2 Post – 1927 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Cancel it, problem solved.

There are no good open source CAD systems at all.

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What kind of comedy is that? If some party denies the government the ability to protect its national border, such party is committing a treason. Just roll the fuckers over with tanks.

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Yet another proof that tankies and MAGA are on the same side.

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AliExpress is a rock solid platform. You just need to know official Chinese brand accounts there. It's just like Amazon - you order random shit there, you get shit in the mailbox. You order from a reputable branded shop there and you get a high quality item.

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Considering the quality of posts from the majority of people on FB, AI posts will make your feed much better.

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Now the share price will drop and he will buy his share back at a discount. Then they will revert the policy and share prices will rise. Boom! Free monies!

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It's an American language fault. Parchment paper is called baking paper elsewhere. You can't make a mistake when choosing between baking paper and non baking paper.

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What the fuck is wrong with US? It feels like I'm leaving a comment like this way too often... What the fuck?

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Oh look, the post is overrun by genocide apologists!

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That's the shittiest shitpost ever.

I don't know about drinking, but when you quit smoking, it will take many months for your body to heal. Expect extreme coughing, nausea and other unpleasant side effects. I went through it after more than a decade of heavy smoking and it was not fun at all. But hey, I don't smoke for over a decade now and couldn't be happier about it.

Java is getting better each year plus Kotlin works in the same eco system and is hyper popular. I don't think that Java will wither any time soon.

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I don't understand why these people complain about "freedom of speech". Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private services.

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It's ironic that Hollywood was created by filmmakers and actors who got tired of being exploited by investors and cinemas alike.

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Tankies are modding many communities here as well. The solution is to fight them tooth and nail.

This is a very silly conspiracy theory. Big corps don't give a shit about Lemmy, but there are plenty of script kiddies who want to hack easy targets. Contrary to your belief, there are plenty of dumb idiots with plenty of badness in their hearts.

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If the communities you like to read and post to are down, then Fediverse is effectively down for you. Thus it doesn't offer any additional resilience, it's not a P2P system.

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Original Skype was mine blowing at the time because it was able to send files peer to peer even when people were behind firewalls. Peer to peer file transfers were the norm at the time, but when both parties were behind firewall file transfers wouldn't work, obviously. Skype used different hacks like UDP punch to establish P2P connection and if everything failed then it would fall back to proxying.

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LW turned into a shit show pretty fast...

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Murica - the land of free or something.

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You actually could use standalone Gecko back in the days, but Mozilla closed the project and made everything tightly integrated.

I don't know what your problem is, guys. When Skyrim was released, NVIDIA had GT 5xx series. Skyrim barely run at 40 FPS on Ultra on 1080p on a GT 560. Today, according to Gamers Nexus, Starfield runs at 60 FPS average on GTX 4060.

So, Starfield is better optimised than Skyrim was. Go buy a new GPU.

I said it many times before - no one wants this war to end except for Ukrainians. It's just a very profitable venture for the rest of the world.

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Bring it on, you fucking genocidal piece of shit!

Lemmy is just getting started and way too many people are talking about defederation for any reason possible. What is even the point of a federated platform if everyone's trying to defederate? If you don't like federation so much, go use Facebook or something.

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Because data synchronisation between instances is quite poor.

There are many things which are holding mass Linux adoption: hardware comparability, too many distros, hard to find and install software (no one cares about your package manager), lack of proprietary software, the list goes on. A lot of that could be resolved by third party developers, but Linux is a moving target and software development is a nightmare.

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Should've been Hexit instead of Brexit.

No more CDNs is a bad fucking idea.

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What are you making your tea out of if it costs €0.50? Gold or something?

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Sanctions when?

Many different salts, not just NaCl. As well as many metals and some acids. But they all are micronutrients, you won't get any calories out of them.

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IPv4 dried up a long time ago. But it's different for every country. Countries like US and UK simply took over large blocks of IPv4 addresses and countries like Brazil got fucked. So, if you're in a country with a large pool, you won't notice any issues today, but if you're not so lucky, a lot of internet services are not accessible to you because some dickhead got IP banned and that IP is shared by thousands if not millions of users in your country.

It's normal practice in the UK for police to aid the handling of mentally unstable people. The difference is that British police don't shoot people. Ever.

There are too many elephants in Botswana, not worldwide.

Firefox. Every update you see some promotion of some of their services.

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Defederation is cancer and it will kill Fediverse faster than any Meta.

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How do you lose a pension? It doesn't matter where you work or if a company gets bought.

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The problem with modern RTS games is that developers don't really make proper RTS games. You don't see C&C or SC anymore, instead you get a mixture of tactical missions, RPG levelling and other shit. I don't want to play stealth infiltration missions and level up my hero, that's not RTS.

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