insurance companies, cal’s heirs, the UK government/royal family, bill paxton’s company, etc).. Sure, enough time has passed that different statutes would limit their effectiveness in achieving success, but she (and her family) would be put in a precarious position of spending years entangled in legal battles while simultaneously being both “rich” and “not rich” (cant exactly buy a lawyer with a diamond that may or may not be yours after the fierce legal battles)… its really being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

2- it would go deeply against her moral compass. Her entire life story was essentially being enslaved by wealth & escaping/ living an amazing life it by essentially faking her death to become poor.

3- The diamond is really the only tangible item associated with her past life, jack’s entire existence, and an event that played such a pivotal role in completely changing every aspect of her life. likely not a single day goes by where titanic isnt in her mind… Considering this, id argue the sentimental value of such an item likely holds more value to her than all the money in the world.

Personally, I always saw her throwing such an item in the ocean being similar to putting a cherished possession in the casket of a deceased loved one.. frankly, i think it is the single most profound scene in the movie. Ive watched the movie literally hundreds of times & that scene is without fail when i start crying. The solitude nature of the act coupled with the look of relief on rose’s face just get to me. Its like shes been holding her breath for the last 84 years & that moment was the first time she was able to finally breathe.

My city’s DPW recently performed 2 traffic studies as part of their pedestrian plan.

One was driver yield rates at unsignalized crosswalks. The results of this study indicated that of the 825 yielding oppurtunities observed, drivers yielded only 173 times (aka, 79% of drivers failed to yield in violation of state law).

The other was a speed study. Of the 35 observed roads, all 35 had a measured median speed that exceeded the speed limit. 34 of the 35 had measured average speeds that exceeded the speed limit..

Based on these findings, An overwhelming majority of drivers fail to abide by basic traffic laws. I would argue that breaking basic traffic laws makes one a terrible driver, so yes. A large majority (like 79%) are terrible.

No problem :)

I wish you luck in your quest for a demo..

Every time I open spotify, I always start my music experience with one of 3 songs..

"Numb" by Linkin Park

"Complicated" by, Avril Lavigne

"Perfect Day" by Hoku (legally blonde soundtrack)

so probably one of those 3 songs

Cities Skylines 2 is the 1st game i ever preordered.

I figured CS1 is one of my most played games & i was gonna buy CS2 when it launched anyway, so why not do it now? By doing so now, its 1 less thing taking up space in my mind & theres really Nothing to lose with steams refund policy.

The incredible transparency they have been providing via the dev diaries + the fact that they hired a bunch of the top modders from CS1 to help develop the game is what got me to pull the trigger.

The best option is to ditch the car entirely.. buy an ebike instead for the price of 1 car payment, or move to an area with ample sidewalks/mass transit..

Definitely a big task, but is certainly more viable than buying a car with cash… (it most certainly was for me at least..)

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And the same still applied in 1860… nyc was double the size of the next largest city back then.

And to answer your question, they did do the same... chicago for example also built lincoln park in 1860 even though they were 1/10th the population at the time. The only difference between central & lincoln park is that lincoln park is larger than central park & not as square.. its entirety (that isnt water) is surrounded by skyscrapers & is very much central to the city…

To add more, central park is 4 miles away from the citys financial district.. lincoln park is 2 miles away… it is MORE “central” than central park lol

I think it was more regarding the strategic importance of the emerging northwest passage arctic shipping route.

Ya, tried the safety razor route multiple times, but always end up going back to cartridges.

Theyre easier to use (especially when im in a hurry) and dont irritate my skin as much

The LED bulbs have a higher up front cost, but ive not come across a single instance where an incandescent was cheaper when factoring electricity costs.